107 research outputs found

    Functional status in ICU survivors and out of hospital outcomes: a cohort study

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    OBJECTIVES: Functional status at hospital discharge may be a risk factor for adverse events among survivors of critical illness. We sought to examine the association between functional status at hospital discharge in survivors of critical care and risk of 90-day all-cause mortality after hospital discharge. DESIGN: Single-center retrospective cohort study. SETTING: Academic Medical Center. PATIENTS: Ten thousand three hundred forty-three adults who received critical care from 1997 to 2011 and survived hospitalization. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The exposure of interest was functional status determined at hospital discharge by a licensed physical therapist and rated based on qualitative categories adapted from the Functional Independence Measure. The main outcome was 90-day post hospital discharge all-cause mortality. A categorical risk-prediction score was derived and validated based on a logistic regression model of the function grades for each assessment. In an adjusted logistic regression model, the lowest quartile of functional status at hospital discharge was associated with an increased odds of 90-day postdischarge mortality compared with patients with independent functional status (odds ratio, 7.63 [95% CI, 3.83-15.22; p < 0.001]). In patients who had at least 7 days of physical therapy treatment prior to hospital discharge (n = 2,293), the adjusted odds of 90-day postdischarge mortality in patients with marked improvement in functional status at discharge was 64% less than patients with no change in functional status (odds ratio, 0.36 [95% CI, 0.24-0.53]; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Lower functional status at hospital discharge in survivors of critical illness is associated with increased postdischarge mortality. Furthermore, patients whose functional status improves before discharge have decreased odds of postdischarge mortality.L30 TR001257 - NCATS NIH HH

    Lehrvertragsauflösung und Lehrabbrüche vermindern: Das Potenzial der Sozialen arbeit an Berufsfachschulen

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    Der Einstieg in eine Berufslehre stellt grosse Anforderungen an junge Menschen. Aus vielfältigen Gründen auf der individuellen, betrieblichen und strukturellen Ebene gelingt es nicht allen Jugendlichen, den Übergang von der Sekundarstufe I in die Berufslehre als wichtige Entwicklungsaufgabe auf Anhieb zu meistern. Rund zehn Prozent der Jugendlichen erreichen keinen zertifizierenden Abschlusses auf der Sekundarstufe II. Die grösste Anzahl Jugendlicher, welche aus dem Berufsbildungssystem ausscheiden, werden nach Lehrvertragsauflösungen verzeichnet. Folgt auf eine Lehrvertragsauflösung keine Anschlusslösung, wird von einem Lehrabbruch gesprochen. Ein fehlender nachobligatorischer Abschluss kann ein Armutsrisiko und soziale Exklusion zur Folge haben. Daher wird in der vorliegenden Bachelor-Arbeit der Frage nachgegangen, welchen Beitrag die Soziale Arbeit an Berufsfachschulen bei der Verminderung von Lehrvertragsauflösungen oder Lehrabbrüchen leisten kann. Im bestehenden Unterstützungssystem, hier exemplarisch im Kanton Luzern, zeigen sich Schwächen in der Begleitung von gefährdeten Jugendlichen. Die Autorinnen kommen zum Schluss, dass die Soziale Arbeit an Berufsfachschulen mit ihren Funktionen wie Früherkennung und Prävention sowie dem Grundprinzip der Lebensweltorientierung über reichhaltiges Potenzial verfügt, die Quote der Lehrvertragsauflösungen und Lehrabbrüche in Kooperation mit anderen involvierten Akteurinnen und Akteuren der Berufsbildung weiter zu vermindern. Mit dem ganzheitlichen Ansatz der Sozialen Arbeit in der Berufsfachschule können gefährdete Jugendliche beim Erreichen eines zertifizierenden Abschlusses ihren Bedürfnissen entsprechend begleitet und unterstützt werden

    The EPATH trial

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    Observational studies suggested a link between bone disease and left ventricular (LV) dysfunction that may be pronounced in hyperparathyroid conditions. We therefore aimed to test the hypothesis that circulating markers of bone turnover correlate with LV function in a cohort of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT). Cross-sectional data of 155 subjects with pHPT were analyzed who participated in the “Eplerenone in Primary Hyperparathyroidism” (EPATH) Trial. Multivariate linear regression analyses with LV ejection fraction (LVEF, systolic function) or peak early transmitral filling velocity (e’, diastolic function) as dependent variables and N-terminal propeptide of procollagen type 1 (P1NP), osteocalcin (OC), bone- specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP), or beta-crosslaps (CTX) as the respective independent variable were performed. Analyses were additionally adjusted for plasma parathyroid hormone, plasma calcium, age, sex, HbA1c, body mass index, mean 24-hours systolic blood pressure, smoking status, estimated glomerular filtration rate, antihypertensive treatment, osteoporosis treatment, 25-hydroxy vitamin D and N-terminal pro-brain B-type natriuretic peptide. Independent relationships were observed between P1NP and LVEF (adjusted β-coefficient = 0.201, P = 0.035) and e’ (β = 0.188, P = 0.042), respectively. OC (β = 0.192, P = 0.039) and BALP (β = 0.198, P = 0.030) were each independently related with e’. CTX showed no correlations with LVEF or e’. In conclusion, high bone formation markers were independently and paradoxically related with better LV diastolic and, partly, better systolic function, in the setting of pHPT. Potentially cardio-protective properties of stimulated bone formation in the context of hyperparathyroidism should be explored in future studies

    Vitamin D and critical illness:what endocrinology can learn from intensive care and vice versa.

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    The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in intensive care units ranges typically between 40 and 70%. There are many reasons for being or becoming deficient in the ICU. Hepatic, parathyroid and renal dysfunction additionally increases the risk for developing vitamin D deficiency. Moreover, therapeutic interventions like fluid resuscitation, dialysis, surgery, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, cardiopulmonary bypass and plasma exchange may significantly reduce vitamin D levels. Many observational studies have consistently shown an association between low vitamin D levels and poor clinical outcomes in critically ill adults and children, including excess mortality and morbidity such as acute kidney injury, acute respiratory failure, duration of mechanical ventilation and sepsis. It is biologically plausible that vitamin D deficiency is an important and modifiable contributor to poor prognosis during and after critical illness. Although vitamin D supplementation is inexpensive, simple and has an excellent safety profile, testing for and treating vitamin D deficiency is currently not routinely performed. Overall, less than 800 patients have been included in RCTs worldwide, but the available data suggest that high-dose vitamin D supplementation could be beneficial. Two large RCTs in Europe and the United States, together aiming to recruit >5000 patients, have started in 2017, and will greatly improve our knowledge in this field. This review aims to summarize current knowledge in this interdisciplinary topic and give an outlook on its highly dynamic future

    An update of the effects of vitamins D and C in critical illness

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    Many critically ill patients are vitamin D and vitamin C deficient and the current international guidelines state that hypovitaminoses should be compensated. However, uncertainty about optimal dosage, timing and indication exists in clinical routine, mainly due to the conflicting evidence. This narrative review discusses both micronutrients with regards to pathophysiology, clinical evidence of benefits, potential risks, and guideline recommendations. Evidence generated from the most recent clinical trials are summarized and discussed. In addition, pragmatic tips for the application of these vitamins in the clinical routine are given. The supplementations of vitamin D and C represent cost-effective and simple interventions with excellent safety profiles. Regarding vitamin D, critically ill individuals require a loading dose to improve 25(OH)D levels within a few days, followed by a daily or weekly maintenance dose, usually higher doses than healthy individuals are needed. For vitamin C, dosages of 100–200 mg/d are recommended for patients receiving parenteral nutrition, but needs may be as high as 2–3 g/d in acutely ill patients

    Raised FGF23 Correlates to Increased Mortality in Critical Illness, Independent of Vitamin D

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    BACKGROUND: Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF23) is an endocrine hormone classically associated with the homeostasis of vitamin D, phosphate, and calcium. Elevated serum FGF23 is a known independent risk factor for mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. We aimed to determine if there was a similar relationship between FGF23 levels and mortality in critically ill patients.METHODS: Plasma FGF23 levels were measured by ELISA in two separate cohorts of patients receiving vitamin D supplementation: critical illness patients (VITdAL-ICU trial, n = 475) and elective oesophagectomy patients (VINDALOO trial, n = 76). Mortality data were recorded at 30 and 180 days or at two years, respectively. FGF23 levels in a healthy control cohort were also measured ( n = 27). RESULTS: Elevated FGF23 (quartile 4 vs. quartiles 1-3) was associated with increased short-term (30 and 180 day) mortality in critical illness patients ( p &lt; 0.001) and long-term (two-year) mortality in oesophagectomy patients ( p = 0.0149). Patients who died had significantly higher FGF23 levels than those who survived: In the critical illness cohort, those who died had 1194.6 pg/mL (range 0-14,000), while those who survived had 120.4 pg/mL (range = 15-14,000) ( p = 0.0462). In the oesophagectomy cohort, those who died had 1304 pg/mL (range = 154-77,800), while those who survived had 644 pg/mL (range = 179-54,894) ( p &lt; 0.001). This was found to be independent of vitamin D or CKD status (critical illness p = 0.3507; oesophagectomy p = 0.3800). FGF23 levels in healthy controls were similar to those seen in oesophagectomy patients ( p = 0.4802). CONCLUSIONS: Elevated baseline serum FGF23 is correlated with increased mortality in both the post-oesophagectomy cohort and the cohort of patients with critical illness requiring intensive care admission. This was independent of vitamin D status, supplementation, or CKD status, which suggests the presence of vitamin D-independent mechanisms of FGF23 action during the acute and convalescent stages of critical illness, warranting further investigation.</p