1,534 research outputs found

    An Analysis of the Interest Elasticity of Financial Asset Holdings by Income

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    A Keynesian money demand model is used to examine the interest elasticity of financial asset holdings by income level. In this model, once an individual receives income, they first make transactions, and any leftover income goes for speculative purposes. Since only speculative balances are assumed to change with interest rates, individuals with income used mainly for transactions purposes are theorized to have asset holdings that are unresponsive to interest rates, while higher income individuals with speculative balances are expected to be more responsive to interest rates. The results support the Keynesian model, as lower income households are found to have the smallest interest elasticity, and the estimated elasticity rises with income

    Archaeological Investigations at 41AN115

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    41AN115 is located in the northwestern part of Anderson County, Texas, on a western terrace of Town Creek approximately nine miles from the Trinity River. It is a multi-component prehistoric occupation, and the artifacts found here indicate it has been used from Late Paleoindian to Woodland period times. The late Paleoindian occupation is represented by Dalton and San Patrice dart points; the Archaic occupations are marked by Bell, Bulverde, and Yarbrough dart points; while the Woodland period occupation includes Gary points and sandy paste pottery. The site was used intermittently over thousands of years as a hunting camp and later as a seasonal campsite. The tool kit included flake knives, gravers, spokeshaves, punches, and scrapers, along with many ground stone tools. The lithic materials chosen for tool use are a combination of local and non-local material with cherts, fine-grained quartzite, ferruginous sandstone, and petrified wood. One Late Archaic occupational features has been found at the site

    Can Savings Help Overcome Income Instability?

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    Analyzes the extent of instability in monthly income among low-income families, the risk of facing material hardship due to income volatility, and whether modest liquid assets offers protection from such hardship. Considers policy implications

    Long range inhabited surface transportation system power source for the exploration of Mars (manned Mars mission)

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    A hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell system is identified as a viable power source for a long range inhabited surface transportation system for the exploration of Mars. Power system weights and power requirements are determined as a function of vehicle weight. For vehicles weighing from 2700 to 7300 kg in LEO, the total power system weight ranges from 1140 to 1860 kg, with the reactants and energy conversion hardware (fuel cells, reactant storage, and radiator) weighing 430 to 555 kg and 610 to 1110 kg, respectively. Vehicle power requirements range from 45 kW for a 2700 kg vehicle to 110 kW for a 7300 kg vehicle. Power system specific weights and power profiles for housekeeping and the operation of scientific equipment such as coring drills and power tools are also specified

    Earlier Palliative Care Referral for Oncology Patients

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    Palliative care continues to be a specialty that is not clearly understood by healthcare providers, patients, families, or society. Due to this it remains underutilized and does not get the attention it should. A review of literature supported this, and strongly recommended future research be conducted. There is research and data to support early palliative care referrals in addition to standard oncology care, but there is more needed. Palliative care referrals need to be made early in the diagnosis of advanced cancer or cancer with metastasis. These services and resources are extremely beneficial and offer many treatment pathways. The objective of this project was to create a more consistent, effective, and efficient early palliative care referral process. In doing so more palliative care referrals will be made and patients will receive the best care available. Nursing and palliative care complement each other therefore practitioners are the ones who will be on the front line handling the referrals. The palliative nurse practitioners will be a part of the care team from the beginning and support the patient for the entire course of treatment to end of life care

    Progress and Problems in the Rehabilitation of Patients with Central Nervous System Injuries

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    Let us briefly consider the general nature of contemporary rehabilitation with highlights of its progress and problems. Paraplegia and hemiparesis may be thought of as the models of neurologic impairment

    The Impact of 1:1 Technology Initiatives on Lesson Planning

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    Districts across the country are quickly moving toward a 1:1 student to laptop ratio. Where computer labs or carts were once the norm, many districts are now purchasing all students a laptop to start the year. This movement is occurring at a rapid pace, despite a growing body of research that shows that increased technology does not automatically lead to achievement gains. The teacher plays a vital role in student outcomes, with or without technology. In particular, the manner in which teachers plan lessons is significant to classroom outcomes. This is evident in that the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching (2011), adopted by the majority of states as the rubric for teacher evaluations, recognizes planning as one of the four broad categories essential to effective teaching. Given the explosion of interest in educational technology, as well as the recognition that planning is important to good teaching, the primary goal of this research study was to determine the impact that 1:1 technology has on teacher planning. A secondary purpose of the research was to determine the barriers to improving the quantity and quality of technology lessons planned in a 1:1 environment. The theoretical frameworks used in this study are the Substitution Augmentation Modification Replacement (SAMR) model and the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. The SAMR model was used as a guide to determine whether technology was used in a way that increased the rigor of a planned lesson (Puentedura, 2014). TPACK was used as a framework to understand barriers to planning technology lessons (Koehler & Mishra, 2005)

    Senior Year Cut Short

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    This is my story of what happened to me during the last week of school before we left campus

    Psychosocial factors and work related sickness absence among permanent and non-permanent employees

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    Study objective: To examine the association between psychosocial work factors and work related sickness absence among permanent and non-permanent employees by sex.Design: A cross sectional survey conducted in 2000 of a representative sample of the European Union total active population, aged 15 years and older. The independent variables were psychological job demands and job control as measures of psychosocial work environment, and work related sickness absence as the main outcome. Poisson regression models were used to compute sickness absence days' rate ratios.Setting: 15 countries of the European Union.Participants: A sample of permanent (n=12875) and non-permanent (n=1203) workers from the Third European Survey on Working Conditions.Results: High psychological job demands, low job control, and high strain and passive work were associated with higher work related sickness absence. The risks were more pronounced in non-permanent compared with permanent employees and men compared with women.Conclusions: This work extends previous research on employment contracts and sickness absence, suggesting different effects depending on psychosocial working conditions and sex

    Queer Frontier: Gender, Sexuality, and Intimacy in Minnesota Before 1900

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    The colonization of Minnesota brought about a sexual revolution that redefined what gender, sexuality, and intimacy meant within Minnesotan society before the turn of the twentieth century. Initial Euro-American forays into Minnesota created a hybridized society where indigenous traditions and Euro-American cultural ideas intermixed. Fur traders and early settlers broadly accepted indigenous customs, and some Euro-Americans even adopted indigenous practices. The most apparent of these practices are indigenous marriage rites. Large numbers of fur traders engaged in marriages à la façons du pays, in the style of the Dakota and Ojibwe. In some instances, these fur traders even engaged in polygamy, which was a common practice amongst the Dakota and Ojibwe. However, as increasing numbers of Euro-Americans permanently settled in Minnesota, religious leaders and political leaders pushed for alignment to Euro-American traditions in regard to gender, sexuality, and intimacy. Marriages à la façon du pays, nonnormative gender expressions, and interracial relationships were targets of social pressure as leaders and reformers sought to mold Minnesota in the cultural image of eastern states. With Minnesota achieving territorial status and later statehood in 1858, leading figures pushed for greater state intervention in individual’s lives to bring about greater alignment with traditional Euro-American morality. Successive territorial and state statutes attempted to define the construction of proper intimate relationships, and individual citizens organized campaigns to ban prostitution. This research utilizes firsthand accounts of fur traders, politicians, and missionaries to document interpretations of gender, sexuality, and intimacy in Minnesota. These accounts are supported by contemporary newspaper articles and statutes, as well as close readings of a number of secondary sources, including Mary Lethert Wingerd, Sylvia van Kirk, and Catherine J. Denial. Analyzing the changes to cultural understandings of gender, sexuality, and intimacy in Minnesota before 1900 grants greater clarity on how the region was colonized by Euro-Americans
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