146 research outputs found

    Adult attachment and mental representations of significant others

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    According to attachment theory, the infant shapes perceptions on self and significant others based on his or her experience with the primary caregiver. These perceptions include thoughts and beliefs regards the extent to which the self is worthy of love, and the extent to which others are reliable sources of love and protection. Thoughts and beliefs about the self are defined as working models of self, thoughts and belief about others are defined as working models of others. To date, attachment researchers have characterized individual differences in working models predominantly in terms of valence (positive versus negative). However, there are both theoretical and empirical reasons to suggest that it may not be sufficient, and that working models also differ between individuals in terms of stability and organizational structure. Accordingly, the current thesis investigated the proposal that individual differences in attachment relates to change in working models, in specific models of significant others, in response to transient evaluative events. Five studies examined the association between individual differences in attachment and systematic fluctuations in appraisals of significant others (romantic partners), and the psychological processes that underlie them. Study 1 showed that people with high levels of attachment anxiety hold unstable views of their romantic partners. Study 2 and Study 3 provided evidence that under threat to the ego or threat to the relationship people with high levels of attachment anxiety decrease esteem for their romantic partner. In Study 4 and Study 5 higher levels of attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance were both associated with greater ambivalence towards the romantic partner. Overall, findings supported the proposal that working models of attachment differ not only in terms of how positively or negatively others are perceived, but also in terms of the temporal stability of these perceptions. These findings have implications for research in the domains of attachment and romantic relationships, and on romantic relationships' functioning<br/

    Physiological aspects underpinning recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli

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    Many biopharmaceutical projects require the production of recombinant protein in a bacterial host. Conventional procedures used for recombinant protein production (RPP) involve the rapid synthesis of the target protein. This results in the accumulation of unfolded protein, the induction of the heat shock stress response and bacterial growth arrest. More importantly, the target protein accumulates in inclusion bodies and hence is useless to determine its structure. The immediate impact of this is that both the yield and quality of the target protein are compromised. This thesis reports two generically successful approaches that were developed to overcome this series of stress-induced events in Escherichia coli. Both strategies were developed during the production of a cytoplasmic protein and outer membrane lipoproteins using the pET expression system in the bacterial host, E. coli strain BL21(DE3)*. First, the induction protocol was modified to minimise the stress on the host bacterium. This method relies on the induction of very low levels of the T7 RNA polymerase in BL21* and thus the correspondingly slow synthesis of the target protein. Using this approach, growth and productivity of different types of correctly folded target proteins were sustained for at least 70 h. Secondly, mutant hosts that significantly improve recombinant protein production during conventional protocols were isolated. These improved hosts are resistant to IPTG-induced stress and continue to accumulate high levels of the correctly folded target protein. Key to the stress resistance is the presence of mutations that downregulate the synthesis of T7 RNA polymerase. However, different improved hosts were able to enhance the production of different types of target protein, such as those requiring extensive post-translational modification. The potential for isolating a plethora of improved bacterial hosts that are tailored for the production of different types of recombinant protein is discussed in light of the challenges faced by bioindustry. Procedures enabling the isolation of mutant hosts during the production of GFP-tagged and untagged proteins are reported

    PERAN ALI SADIKIN DALAM MEMBANGUN KOTA JAKARTA TAHUN 1966-1977 (Suatu Tinjauan Dalam Bidang Sosial dan Budaya)

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    Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini untuk mengetahui pribadi Ali Sadikin, untuk mengetahui kebijakan-kebijakan di masa pemerintahan Ali Sadikin, untuk mengetahui kendala-kendala yang dihadapi Ali Sadikin dalam membangun kota Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan di dalam skripsi ini adalah studi literatur yaitu dengan mengumpulkan buku-buku yang relevan. Adapun langkah-langkahnya dengan heuristik, kritik sumber (kritik intern maupun kritik ekstern), interprestasi (penafsiran), dan historiografi. Hasil penulisan dalam skripsi ini Ali Sadikin adalah seorang mantan TNI-AL yang diangkat menjadi gubernur Jakarta pada tahun 1966-1977, dia adalah seorang gubernur yang sangat berjasa dalam mengembangkan Jakarta menjadi sebuah kota metropolitan yang modern. Dia juga seorang gubernur yang sangat merakyat, tegas, keras, disiplin, kreatif, inovatf dan selalu mengutamakan kepentingan orang. Sejak tahun 1959 hingga 1977, jabatan yang pernah dipegang adalah Pembantu utama Menteri / Panglima Angkatan Laut tahun 1959-1963, Menteri Perhubungan Laut Kabinet Kerja sekaligus Menteri Koordinator Kompartemen Maritim / Menteri Perhubungan Laut Kabinet Dwikora dan Kabinet Dwikora, dan terakhir menjabat sebagai Gubernur DKI Jakarta 1966-1977 selama 11 tahun, Kebijakan Ali Sadikin dalam membangun kota Jakarta meliputi: Sosial (meningkat kualitas pendidikan, kesehatan, pembinaan dan pengembangan kegiatan olahraga). Budaya (meningkatkan apresiasi kebudayaan dan kesenian). Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi Ali Sadikin meliputi bidang : Sosial (Pendidikan, kesehatan, pembinaan dan pengembangan kegiatan olahraga). Budaya (meningkatkan apresiasi kebudayaan dan kesenian). Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi Ali Sadikin meliputi bidang : Sosial (Pendidikan, kesehatan, pembinaan dan pengembangan kegiatan olahraga), Budaya (Pembinaan meningkatkan apresiasi kebudayaan dan kesenian di Jakarta). Untuk mengatasinya Ali Sadikin melakukan dengan menambah jumlah gedung sekolah dan tenaga pendidik, diadakan penyuluhan pada masyarakat mengenai pentingnya kesehatan bagi lingkungannya

    Mother and Infant at Play: Reciprocity in Gazing Behavior

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    Twenty mothers and their 3-month-old male infants were studied in an attempt to isolate and describe some of the motivational components that contribute to infant gaze. Infants were videotaped in two conditions: playing with mother and playing with a female stranger. The videotapes were then analyzed on a second-by-second basis with respect to infant gaze and a variety of maternal/stranger behaviors. Results show that infants spend more time gazing at the stranger than at mother and that looks at the stranger are of much longer duration. In addition, high levels of infant gaze tend to be associated with facial and vocal expressiveness in the infant\u27s partner, and with the assumption of an intermediate position vis a vis the infant. These findings are discussed in the context of the infant\u27s growing capacity to discriminate between his mother and others. Since this process points to the existence of memory, it is suggested that by 3 months, gazing in the infant may have a number of motivational components, including previous experience with that object

    Therapeutic Challenges in the Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism in a Cancer Patient with Chemotherapy-induced Thrombocytopenia

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    This case demonstrates the therapeutic challenges encountered when managing an acute pulmonary embolism in a cancer patient with thrombocytopenia. A 64-year-old man with a history of lung cancer receiving chemotherapy was admitted to Walsall Manor Hospital with haemodynamic instability consistent with a pulmonary embolism, proven on computed tomographic pulmonary angiogram. His platelet count was noted to be 35Γ—109/l (chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia). After discussions, he was deemed not suitable for thrombolysis based on risk versus benefits. The patient was initially transfused one adult dose of platelets and treated with half the therapeutic dose of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH). The same management plan was followed until the platelet count exceeded 50Γ—10sup>9/l, after which the patient was established on the full therapeutic dose of LMWH. Clinically, the patient improved and was discharged. Three months after discharge, follow-up revealed sustained clinical improvement while the patient continued to be on the full therapeutic dose of LMWH with a stable platelet count
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