25 research outputs found

    Characterization of Indoor Molds after Ajka Red Mud Spill, Hungary

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    A red mud suspension of ~700,000 m3 was accidentally released from the alumina plant in Ajka, Hungary, on the 4th of October 2010, flooding several buildings in the nearby towns. As there is no information in the literature on the effects of red mud on indoor mold growth, we conducted studies to answer the following question: does the heavy metal content of red mud inhibit fungal colonization in flooded houses? In order to gain knowledge on fungal spectra colonizing surfaces soaked with red mud and on the ability of fungi to grow on them, swabs, tape lifts, and air samples were collected from three case study buildings. A total of 43 fungal taxa were detected. The dominant species were Penicillium spp. on plaster/brick walls, but Aspergillus series Versicolores, Cladosporium, Acremonium, and Scopulariopsis spp. were also present. The level of airborne penicillia was high in all indoor samples. Selected fungal strains were subcultured on 2% MEA with 10−1 and 10−4 dilutions of red mud. The growth rate of most of the strains was not significantly reduced by red mud on the artificial media. The consequences of similar industrial flooding on indoor molds are also discussed in this paper

    Identifications of Surfactin-Type Biosurfactants Produced by Bacillus Species Isolated from Rhizosphere of Vegetables

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    Surfactins are cyclic lipopeptides consisting of a β-hydroxy fatty acid of variable chain length and a peptide ring of seven amino acids linked together by a lactone bridge, forming the cyclic structure of the peptide chain. These compounds are produced mainly by Bacillus species and are well regarded for their antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activities. For their surfactin production profiling, several Bacillus strains isolated from vegetable rhizospheres were identified by their fatty acid methyl ester profiles and were tested against phytopathogen bacteria and fungi. The isolates showed significant inhibition against of E. amylovora, X. campestris, B. cinerea, and F. culmorum and caused moderate effects on P. syringae, E. carotovora, A. tumefaciens, F. graminearum, F. solani, and C. gloeosporioides. Then, an HPLC-HESI-MS/MS method was applied to simultaneously carry out the quantitative and in-depth qualitative characterisations on the extracted ferment broths. More than half of the examined Bacillus strains produced surfactin, and the MS/MS spectra analyses of their sodiated precursor ions revealed a total of 29 surfactin variants and homologues, some of them with an extremely large number of peaks with different retention times, suggesting a large number of variations in the branching of their fatty acid chains

    A Composite Bioinoculant Based on the Combined Application of Beneficial Bacteria and Fungi

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    A composite soil bioinoculant containing beneficial bacteria and fungi was developed for biocontrol of plant pathogens, phosphorous mobilization, stem degradation, humification, and nitrogen fixation. A Trichoderma asperellum isolate with outstanding in vitro antagonistic abilities toward a series of plant pathogenic fungi was included as a potential biocontrol component. The selected strain was also shown to promote growth and increase photosynthetic activity of tomato plants. For phosphorous mobilization and stem degradation, a Trichoderma atrobrunneum strain was selected, which produced cellulose-degrading enzymes even in the absence of stem residues, while this ability increased 10–15-fold in the presence of ground maize stem. The strain was also shown to produce large amounts of enzymes liberating organically bound phosphorous, as well as cellulase and xylanase activities in solid-state fermentation on various plant residues. A Streptomyces albus strain with excellent peroxidase-producing abilities was selected as a potential humus-producing component, while an Azotobacter vinelandii strain with the potential to provide excess nitrogen for crops was included for nitrogen fixation. The assembled soil bioinoculant had positive effect on the uptake of certain important macro- and microelements (potassium, sodium, and manganese) from the soil by field-grown tomato plants. The applied screening strategy proved to be applicable for the assembly of a composite soil bioinoculant with notable application potentials