393 research outputs found

    Optimization of slender wings for center-of-pressure shift due to change in Mach number

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    It is observed that the center of pressure on a wing shifts as the Mach number is changed. Such shifts are in general undesirable and are sometimes compensated for by actively shifting the center of gravity of the aircraft or by using active stability controls. To avoid this complication, it is desirable to design the wings of a high speed aircraft so as to minimize the extent of the center-of-pressure shifts. This, together with a desire to minimize the center-of-pressure shifts in missile control surfaces, provides the motivation for this project. There are many design parameters which affect center-of-pressure shifts, but it is expected that the largest effects are due to the wing planform. Thus, for the sake of simplicity, this study is confined to an investigation of thin, flat, (i.e., no camber or twist), relatively slender, pointed wings flying at a small angle of attack. Once the dependence of the center of pressure on planform and Mach number is understood, we can expect to investigate the sensitivity of the center-of-pressure shifts to various other parameters

    A hybrid perturbation Galerkin technique with applications to slender body theory

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    A two step hybrid perturbation-Galerkin method to solve a variety of applied mathematics problems which involve a small parameter is presented. The method consists of: (1) the use of a regular or singular perturbation method to determine the asymptotic expansion of the solution in terms of the small parameter; (2) construction of an approximate solution in the form of a sum of the perturbation coefficient functions multiplied by (unknown) amplitudes (gauge functions); and (3) the use of the classical Bubnov-Galerkin method to determine these amplitudes. This hybrid method has the potential of overcoming some of the drawbacks of the perturbation method and the Bubnov-Galerkin method when they are applied by themselves, while combining some of the good features of both. The proposed method is applied to some singular perturbation problems in slender body theory. The results obtained from the hybrid method are compared with approximate solutions obtained by other methods, and the degree of applicability of the hybrid method to broader problem areas is discussed

    Resonant frequency calculations using a hybrid perturbation-Galerkin technique

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    A two-step hybrid perturbation Galerkin technique is applied to the problem of determining the resonant frequencies of one or several degree of freedom nonlinear systems involving a parameter. In one step, the Lindstedt-Poincare method is used to determine perturbation solutions which are formally valid about one or more special values of the parameter (e.g., for large or small values of the parameter). In step two, a subset of the perturbation coordinate functions determined in step one is used in Galerkin type approximation. The technique is illustrated for several one degree of freedom systems, including the Duffing and van der Pol oscillators, as well as for the compound pendulum. For all of the examples considered, it is shown that the frequencies obtained by the hybrid technique using only a few terms from the perturbation solutions are significantly more accurate than the perturbation results on which they are based, and they compare very well with frequencies obtained by purely numerical methods

    Investigating a hybrid perturbation-Galerkin technique using computer algebra

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    A two-step hybrid perturbation-Galerkin method is presented for the solution of a variety of differential equations type problems which involve a scalar parameter. The resulting (approximate) solution has the form of a sum where each term consists of the product of two functions. The first function is a function of the independent field variable(s) x, and the second is a function of the parameter lambda. In step one the functions of x are determined by forming a perturbation expansion in lambda. In step two the functions of lambda are determined through the use of the classical Bubnov-Gelerkin method. The resulting hybrid method has the potential of overcoming some of the drawbacks of the perturbation and Bubnov-Galerkin methods applied separately, while combining some of the good features of each. In particular, the results can be useful well beyond the radius of convergence associated with the perturbation expansion. The hybrid method is applied with the aid of computer algebra to a simple two-point boundary value problem where the radius of convergence is finite and to a quantum eigenvalue problem where the radius of convergence is zero. For both problems the hybrid method apparently converges for an infinite range of the parameter lambda. The results obtained from the hybrid method are compared with approximate solutions obtained by other methods, and the applicability of the hybrid method to broader problem areas is discussed

    A hybrid perturbation-Galerkin method for differential equations containing a parameter

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    A two-step hybrid perturbation-Galerkin method to solve a variety of differential equations which involve a parameter is presented and discussed. The method consists of: (1) the use of a perturbation method to determine the asymptotic expansion of the solution about one or more values of the parameter; and (2) the use of some of the perturbation coefficient functions as trial functions in the classical Bubnov-Galerkin method. This hybrid method has the potential of overcoming some of the drawbacks of the perturbation method and the Bubnov-Galerkin method when they are applied by themselves, while combining some of the good features of both. The proposed method is illustrated first with a simple linear two-point boundary value problem and is then applied to a nonlinear two-point boundary value problem in lubrication theory. The results obtained from the hybrid method are compared with approximate solutions obtained by purely numerical methods. Some general features of the method, as well as some special tips for its implementation, are discussed. A survey of some current research application areas is presented and its degree of applicability to broader problem areas is discussed

    A hybrid-perturbation-Galerkin technique which combines multiple expansions

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    A two-step hybrid perturbation-Galerkin method for the solution of a variety of differential equations type problems is found to give better results when multiple perturbation expansions are employed. The method assumes that there is parameter in the problem formulation and that a perturbation method can be sued to construct one or more expansions in this perturbation coefficient functions multiplied by computed amplitudes. In step one, regular and/or singular perturbation methods are used to determine the perturbation coefficient functions. The results of step one are in the form of one or more expansions each expressed as a sum of perturbation coefficient functions multiplied by a priori known gauge functions. In step two the classical Bubnov-Galerkin method uses the perturbation coefficient functions computed in step one to determine a set of amplitudes which replace and improve upon the gauge functions. The hybrid method has the potential of overcoming some of the drawbacks of the perturbation and Galerkin methods as applied separately, while combining some of their better features. The proposed method is applied, with two perturbation expansions in each case, to a variety of model ordinary differential equations problems including: a family of linear two-boundary-value problems, a nonlinear two-point boundary-value problem, a quantum mechanical eigenvalue problem and a nonlinear free oscillation problem. The results obtained from the hybrid methods are compared with approximate solutions obtained by other methods, and the applicability of the hybrid method to broader problem areas is discussed

    Exploiting symmetries in the modeling and analysis of tires

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    A simple and efficient computational strategy for reducing both the size of a tire model and the cost of the analysis of tires in the presence of symmetry-breaking conditions (unsymmetry in the tire material, geometry, or loading) is presented. The strategy is based on approximating the unsymmetric response of the tire with a linear combination of symmetric and antisymmetric global approximation vectors (or modes). Details are presented for the three main elements of the computational strategy, which include: use of special three-field mixed finite-element models, use of operator splitting, and substantial reduction in the number of degrees of freedom. The proposed computational stategy is applied to three quasi-symmetric problems of tires: linear analysis of anisotropic tires, through use of semianalytic finite elements, nonlinear analysis of anisotropic tires through use of two-dimensional shell finite elements, and nonlinear analysis of orthotropic tires subjected to unsymmetric loading. Three basic types of symmetry (and their combinations) exhibited by the tire response are identified

    Investigating a hybrid perturbation-Galerkin technique using computer algebra

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    A two-step hybrid perturbation-Galerkin method is investigated using computer algebra. The technique is applicable to a variety of differential equation type problems which involve a scalar parameter. An approximate solution is sought in the form of a sum where each term consists of the product of two functions. The first is a function of the independent field variable(s) x, and the second is a function of the parameter λ. In step one the functions of x are determined by forming a perturbation expansion in λ. In step two the functions of λ are determined through the use of the classical Bubnov-Galerkin method. This hybrid technique has the potential of overcoming some of the drawbacks of the perturbation and Bubnov-Galerkin methods applied separately, while combining some of the good features of each. In order to help investigate some of the properties of the approximate solutions generated by the hybrid technique, the technique is applied with the aid of computer algebra to a simple two-point boundary-value problem where the radius of convergence is finite and to a quantum eigenvalue problem where the radius of convergence is zero. For both problems the hybrid solutions are useful well beyond the radius of convergence associated with the perturbation expansion. Furthermore, for the first problem we demonstrate convergence for all values of the parameter. The role of computer algebra in applying and studying the hybrid technique is discussed

    Perturbation Analysis of the Limit Cycle of the Free Van Der Pol Equation

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    . A power series expansion in the damping parameter E of the limit cycle U(t; E) of the free van der Pol equation Ul + E( U2 _1) U + U =0 is constructed and analyzed. Coefficients in the expansion are computed up to 0(E24) in exact rational arithmetic using the symbolic manipulation system MACSYMA and up to O(E163) using a FORTRAN program. The series is analyzed using Pade approximants. The convergence of the series for the maximum amplitude of the limit cycle is limited by two pairs of complex conjugate singularities in the complex e-plane. These singularities are the same as those which limit the convergence of the series expansion of the frequency of the limit cycle. A new expansion parameter is introduced which maps these singularities to infinity and leads to a new expansion for the amplitude which converges for all real values of E. Amplitudes computed from this transformed series agree very well with reported numerical and asymptotic results. For the limit cycle itself, convergence of the series expansion is limited by three pairs of complex conjugate branch point singularities. Two pairs remain fixed throughout the cycle and correspond to the singularities found in the maximum amplitude series, while the third pair moves in the E-plane as a function of t from one of the fixed pairs to the other. This moving pair of singularities dominate the fixed singularities for certain ranges of t and hence account for a nonuniformity in the convergence of the series. The limit cycle series is transformed using a new expansion parameter, which leads to a new series that converges for larger values of E

    A hybrid Pade-Galerkin technique for differential equations

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    A three-step hybrid analysis technique, which successively uses the regular perturbation expansion method, the Pade expansion method, and then a Galerkin approximation, is presented and applied to some model boundary value problems. In the first step of the method, the regular perturbation method is used to construct an approximation to the solution in the form of a finite power series in a small parameter epsilon associated with the problem. In the second step of the method, the series approximation obtained in step one is used to construct a Pade approximation in the form of a rational function in the parameter epsilon. In the third step, the various powers of epsilon which appear in the Pade approximation are replaced by new (unknown) parameters (delta(sub j)). These new parameters are determined by requiring that the residual formed by substituting the new approximation into the governing differential equation is orthogonal to each of the perturbation coordinate functions used in step one. The technique is applied to model problems involving ordinary or partial differential equations. In general, the technique appears to provide good approximations to the solution even when the perturbation and Pade approximations fail to do so. The method is discussed and topics for future investigations are indicated