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    A regiĆ£o do Vale do Jequitinhonha apresenta uma grande riqueza cultural, embora seja uma das regiƵes mais pobres do Estado de Minas, o que pode ser corroborado conforme seu Ć­ndice de Desenvolvimento Humano - IDH, oscilando em torno de 0,465. Este espaƧo Ć© caracterizado pela marcante presenƧa de agricultores familiares, representando cerca de 50% do total da populaĆ§Ć£o economicamente ativa da regiĆ£o. O presente artigo propƵe discutir a formaĆ§Ć£o e atuaĆ§Ć£o dos Conselhos Municipais de Desenvolvimento Rural SustentĆ”vel - CMDRS enquanto espaƧos propulsores de aƧƵes interventoras mais efetivas quanto Ć s necessidades das comunidades rurais; para tanto se toma como unidade desta anĆ”lise o CMDRS de Diamantina - MG. Para composiĆ§Ć£o deste trabalho foram efetuadas entrevistas com informantes chaves, quer sejam, os conselheiros, bem como o uso do mĆ©todo de observaĆ§Ć£o participante. A principal inovaĆ§Ć£o analisada foi a democracia participativa, ressaltando-se, entretanto, alguns entraves a sua efetivaĆ§Ć£o e que dizem respeito Ć s dificuldades de representaĆ§Ć£o dos agricultores frente ao intercĆ¢mbio com os representantes de organizaƧƵes governamentais, o que ocasionam nĆ­veis de interaĆ§Ć£o diferenciados no Ć¢mbito deste Conselho. Superando-se esses entraves, as interaƧƵes constituem ponto de partida para formulaĆ§Ć£o das estratĆ©gias de planejamento e gestĆ£o dos agricultores familiares.--------------------------------------------The area of the valley of Jequitinhonha presents a great cultural wealth, although it is one of the areas more poor of the State of Minas Gerais, what can be corroborated her index of Human Development accordingly - IDH, oscillating around 0,465. This space is characterized by the outstanding presence of family farmers, acting about 50% of the total of the population economically active of the area. The present article intends to discuss the formation and performance of Municipal Council of Maintainable Rural Development - CMDRS while spaces propellers of actions more effective intervenors as for the needs of the rural communities; for so much it is taken about unit of this analysis CMDRS of Diamantina - MG. For composition of this work interviews were made with key informers, he wants are, the counselors, as well as the use of the method of participant observation. The main analyzed innovation was the democracy participation, being stood out, however, some impediments his execute and that they concern the representation difficulties of the farmerā€™s front to the exchange with the representatives of government organizations, what causes interaction levels differentiated in the extent of this Council. Being overcome those impediments, the interactions constitute starting point for formulation of the planning strategies and the family farmers' administration.Agricultura familiar, Planejamento Rural, PolĆ­tica Local, Vale do Jequitinhonha, Family agriculture, Rural planning, Local politics, Valley of Jequitinhonha, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Farm Management,


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    A regiĆ£o do Vale do Jequitinhonha apresenta uma grande riqueza cultural, embora seja uma das regiƵes mais pobres do Estado de Minas, o que pode ser corroborado conforme seu Ć­ndice de Desenvolvimento Humano - IDH, oscilando em torno de 0,465. Este espaƧo Ć© caracterizado pela marcante presenƧa de agricultores familiares, representando cerca de 50% do total da populaĆ§Ć£o economicamente ativa da regiĆ£o. O presente artigo propƵe discutir a formaĆ§Ć£o e atuaĆ§Ć£o dos Conselhos Municipais de Desenvolvimento Rural SustentĆ”vel - CMDRS enquanto espaƧos propulsores de aƧƵes interventoras mais efetivas quanto Ć s necessidades das comunidades rurais; para tanto se toma como unidade desta anĆ”lise o CMDRS de Diamantina - MG. Para composiĆ§Ć£o deste trabalho foram efetuadas entrevistas com informantes chaves, quer sejam, os conselheiros, bem como o uso do mĆ©todo de observaĆ§Ć£o participante. A principal inovaĆ§Ć£o analisada foi a democracia participativa, ressaltando-se, entretanto, alguns entraves a sua efetivaĆ§Ć£o e que dizem respeito Ć s dificuldades de representaĆ§Ć£o dos agricultores frente ao intercĆ¢mbio com os representantes de organizaƧƵes governamentais, o que ocasionam nĆ­veis de interaĆ§Ć£o diferenciados no Ć¢mbito deste Conselho. Superando-se esses entraves, as interaƧƵes constituem ponto de partida para formulaĆ§Ć£o das estratĆ©gias de planejamento e gestĆ£o dos agricultores familiares.--------------------------------------------The area of the valley of Jequitinhonha presents a great cultural wealth, although it is one of the areas more poor of the State of Minas Gerais, what can be corroborated her index of Human Development accordingly - IDH, oscillating around 0,465. This space is characterized by the outstanding presence of family farmers, acting about 50% of the total of the population economically active of the area. The present article intends to discuss the formation and performance of Municipal Council of Maintainable Rural Development - CMDRS while spaces propellers of actions more effective intervenors as for the needs of the rural communities; for so much it is taken about unit of this analysis CMDRS of Diamantina - MG. For composition of this work interviews were made with key informers, he wants are, the counselors, as well as the use of the method of participant observation. The main analyzed innovation was the democracy participation, being stood out, however, some impediments his execute and that they concern the representation difficulties of the farmerā€™s front to the exchange with the representatives of government organizations, what causes interaction levels differentiated in the extent of this Council. Being overcome those impediments, the interactions constitute starting point for formulation of the planning strategies and the family farmers' administration