779 research outputs found

    Retractions in Science

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    Publication plays a pivotal role in the growth and dissemination of scientific knowledge. But the growth of knowledge is neither strictly linear nor unidirectional. Mistakes are made. Retraction is one means by which the scientific record is corrected. In this paper, we examine the retraction practices and prevalence in the journal Science. We focus on 35 years of published retractions, from 1983 to 2017. We are not only concerned with determining the scope of the problem, but also the patterns in the data. From a policy perspective, knowledge of any patterns in retractions may be useful in developing targeted responses to deal with the root causes

    Retractions in Science

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    Publication plays a pivotal role in the growth and dissemination of scientific knowledge. But the growth of knowledge is neither strictly linear nor unidirectional. Mistakes are made. Retraction is one means by which the scientific record is corrected. In this paper, we examine the retraction practices and prevalence in the journal Science. We focus on 35 years of published retractions, from 1983 to 2017. We are not only concerned with determining the scope of the problem, but also the patterns in the data. From a policy perspective, knowledge of any patterns in retractions may be useful in developing targeted responses to deal with the root causes

    Tværsproglighedens veje: Om sproglig bevidsthed, tværsproglighed og didaktisk forandringsarbejde i en folkeskolekontekst

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    Denne afhandling undersøger potentialer og udfordringer knyttet til et tværfagligt didaktisk forandringsarbejde rettet imod tilvejebringelsen af rum for udvikling af sproglig bevidsthed gennem tværsproglighed i sprogundervisningen på tværs af fagene dansk, engelsk og tysk. Afhandlingen er baseret på et aktionsforskningsprojekt i folkeskolen i tæt samarbejde med tre lærere og deres to femteklasser. Projektets empiriske materiale er omfattende og mangfoldigt; det analyseres gennem en kompleksitetsorienteret tilgang i tre analytiske lag, der hver fokuserer på et af forskningsspørgsmålets tre centrale interessepunkter: kollaborativt didaktisk forandringsarbejde, tværsproglig didaktik og sproglig bevidsthed i klasserummet. Analyserne viser kompleksiteten i forandringsarbejdet og i klasserummets praksis, samt udfoldelsen af den tværsproglige didaktiks potentialer på både et tværfagligt og et enkeltfagligt niveau

    How do learning technologies impact on undergraduates’ emotional and cognitive engagement with their learning?

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    A common theme in the literature on learning technologies is the way in which they can facilitate engagement both within and outside of the classroom. However, a lack of a scholarly consensus on what constitutes engagement renders problematic the issue of how one makes meaningful sense of the data presented in studies. This paper presents an integrative review that explores student engagement with learning technologies and identifies major themes and trends within the field. When viewed against the evidence-based claims of individual studies, common ubiquitous narratives concerning learning technologies are problematised. The paper concludes with suggestions for future research in this area in the light of its findings

    The Impersistence of Joint Commitments

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    The phenomenon of shared intention has received much attention in the philosophy of mind and action. Margaret Gilbert (1989, 2000c, 2014b) argues that a shared intention to do A consists in a joint commitment to intend to do A. But we need to know more about the nature of joint commitments to know what exactly this implies. While the persistence of joint commitments has received much attention in the literature, their impersistence has received very little attention. In this paper, we shed light on the impersistence of joint commitments by showing how joint commitments can be dissolved by unexpected events