66 research outputs found

    Método de captura e recaptura: nova metodologia para pesquisas epidemiológicas

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    Although capture-recapture method is not new, their use in epidemiological studies has so far been limited. The method was developed by animal ecologists to estimate the size of various species populations, but in recent years it has been used to measure the incidence and prevalence of a variety of non-communicable diseases. Capture-recapture allows more accurate estimates to be made than is the case with traditional methods and is more cost-effective. The method is ideally suited to studying rare or elusive populations, such as intravenous drug misusers; but they are highly adaptable and have been used to study populations as diverse as street working prostitutes and the human red-cell volume. The objectives of this review are to explain the mathematical theory behind capture-recapture, give examples of its use and application in clinical epidemiology and out line some of the modifications that have been made to the theory, which take into account the complex nature of samples used in clinical research. An increasing number of medical epidemoilogists have started to use the method, and its potencial for future epidemiological research is enormous.O método de captura e recaptura, embora não seja novo, tem sido pouco usado em estudos epidemiológicos. Trata-se de método bem adaptável e adequado para estudar populações incomuns ou esquivas, como usuários de drogas endovenosas. Tem sido usado para estudar populações diversas como prostitutas que trabalham na rua ou volume de células vermelhas no homem. Permite ainda estimar a incidência e a prevalência de doenças de forma mais precisa do que os métodos tradicionais e com uma melhor relação custo-benefício. Devido à sua relevância dentro do campo da epidemiologia, decidiu-se realizar uma revisão sobre esse método, enfocando a história, as principais aplicações e apontando as suposições teóricas que o fundamentam. Seu potencial para futuras pesquisas epidemiológicas é promissor

    Situações relacionadas ao uso indevido de drogas nas escolas públicas da cidade de São Paulo

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    OBJETIVO: Investigar situações, atitudes e comportamentos dos coordenadores pedagógicos das escolas municipais de ensino fundamental relacionados ao uso indevido de substâncias psicoativas. MÉTODOS: Estudo realizado na cidade de São Paulo, em 2002. As informações foram colhidas por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada, com oito informantes-chave locados em setor administrativo e com experiência de coordenação pedagógica. Foi realizada a análise qualitativa de conteúdo, com o referencial etnográfico. RESULTADOS: A idéia da transmissão de conhecimentos como base da prevenção permeia a maioria dos discursos, entretanto, os coordenadores relataram sentirem-se mal informados. As atitudes mais freqüentes frente ao usuário de drogas são de impotência e paralisia e algumas vezes, repressora. Elas são motivadas pelo desconhecimento e medo devido à associação entre usuário e marginalidade. Nas situações indiretamente associadas ao abuso de drogas (problemas familiares e de comportamento) foram relatadas atitudes mais compreensivas e inclusivas, compatível com práticas do paradigma da redução de danos. CONCLUSÕES: Uma capacitação teórica dos educadores para uma prática preventiva teria a função de ratificar aquela desenvolvida a partir da sua vivência na escola com as situações (in)diretamente associadas ao abuso de drogas. Conseqüentemente, os tornaria mais seguros nas suas intervenções de redução de danos ou risco com os usuários.OBJECTIVE: To explore situations, attitudes and behavior of public elementary school education supervisors concerning psychoactive substance misuse. METHODS: The study was carried out in the city of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, in 2002. Data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire applied to eight key informants in the administrative area experienced in education supervision. Qualitative content analysis with ethnographic reference was conducted. RESULTS: Most discourses show that knowledge transmission is thought as essential for drug use prevention, though supervisors reported being ill-informed on this subject. The most frequent attitudes toward drug users are impotence and inability to act and sometimes a repressive attitude. These are motivated by misinformation and fear due to mistaken association of drug users and criminals. In situations indirectly related to drug abuse (family and behavior problems) more understanding and inclusive attitudes are reported, following the harm reduction paradigm. CONCLUSIONS: Theoretical capacity building of educators for preventive attitudes would support their skills developed through dealing with situations (in)directly related to drug abuse in schools. Thus, educators would feel more confident to make interventions for harm or risk reduction among drug users

    Need for information in a representative sample of outpatients with schizophrenia disorders

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    Background: providing adequate information and involving patients in treatment has become an essential component of mental health care. Despite this, research regarding the extent to which this need has been met in clinical services is still scarce. Aims: To investigate the need for information about psychiatric condition and treatment among outpatients with schizophrenia disorders and how this need is associated with service use, adjusting for sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Methods: Need for information for information about condition and treatment was assessed using the corresponding domain in the Camberwell Assessment of Need (CAN), in a representative sample of 401 schizophrenia outpatients in Santos, Brazil. Hierarchical logistic regression was used to investigate the association of information as a reported need and as an unmet need with service use variables, adjusting for sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Results: Need for information was reported by 214 (53.4%) patients, being met in 101 (25.2%) and unmet in 113 (28.2%). Hierarchical regression indicated a significant association of a reported need with higher age of onset, family monitoring medication use last year and lower education level, which was the only associated with an unmet need. Conclusion: Information was a commonly reported need and which was often unmet, showing no significant association with service use. Greater attention should be given by mental health services to information provision

    Etiological treatment in psychiatry: the neurosyphilis model

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    This paper aims to study the historical evolution and describe the impact of modern antibiotic therapy on psychiatric hospital admissions. The data was collected in the hospital data bank with records of patients admissions from 1931 to 1991. Patients were classified by name, sex, age, marital status, social class, nationality, place of birth, occupation, number of admissions by neurosyphilis and other diagnosis as also date of admission and state of health at time of leaving hospital, and this information was used in the statistical analysis. The classification system of diagnosis is that used by WHO ICD - 9. The results show decreasing rates of admissions by neurosyphilis after the introduction of penicillin in 1948 (19%) to the last admission in the historical cohort in 1968. The antibiotics (penicillin) change the natural evolution of the disease and its pattern of morbidity and mortality. The therapeutical impact of antibiotics in the incidence and prevalence of hospitalization rates of neurosyphilis is never observed in any other psychiatric disease.Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a evolução histórica, durante 60 anos, das admissões por diagnóstico de neurossífilis em um hospital psiquiátrico e descrever o impacto da moderna antibioticoterapia. Foi baseado nos dados e planilhas do hospital psiquiátrico em estudo, de 1931 à 1991. O banco de dados do hospital contém informações do tipo: nome, sexo, idade, estado civil, nacionalidade, procedência, profissão, classe social, número de admissões por neurossífilis e outros diagnósticos, data de admissão, data de alta e diagnóstico pelo CID 9/WHO. A análise estatística envolveu todas as admissões até o último registro de paciente com diagnóstico de neurossífilis e comparado com resultados por outros tipos de admissões. Observou-se que antes da introdução da penicilina, nos serviços de saúde de Pelotas, em 1948, 19% das admissões eram por neurossífilis. Depois, os registros hospitalares descrevem uma tendência decrescente até a última admissão em 1968. O impacto da antibioticoterapia na história natural da neurossífilis foi o maior até hoje e nunca antes visto com outros recursos terapêuticos (biológicos, psicofarmacológicos e psicoterápicos), para outras doenças psiquiátricas.UCPel.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de PsiquiatriaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de PsiquiatriaSciEL

    Subjective distress in a representative sample of outpatients with psychotic disorders

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    The affective burden of psychotic disorder has been increasingly recognised. However, subjective… reports of distress and its covariates, especially those related to service use, remain under-investigated in patients with psychosis. This study investigated subjective distress and its covariates in a representative sample of 401 outpatients with a confirmed diagnosis of psychotic disorders in Brazil. Distress was assessed using the corresponding domain of a standardised measure of need - the Camberwell Assessment of Need. Distress was reported as a need by 165 (41%) patients, being met in 78 (20%) and unmet in 87 (22%). Hierarchical logistic regression showed that the presence of distress as a need was predicted by attendance at psychotherapy (OR=3.49, CI=1.62-7.53), presence of suicidal ideation (OR=2.89, CI=1.75-4.79), non-attendance at psychosocial rehabilitation (OR=2.84, CI=1.31-6.19), and higher psychopathology (OR=1.09, CI=1.06-1.12). An unmet need was predicted by family not accompanying patients to treatment (OR=2.60, CI=1.05-6.44) and higher psychopathology (OR=1.05, CI=1.02-1.09). The use of a cross-sectional design and a single questionnaire domain to evaluate distress are the main limitations. Subjective distress is a common unmet need in psychosis, and can be treated. The main clinical implication is that subjective distress in psychosis may be impacted on by family engagement and psychosocial intervention

    A cross-sectional study to compare levels of psychiatric morbidity between young people and adults exposed to violence in a large urban center

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    Background Teenagers and young adults are more exposed to violence and traumatic events than adults, and these factors can be associated with mental disorders. This paper aims at investigating whether young people are more exposed to violence and traumatic events and to compare pattern of mental disorders with adults. Methods Cross-sectional study using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, conducted between 2007 and 2008 with a randomly selected sample of 15 to 75 year-old residents of São Paulo, Brazil. Results Two thousand five hundred thirty-six participants were divided into two groups: 1096 (43.2 %) young people (15 to 24 years), and 1440 (56.8 %) adults (25 to 75 years). 12-month exposure to traumatic events was higher among young people (32.1 % vs. 20.6 %; p < 0.001). Assaultive violence was reported by 13.4 % of young people and 8.6 % of adults (p = 0.012); 20.1 % of young people and 13 % of adults reported suffering other injury or shocking events (p < 0.001); sudden death/life threatening illness of a close person was declared by 6.1 % of young people and 3.2 % of adults (p = 0.017). Prevalence of alcohol related disorders was higher among young people (5.4 % vs. 2.5 %; P = 0.032); depressive disorders were more prevalent among adults (9.0 % vs. 4.7 %; P = 0.004). Alcohol related disorders were associated to assaultive violence among young people (OR = 3.4; 95 % CI = 1.36 to 8.52; p = 0.004) and adults (OR = 2.38; 95 % CI = 1.23 to 4.61; p = 0.002). Phobic/anxiety disorders were associated to other injury or shocking events among young people (OR = 1.28; 95 % CI = 0.67 to 2.44; p = 0.025). Major depressive disorder was associated to assaultive violence among young people (OR = 2.27; 95 % CI = 1.09 to 4.74; p = 0.004) and adults (OR = 1.28; 95 % CI = 0.85 to 1.93; p = 0.009). Conclusion Exposure to violence and traumatic events was higher among young people. Alcohol related disorders, depression and phobic/anxiety disorders were significantly higher among young people exposed to traumatic events. Despite the study design, high exposure to violence and traumatic events in this age group can be considered important factors in triggering mental disorders in this vulnerable age period
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