265 research outputs found

    Fertilizer metering mechanism with helical conic cylindrical thread for family agriculture

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    Small rural farms are important for Brazilian agribusiness, but equipment suitable for distributing fertilizers on these properties is scarce. We studied a new fertilizer metering mechanism for use on the family farm. It combines a helical conic thread with a conventional fertilizer meter in a cylindrical section. The experimental plan was created using a 24 factorial design. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also conducted. The mechanism showed a positive result with respect to the uniformity of fertilizer flow (with a coefficient of variation of 3.1-5.8%), longitudinal distribution (with a coefficient of variation of 4%), and different types of fertilizers (in which variations between 2.7 and 3.5% were found).38693494

    Lupus eritematoso sistémico asociado a vasculitis de vasos medianos

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    El Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico (LES) es una enfermedadautoinmune compleja que puede presentarsecon una amplia variedad de manifestacionesclínicas y serológicas, pudiendo afectarcualquier órgano.Las vasculitis se caracterizan por presencia deinfiltrado celular en la pared vascular de polimorfonuclearesy como consecuencia necrosis de lapared. Los síndromes vasculíticos se puedenagrupar en formas primarias, donde el procesofisiopatológico involucra directamente los vasossanguíneos y formas secundarias en las cualesla inflamación vascular ocurre como complicaciónde una enfermedad subyacente, principalmenteenfermedades autoinmunes, o desencadenadaspor factores exógenos como drogas, infeccioneso neoplasias...</p

    Population structure of Araucaria angustifolia in the Iguaçu National Park.

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    Estrutura populacional de Araucaria angustifolia no Parque Nacional do Iguaçu. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar a estrutura populacional, regeneração e distribuição espacial de Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntz no interior de uma floresta natural e na borda de uma floresta com monocultura agrícola. Todos os indivíduos de araucária a partir de 10 cm de altura foram registrados em 200 parcelas de 10 x 10 m, sendo amostrados 479 indivíduos (416 na borda e 63 no interior). Desses, 33 eram fêmeas, 37 machos, 49 juvenis e 360 regenerantes. A estrutura da população apresentou padrão semelhante ao J-invertido. Os indivíduos regenerantes apresentaram principalmente o padrão agregado de distribuição, já para os juvenis, machos e fêmeas o padrão foi uniforme. A densidade do dossel influenciou a frequência de indivíduos, sendo observadas maiores frequências em maiores densidades, indicando que a regeneração da espécie é mais efetiva em ambientes sombreados. Devido ao grande número de indivíduos amostrados em diferentes classes de tamanho, o Parque Nacional do Iguaçu representa um importante remanescente na conservação de A. angustifolia

    Diabetes Causes Bone Marrow Autonomic Neuropathy and Impairs Stem Cell Mobilization via Dysregulated p66Shc and Sirt1

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    Diabetes compromises the bone marrow (BM) microenvironment and reduces circulating CD34 + cells. Diabetic autonomic neuropathy (DAN) may impact the BM, because the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is prominently involved in BM stem cell trafficking. We hypothesize that neuropathy of the BM affects stem cell mobilization and vascular recovery after ischemia in diabetes. We report that, in patients, cardiovascular DAN was associated with fewer circulating CD34 + cells. Experimental diabetes (STZ and Ob/Ob ) or chemical sympathectomy in mice resulted in BM autonomic neuropathy, impaired Lin - cKit + Sca1 + (LKS) cell and endothelial progenitor cells (EPC, CD34 + Flk1 + ) mobilization and vascular recovery after ischemia. DAN increased expression of p66Shc and reduced expression of Sirt1 in mice and humans. p66Shc KO in diabetic mice prevented DAN in the BM, and rescued defective LKS cell and EPC mobilization. Hematopoietic Sirt1 KO mimicked the diabetic mobilization defect, while hematopoietic Sirt1 overexpression in diabetes rescued defective mobilization and vascular repair. Through p66Shc and Sirt1 , diabetes and sympathectomy elevated the expression of various adhesion molecules, including CD62L . CD62L KO partially rescued the defective stem/progenitor cell mobilization. In conclusion, autonomic neuropathy in the BM impairs stem cell mobilization in diabetes with dysregulation of the lifespan regulators p66Shc and Sirt1

    Maternal Parenting Practices and Psychosocial Adjustment of Primary School Children

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    This study was aimed at evaluating the associations between maternal parenting practices (positive, negative/inconsistent, and punitive), children’s difficulties (such as conduct problems, emotional symptoms, peer problems, and hyperactivity), and prosocial behaviors. Participants were 131 Italian mothers of primary school children; mothers were aged between 26 and 52 years (M = 38.38, SD = 5.46); children (54% girls) were aged between 6 and 10 years (M = 7.15, SD = 0.98). Mothers completed two scales assessing their parenting practices and their children’s psychosocial adjustment. A path analysis was run to test the hypothesized model. The results showed the following: (a) maternal positive parenting was negatively and significantly related to children’s conduct problems and hyperactivity, and positively and significantly to children’s prosocial behavior; (b) maternal negative/inconsistent parenting was positively and significantly related to children’s conduct problems, emotional symptoms, and hyperactivity; (c) maternal punitive parenting was positively and significantly related to children’s conduct problems and emotional symptoms. Moreover, the results showed that, according to the mothers’ perceptions, boys tended to exhibit higher levels of hyperactivity and peer problems and lower levels of prosocial behaviors than girls. Overall, this study highlights the unique role of different maternal parenting practices in the psychosocial adjustment of primary school children


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    Introducción: La  dispersión del  intervalo QT  ha sido descripta en  pacientes con artritis reumatoidea (AR) y  puede ser un marcador útil de morbi-mortalidad cardiovascular.Objetivos: Conocer el comportamiento del intervalo QT corregido (iQTc) en pacientes con AT y evaluar la asociación con  actividad de la enfermedad (AE).Material y Métodos:  Se realizó un estudio comparativo de corte transversal que incluyó pacientes mayores de 16 años, con diagnóstico de artritis temprana (AT) , atendidos en la  Unidad de Reumatología del Hospital Córdoba, desde enero de 2010 a diciembre de 2013. El grupo control se apareó por edad, sexo y antecedentes patológicos.  Los criterios de exclusión fueron evidencias  de IAM,  arritmia, potasemia&gt;5mEq/L,  ingesta de fármacos que afecten el QT. Se recolectaron datos demográficos, la actividad de la enfermedad se midió por DiseaseActivity Score (DAS 28), clasificando la actividad de la enfermedad en Baja AE, DAS 28 menor a 3,2,  Moderada/ Alta mayor de 3.2;   y se realizó ECG con técnica  estándar. El  intervalo QT fue medido desde el comienzo del complejo QRS hasta el final de la onda T. Para obtener el valor del iQTc, se utilizó la fórmula de Bazett.Resultados: El número de pacientes fue de 31, 83.9 % de sexo femenino y con edad media de 41.9 años, el DAS 28 promedio de 5.09. El grupo control incluyo 31 individuos con  una edad media de 42.2. El intervalo QT fue de 0.376 mm/s y el iQTc de 0.408 en AT y el QT fue de 0.381 mm/s y el iQTc de 0.415mm/s en el grupo control (p NS, p NS). El QT y el iQTc fueron de 0.39 y 0.38mm/s en los pacientes con baja  AE; 0.37mm/s y 0.411en Moderada / Alta AE (p=NS).Conclusión: El iQTc no demostró alteraciones ni se relacionó con actividad de la enfermedad en  AT   Background: The QT interval modification has been described in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and it could be a useful marker of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.Aims: To evaluate the QT interval modifications in patients with early arthritis (EA) and its association with disease activity (DA).METHODS: We studied patients with diagnosis of EA attended to Rheumatology Unit at Córdoba Hospital from January 2010 to December 2013. Control group was population age, gender and cardiovascular risk factors matched. Exclusion criteria were: myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, K level &gt;5, or anti-arrhythmia treatment. ECG was performed by standard technique and QT interval was measured from the beginning of QRS to the end of T wave. QTC value was calculated by Bazzet formula.  The activity disease was measured by Disease Activity Score (DAS 28), and was considered low disease activity below 3.2, and moderate / high disease activity more than 3,2.RESULTS: 31 patients were included with 83.9 % of females and the mean age was  41.9 years old and DAS 28 was 5.09.  31 persons were included as a control group with a mean age of 42.2 years old.  QT interval was  0.376 mm/s  and l QTC  0.408  in EA and  QT was  0.381 mm/s and  QTC  0.415 mm/s  in the control group ( p= NS, p= NS).  QT interval and  QTC were  0.39 and 0.38 in low DA patients; 0.37 and  0.411 in Moderate / High DA ( p=NS)CONCLUSIONS: The QT interval  was not modified and it was not related with DA in EA. </p