562 research outputs found

    Differences in chemical composition and antioxidant activity of three propolis samples collected in the same apiary

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    Financial support provided by FCT (PD/BD/128276/2017), under the Doctoral Programme Agrichains - PD/00122/2012

    Left ventricular systolic dysfunction in Marfan syndrome is related to aortic distensibility

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    Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2019.Background: The cardiovascular involvement in Marfan syndrome (MS) is characterized mainly by dilatation and reduced distensibility of the ascending aorta. Left ventricular (LV) dysfunction has been detected in MS and a primary cardiomyopathy has been suggested but the pathophysiology is unclear. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the LV function in patients with MS and to assess the relationship with the aortic distensibility, as possible underlying mechanism. Methods: We studied 53 patients with MS (27.0 ± 11 years, 29 men) without valvular or hypertensive heart disease and a control group of 26 healthy subjects (29 ± 9 years, 17 men). All underwent echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and the following indexes were analyzed: a) Echo: mitral flow velocities E/A ratio and deceleration of mitral E; E’ velocity obtained from the medial and lateral mitral ring; E/E’ ratio b) CMR: LV volumes indexed to BSA and ejection fraction (EF); global longitudinal strain (GLS, Circle cvI42); maximal size and distensibility of proximal ascending aorta. Distensibility was calculated from maximal (systolic) and minimum (diastolic) area of maximal proximal ascending aorta (cross-sectional images from SSFP sequence) using the formula=(maximum area-minimum area)/[ minimum area x (systolic BP-diastolic BP)]. Results: 17 from 53 patients with MS had increased LV end-diastolic volume, 14 decreased EF (<50%) and 22 decreased GLS. Compared with the control group, patients with MS showed increased LV end-diastolic volume (85.0 ± 5.2vs 80.1 ± 5.3ml/m2, p = 0.04), lower GLS (17.1 ± 1.9 vs 18.9 ± 2.2, p = 0.01) lower LVEF (53.0 ± 7.1% vs 56.0 ± 5.4%, p = 0.03) and higher E/E’ value (9.2 ± 1.3 vs. 6.2 ± 0.8, p = 0.01) as well as larger dimensions of proximal aorta (39 ± 2.2cm vs 32 ± 0.8,p = 0.010) and lower aortic distensibility (3.4 ± 1.9 vs. 4.4 ± 1.7 dynes cm-1, p = 0.03). In the group of patients, a correlation was found between the aortic distensibility and the LVEF (r = 0.47, p = 0.045) and GLS (r = 0.65, p = 0.02), but not with the other variables. Aortic distensibility was an independent predictor of LV dysfunction using a cutoff of 50% for LVEF and 19% for GLS. Conclusion: In our population of patients with MS, we found changes in the LV function, which were related with aortic distensibility, possibly sharing a common pathway. The prognostic significance of these findings is under evaluation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An unusual cause of myocardial infarction

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    Copyright © 2019 European Society of CardiologyBackground: In order to direct the treatment it, is well established that is fundamental to clarify the aetiology of heart failure and the cause of myocardial infarction (MI) with non obstructive coronary artery disease (MINOCA), with CMR being one of the methods of choice in both clinical situations. Case report: A 70 years-old male patient was admitted in our emergency department with complaints of irregular palpitations, progressive dyspnoea and fatigue on exertion, with two weeks of evolution; these symptoms were associated to retrosternal chest pain in the last twelve hours. He had a previous medical history of dyslipidemia, no other cardiovascular risk factors were known. On admission, his heart rate was 130bpm, with an irregularly irregular pulse and the pulmonary auscultation revealed bibasal crackles. The remaining physical examination was unremarkable. The ECG showed an atrial fibrillation rhythm, with a mild ST elevation and T wave inversion in inferior leads. The echocardiogram revealed a diffuse hypokinesia of left ventricle with an ejection fraction of 35-40%. The lab tests documented an elevation of troponin (hs-TnT 210ng/L) and NTproBNP (1945pg/ml). The coronary angiogram showed no lesions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Human toxocariasis: frequency of anti-Toxocara antibodies in children and adolescents from an outpatient clinic for lymphatic filariasis in Recife, Northeast Brazil

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    In a transversal study on a sample of 386 children and adolescents from an outpatient clinic for filariasis in Recife, Northeast Brazil, the frequency of anti-Toxocara antibodies and its relation to age, gender, number of peripheral eosinophils, Wuchereria bancrofti microfilariae and intestinal helminths was determined. The total anti-Toxocara IgG antibody frequency was 39.4%, by ELISA technique. The difference in frequency between males (40.1%) and females (37.6%) was not statistically significant. The 6 to 10-year-old subset presented the highest frequency of anti-Toxocara antibodies (60%), and within this age group there was a statistically significant male bias. There was also a significant association between the number of eosinophils and the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies. Intestinal parasite frequency was 52.1%, but no association was found between this data and the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies. In the present sample, 42.2% of the patients were Wuchereria bancrofti carriers, however, again this was not associated with the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies. In conclusion, anti-Toxocara antibodies were highly prevalent in this sample. The present data show that there is no cross correlation between anti-Toxocara IgG antibody and the presence of intestinal helminths and filariasis.Através de estudo do tipo transversal com amostra constituída por 386 crianças e adolescentes atendidos em um ambulatório especializado de filariose, do Recife, nordeste do Brasil, determinou-se a frequência de anticorpos anti-Toxocara e sua relação com faixa etária, sexo, número de eosinófilos periféricos, microfilárias de Wuchereria bancrofti e parasitos intestinais. A freqüência encontrada de anticorpos IgG total anti-Toxocara, realizada através da técnica de ELISA, foi de 39,4%, com 40,1% no sexo masculino e 37,6% no feminino, diferença esta sem significância estatística. O grupo com maior freqüência de anticorpos anti-Toxocara foi o de 6-10 anos (60%) e, apenas nessa faixa etária, encontrou-se uma diferença estatisticamente significante quanto ao sexo, com predomínio do masculino. Observou-se associação estatisticamente significante entre o número de eosinófilos e a presença de anticorpos anti-Toxocara. A freqüência de parasitos intestinais foi de 52,1%, porém sem associação entre este achado e a presença de anticorpos anti-Toxocara. Na presente análise, 42,2% dos pacientes eram portadores de microfilárias de Wuchereria bancrofti, porém esta infecção não esteve associada à presença de anticorpos anti-Toxocara o que sugere que não houve cruzamento do ELISA com a presença de parasitoses intestinais e filariose

    Antibiofilm Activity of LL-37 Peptide and D-Amino Acids Associated with Antibiotics Used in Regenerative Endodontics on an Ex Vivo Multispecies Biofilm Model

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    The antimicrobial peptide LL-37 and D-amino acids (D-AAs) have been proposed as antibiofilm agents. Therefore, this study aimed to test the antimicrobial effect of antibiofilm agents associated with antibiotics used in regenerative endodontic procedures (the triple antibiotic paste-TAP: ciprofloxacin + metronidazole + minocycline). An endodontic-like biofilm model grown on bovine dentin discs was used in this study. After 21-day growth, the biofilms were treated with 1 mg/mL TAP, 10 μM LL-37, an association of LL-37 + TAP, 40 mM D-AAs solution, an association of D-AAs + TAP, and phosphate-buffered saline (negative control). Colony forming unit (CFU) data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test (p &lt; 0.05). LL-37 + TAP showed the best antibacterial activity (7-log10 CFU/mL ± 0.5), reaching a 1 log reduction of cells in relation to the negative control (8-log10 CFU/mL ± 0.7) (p &lt; 0.05). In turn, no significant reduction in bacterial cells was observed with TAP, LL-37, D-AAs, and D-AAs + TAP compared to the negative control. In conclusion, the combination of antibiotics and LL-37 peptide showed mild antibacterial activity, while the combination of antibiotics and D-AAs showed no activity against complex biofilms. Keywords: D-amino acids; antibiofilm agents; antimicrobial peptides; oral biofilms; regenerative endodontics; triple antibiotic past

    Multi-biologic group analysis for an ecosystem response to longitudinal river regulation gradients

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    This work assesses the effects of river regulation on the diversity of different instream and riparian biological communities along a relieve gradient of disturbance in regulated rivers. Two case studies in Portugal were used, with different river regulation typology (downstream of run-of-river and reservoir dams), where regulated and free-flowing river stretches were surveyed for riparian vegetation, macrophytes, bryophytes, macroalgae, diatoms and macroinvertebrates. The assessment of the regulation effects on biological communities was approached by both biological and functional diversity analysis. Results of this investigation endorse river regulation as a major factor differentiating fluvial biological communities through an artificial environmental filtering that governs species assemblages by accentuating species traits related to river regulation tolerance. Communities' response to regulation gradient seem to be similar and insensitive to river regulation typology. Biological communities respond to this regulation gradient with different sensibilities and rates of response, with riparian vegetation and macroinvertebrates being the most responsive to river regulation and its gradient. Richness appears to be the best indicator for general fluvial ecological quality facing river regulation. Nevertheless, there are high correlations between the biological and functional diversity indices of different biological groups, which denotes biological connections indicative of a cascade of effects leading to an indirect influence of river regulation even on non-responsive facets of communities' biological and functional diversities. These results highlight the necessary holistic perspective of the fluvial system when assessing the effects of river regulation and the proposal of restoration measures.publishe

    Estudo longitudinal de um programa de reabilitação neuropsicológica dirigido a pacientes com doença de Alzheimer

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    Our aim was to study the duration of benefits derived from a neuropsychological rehabilitation program (NRP) for dementia patients. METHOD: The participants in this study were three patients diagnosed as probable Alzheimer's disease in the initial-to-moderate phase; the three were taking anticholinesterases. They were submitted to a neuropsychological evaluation (NE) before the NRP and then revaluated after 12 and 24 months of treatment. The aim of our intervention was to do practical work with implicit and explicit residual memory by training them in everyday life activities, and using compensatory strategies and their intact cognitive abilities. RESULTS: Analysis of quantitative NE data (descriptive measures) after the first year of NRP showed cognitive improvement, functional stabilization and fewer behavioral problems. However, this improvement did not continue in the second year, and the disease maintained its characteristic progression.OBJETIVO: Estudar a duração do beneficio de um programa de reabilitação neuropsicológica (PRN) dirigido a pacientes demenciados. MÉTODO: Participaram deste estudo, três pacientes com diagnóstico de provável doença de Alzheimer em fase inicial a moderada. Todos faziam uso de anti-colinesterásicos e passaram por uma avaliação neuropsicológica (AN) antes de começar o PRN e reavaliação após 12 e 24 meses do tratamento. O alvo de nossa intervenção foi trabalhar de forma prática a memória explicita residual e implícita, através do treino das atividades da vida diária, uso de estratégias compensatórias e habilidades cognitivas ainda preservadas. RESULTADOS: A análise dos dados quantitativos (medidas descritivas) da AN mostrou, que após o primeiro ano do PRN houve uma melhora cognitiva, estabilização funcional e redução dos problemas comportamentais nos pacientes. No entanto, observamos que essa melhora não se estendeu para o segundo ano, mostrando a doença sua característica progressiva.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Centro Paulista de NeuropsicologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Centro Paulista de NeuropsicologiaSciEL

    The contribution of small shrubby patches to the functional diversity of wood-pastures

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    Wood-pastures are grazed systems resulting from a long-term use of natural woodlands by humans. These social-ecological systems, covering vast areas of Europe and other temperate regions, have both high biodiversity and economic values, so many are classified as High Nature Value Farmlands. However, in some regions a loss of spatial heterogeneity threatens this natural value. We investigated the potential contribution of tiny shrubby patches to increase spatial heterogeneity and functional diversity in wood-pasture landscapes. Specifically, we compared functional composition (Community Weighted Means) and functional diversity (Functional Dispersion and Functional Evenness) of assemblages of plants, beetles and lichens in those patches (252-3000 m(2)) and in the wood-pasture matrix. We found that shrubby patches and matrix harbour species assemblages with very distinct functional compositions in all studied taxonomic groups. Evergreen, woody, broad-leafed and fleshy-fruited are better represented in the patches. In beetles, the main differences were a greater prevalence of small-sized and fungivore species in the patches. Shrubby patches also mostly harboured lichens with fruticose- and foliose-broad growth forms, a greater humidity preference, and lower eutrophication tolerance. Moreover, the two indexes used to quantify functional diversity (Functional Dispersion and Functional Evenness) show that, overall, diversity is greater in patches than in the matrix; in patches Functional Dispersion is statistically higher for plants, and Evenness is statistically higher for beetles and lichen. These differences are all consistent with the very distinct ecological conditions in the matrix and patches. The greater overall functional diversity of shrubby patches, and the major differences in functional composition between patches and matrix, observed for all taxa, indicate that these patches greatly enhance the functional diversity of species assemblages in wood-pasture landscapes. Consequently, preserving and promoting tiny shrubby patches is a potentially valuable low-cost management tool to increase biodiversity and improve ecosystem functioning in wood-pasture landscapes.Peer reviewe
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