11 research outputs found

    Serotyping of dengue virus in 2016-17 outbreak in Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia

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    An outbreak of dengue in Kudat, northern Sabah in 2016-2017 provided an opportunity to investigate the circulating serotypes of dengue viruses of cases at Hospital Kudat. Between September 2016 and December 2017, a total of 156 dengue positive sera(tested positive by either NS1 antigen, or IgM & IgG antibody rapid test) were collected from dengue patients who had acute fever and showed signs and symptoms suggestive of dengue. RNA was extracted from the sera using QIAamp RNA Blood Mini Kit, and molecular amplification was performed using one-step RT-PCR kit, followed by nested PCR using HotStart Taq master mix kit with the primers of the dengue C-prM gene. There were 81 (52%) male and 75 (48%) female cases. The age group with the highest number of cases was the 10-19 years old, while the youngest infected was 8 months old and the oldest was 83 years old. RT-PCR results showed 88 sera dengue positive, 48 infected with a single serotype while another 40 with multiple serotypes. All four DENV serotypes were co-circulating during the outbreak period and DENV-1 was predominant. Molecular analysis also indicated 69.2%, 50.0%, 51.9% and 48.9% respectively of the NS1, IgM, IgG and IgM & IgG positive sera were RT-PCR positive for dengue. High number of cases were seen in December 2016, February and May 2017. The dengue outbreak might be related to switching of predominant serotype from DENV 4 to DENV 1

    Review Of Materialized Views Selection Algorithm For Cyber Manufacturing

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    Technological advancement in data transfer and connection has driven massive data growth.Within the semiconductor cyber manufacturing environment,in order to cope with rapid data transfer enabled by the Internet of Things (IoT) technology,rapid query processing becomes a priority.Especially,in the era of Industry 4.0, semiconductor manufacturing that operates within cyber-physical systems (CPS) relies heavily on the reporting function to monitor delicate wafer processing.Thus,delay in reporting which is usually caused by slow query processing is intolerable.Materialized views (MVs) are usually used in order to improve query processing speed. Nevertheless,as MVs requires database space and maintenance,the decision to use MVs is not determined by time factor only.Thus,MVs selection is a problem that calls for an efficient selection algorithm that can deal with several constraints at a time.In this paper,we reveal the criteria of optimisation algorithms that were proposed to deal with MVs selection problem.In particular,this paper attempts to evaluate the coverage and limitations of the algorithm under study

    Review of Materialized Views Selection Algorithm for Cyber Manufacturing

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    Technological advancement in data transfer and connection has driven massive data growth. Within the semiconductor cyber manufacturing environment, in order to cope with rapid data transfer enabled by the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, rapid query processing becomes a priority. Especially, in the era of Industry 4.0, semiconductor manufacturing that operates within cyber-physical systems (CPS) relies heavily on the reporting function to monitor delicate wafer processing. Thus, delay in reporting which is usually caused by slow query processing is intolerable. Materialized views (MVs) are usually used in order to improve query processing speed. Nevertheless, as MVs requires database space and maintenance, the decision to use MVs is not determined by time factor only. Thus, MVs selection is a problem that calls for an efficient selection algorithm that can deal with several constraints at a time. In this paper, we reveal the criteria of optimisation algorithms that were proposed to deal with MVs selection problem. In particular, this paper attempts to evaluate the coverage and limitations of the algorithm under study

    Phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses of the VP4 gene of P[9]rotaviruses

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    Objective: Rotavirus is one of the major causes of gastroenteritis in children under 5 years of age. It can evolve by reassortment, in which gene segments are exchanged between strains of different origins. In some rotavirus strains the P[9] component is an example of reassortment, in which the P[9] genotype is from feline species. A number of outbreaks associated with P[9] strains have been documented in several countries. However, details regarding the epidemiological relationships between the strains remains largely unknown. Therefore, in the present study, genetic characterization and evolutionary analyses were performed to gain insight into P[9] strains circulating in different parts of the world. Materials and Methods: A total of 94 full-and partial-length VP4 gene sequences of P[9] strains were extracted from GenBank and phylogenetic trees were constructed by maximum likelihood method. Timeline of evolution was performed using the full-length nucleotide sequences of VP4 genes of P[9] strains using the Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo method available in BEAST version 1.6.1. Results: The VP4 gene of the P[9] strains could be divided into two lineages, with lineage I is further divided into five sub-lineages. All the P[9] strains characterized in this study shared a common ancestor that circulated in circa 1864 (95% HPD 1755–1941). In each lineage, the strains were not only from different countries, but also from different continents. These findings suggest that none of the lineages has a specific region of distribution, and although humans have had interactions with cats for thousands of years, the common ancestor of the VP4 gene of the current P[9] strains is relatively recent. Conclusion: These findings suggest that P[9] rotaviruses can be divided into two lineages. None of the lineages and sub-lineages has a specific region of distribution, and the ancestor of the current P[9] strain is relatively recent

    Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus and its antibiotic susceptibility pattern among Medical and Nursing Students

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    Nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus) especially methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) among health care personnel poses a risk to the patient. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of nasal colonization of S. aureus and its antibiotic susceptibility pattern among pre-clinical and clinical medical and nursing students attending Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Materials and Methods: Between April and November 2013, nasal swabs were collected from anterior nares of 449 students and inoculated on Mannitol salt agar and Tryptone soya broth. Staphylase coagulase test kit and tube coagulase test were done for identification. Antibiotic susceptibility test was done on seven antibiotics by Kirby–Bauer method. S. aureus isolates which showed zone diameter of 22 mm to cefoxitin discs were further tested with Slidex® MRSA detection kit to detect penicillin-binding protein product of MRSA. Results: The prevalence of nasal colonization of S. aureus was 31.0% and all were methicillin susceptible S. aureus (MSSA). Antibiotic susceptibility testing revealed all 139 S. aureus isolates were sensitive to oxacillin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and cefoxitin, whereas 116 (83.5%), 1 (0.7%), 3 (2.2%) and 24 (17.3%) were resistant to penicillin, erythromycin, clindamycin and tetracycline, respectively. Conclusions: There was no MRSA among S. aureus isolated in this study. S. aureus isolates were highly resistance to penicillin, however, no resistant to oxacillin, co-trimoxazole, and cefoxiti

    Genetic diversity of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 from Sabah, Malaysia 2015

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    Background Cholera is an important health problem in Sabah, a Malaysian state in northern Borneo; however, Vibrio cholerae in Sabah have never been characterized. Since 2002, serogroup O1 strains having the traits of both classical and El Tor biotype, designated as atypical El Tor biotype, have been increasingly reported as the cause of cholera worldwide. These variants are believed to produce clinically more severe disease like classical strains. Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the genetic diversity of V. cholerae in Sabah and whether V. cholerae in Sabah belong to atypical El Tor biotype. Methods ERIC-PCR, a DNA fingerprinting method for bacterial pathogens based on the enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence, was used to study the genetic diversity of 65 clinical V. cholerae O1 isolates from 3 districts (Kudat, Beluran, Sandakan) in Sabah and one environmental isolate from coastal sea water in Kudat district. In addition, we studied the biotype-specific genetic traits in these isolates to establish their biotype. Results Different fingerprint patterns were seen in isolates from these three districts but one of the patterns was seen in more than one district. Clinical isolates and environmental isolate have different patterns. In addition, Sabah isolates harbor genetic traits specific to both classical biotype (ctxB-1, rstRCla) and El Tor biotype (rstRET, rstC, tcpAET, rtxC, VC2346). Conclusion This study revealed that V. cholerae in Sabah were genetically diverse and were atypical El Tor strains. Fingerprint patterns of these isolates will be useful in tracing the origin of this pathogen in the future

    Updates on k13 mutant alleles for artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum

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    Background: In the fight against malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum, the successes achieved by artemisinin were endangered by resistance of the parasites to the drug. Whole genome sequencing approach on artemisinin resistant parasite line discovered k13 gene associated with drug resistance. In vitro and in vivo studies indicated mutations in the k13 gene were linked to the artemisinin resistance. Methodology: The literatures published after April, 2015 up to December, 2016 on k13 mutant alleles for artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum and relevant literatures were comprehensively reviewed. Results: To date, 13 non-synonymous mutations of k13 gene have been observed to have slow parasite clearance. Worldwide mapping of k13 mutant alleles have shown mutants associated with artemisinin resistance were confined to southeast Asia and China and did not invade to African countries. Although in vitro ring stage survival assay of 0–3 h was a recently developed assay, it was useful for rapid detection of artemisinin resistance associated k13 allelic marker in the parasite. Recently, dissemination of k13 mutant alleles was recommended to be investigated by identity of haplotypes. Significant characteristics of well described alleles in the reports were mentioned in this review for the benefit of future studies. Conclusion: According to the updates in the review, it can be concluded artemisinin resistance does not disseminate to India and African countries within short period whereas regular tracking of these mutants is necessary. Keywords: Plasmodium falciparum, Artemisinin resistance, k13 mutant alleles, Ring stage survival assa

    Establishment of the molecular method in the laboratory Diagnosis of Chikungunya in Sabah state

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    To find out the endemicity of Chikungunya (CHIK) infection in Sabah State, 100 serum samples of suspected Dengue/ Chikungunya cases both in patients and out patients, were collected from Pathology laboratory of Women and Children Hospital, Likas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia between August 2014 to November 2014. The age of the cases ranged from the youngest 1 year old to the eldest of 75 years. Chikungunya RNA was tested by Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) using non structural protein 1 (nsPl) primer pairs. Out of 100 serum samples tested only one sample was CHIK RNA positive. CHIK IgM antibody were tested from 50 samples and only one sample showed weak positive for CHIK IgM. The test results showed that CHIK infection was endemic in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah but very few cases. According to hospital data only one fifth of the above patients were dengue rapid test positive. RTPCR test is a rapid and sensitive test essential in differentiating dengue, CHIK infection and also other viral infections

    Geospatial and Ethnic Mapping of Plasmodium Knowlesi Genetic Variants in Sabah

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    Plasmodium knowles;, an originally zoonotic malaria parasite is now increasingly recognized as a potentially virulent type of human malaria, particularly in South East Asia Naturally acquired human infections with P. knowlesi emerged either as single infection or associated with other human Plasmodium, across the Southeast Asia with the highest prevalence in the Malaysian Borneo. Sabah is the second largest state of Malaysia situated on the Borneo Island. And this simian parasite Plasmodium knowles; is a common cause of severe and fatal human malaria in Sabah, Malaysia This study focused on the P knowles; isolates of Sa bah principally on the blood samples of P knowles; malaria sent to the public health laboratory of Kota Kinabalu confirmed by Nested peR Assay. From the DNA samples of P knowlesi isolates, DNA sequencing was done to detect the genetic variants of P knowles; in different regions of Sa bah. The PCR - DNA sequencing of SSU r RNA gene of P. knowles; isolates points out that SNPs at continuous three nucleotide positions 278, 279 and 280 can produce the genotypic characteristics important from the epidemiological point of view. Although these genotypes are not consistent for each district of Sabah, these can help in epidemiological surveillance as only four genotypes are circulating in this area. For district specific genetic identity, genetic variations of the csp gene of P. Icnowlesi isolates should be attempted in the future studies