1,688 research outputs found

    MTS Time Series: Market and Data Description for the European Bond and Repo Database

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    MTS Time Series: Market and Data Description for the European Bond and Repo Database Alfonso Dufour and Frank Skinner MTS Time Series is a new source of high frequency and daily data for European fixed income markets. For the first time academic researchers and market practitioners have available a wealth of trading data for a large number of European sovereign bond markets. The database includes data on daily cash and repo trading activity and comprehensive high frequency trade and quote data. This paper discusses specific aspects of the structure of the MTS markets and illustrates the characteristics of the database. In particular, the coverage and the structure of the database are provided.

    The ACD Model: Predictability of the Time Between Concecutive Trades

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    Forecasting ability of several parameterizations of ACD models are compared to benchmark linear autoregressions for inter-trade durations. The estimation of parametric ACD models requires both the choice of a conditional density for durations and the specification of a functional form for the conditional mean duration. Our results provide guidance for choosing among different parameterizations and for developing better forecasting models to predict one-step-ahead, multi-step-ahead, and the whole density of time durations. For evaluating density forecasts, we propose a new constructive test, which is based on the series of probability integral transforms. The choice of the conditional distribution for inter-trade durations does not seem to affect the out-of sample performances of the ACD at short, as well as longer, horizons. Yet, this choice becomes critical when forecasting the density.

    The Drivers of Cross Market Arbitrage Opportunities: Theory and Evidence for the European Bond Market

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    The focus of this paper is on the study of the drivers of a cross market arbitrage profit. Many papers have investigated the risk of trading arbitrage opportunities and the empirical existence of these events at the high frequency level for different markets. But none of the previous work has asked the simple question of how these events are formed in the first place. That is, what are the drivers behind the occurrence of a risk free profit opportunity? In this paper we investigate the theoretical (and empirical) implications of a cross platform arbitrage profit. Following a microstructure model we show that this event is the result of microstructure frictions in trading. We are able to decompose the likelihood of an arbitrage opportunity into three distinct factors: the fixed cost to trade the opportunity, the level of which one of the platforms delays a price update and the impact of the order flow on the quoted prices (inventory and asymmetric information effects). In the second (empirical) part of the paper, we investigate the predictions from the theoretical model for the European Bond market with an event study framework and also using a formal econometric estimation of a probit model. Our main finding is that the results found in the empirical part corroborate strongly with the predictions from the structural model. The event of an arbitrage opportunity has a certain degree of predictability where an optimal ex ante scenario is represented by a low level of spreads on both platforms, a time of the day close to the end of trading hours and a high volume of trade.arbitrage opportunities; negative spreads; market microstructure; market efficiency

    A Microstructure Model for Spillover Effects in Price Discovery: A Study for the European Bond Market

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    This paper is set to investigate the existence of spillover effects for the trading process of correlated financial instruments. While the main literature in price impact models has focused mainly on multivariate processes for a unique asset, we argue that transitory spillover effects in such class of models should exist as a simple biproduct of explicit relationships among prices of different (but correlated) financial instruments. Firstly we assess the theoretical implications of a transitory spillover effect in an extended microstructure model and then we investigate our different hypothesis in the European bond market with a formal econometric model. The results showed that the estimated parameters of the econometric models do conform to what we expect in the theoretical derivations, where the trades of one instrument would be correlated to the trades in others. But, even though the results are positive, they could also be explained by traders splitting orders across different instruments or joint periods of intensive trading. Further analysis also showed that the trading intensity in other instruments does affect the trading process of the particular bonds. We found that a buy (sell) order is less likely to be followed by a buy (sell) order if the market is trading intensively. We explain such effect as an inventory problem, where volatility of prices forces market makers to improve trades in the opposite direction from the current order flow. The main conclusion of this study is that we find inconclusive results towards the particular microstructure model set in the theoretical part of the paper, but positive results for a general spillover effect in the trading process of European fixed income instruments.market microstructure; spillover effect; commonalities; liquidity; price impact of a trade.

    A False Perception? The relative riskiness of AIM and listed Stocks

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    This research examines the perception that the AIM market is riskier than the Official List market in comparable stocks. The empirical analysis uses high frequency data for January 2000 to December 2004 on 533 AIM stocks and 264 comparable Official List stocks. Risk is measured in a variety of ways. At a superficial level AIM stocks appear riskier than comparable Official List stocks. However, as the analysis is refined to ensure the comparison focuses purely on the effects of being listed on different markets, the additional AIM risk shrinks and finally disappears. This conclusion concurs with the current market practitioner view that there is no significant risk differential.