298 research outputs found

    Health Workforce Planning : An overview and suggested approach in Oman

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    In most countries, the lack of explicit health workforce planning has resulted in imbalances that threaten the capacity of healthcare systems to attain their objectives. This has directed attention towards the prospect of developing healthcare systems that are more responsive to the needs and expectations of the population by providing health planners with a systematic method to effectively manage human resources in this sector. This review analyses various approaches to health workforce planning and presents the Six-Step Methodology to Integrated Workforce Planning which highlights essential elements in workforce planning to ensure the quality of services. The purpose, scope and ownership of the approach is defined. Furthermore, developing an action plan for managing a health workforce is emphasised and a reviewing and monitoring process to guide corrective actions is suggested

    Role of Oxygen Electrons in the Metal-Insulator Transition in the Magnetoresistive Oxide La2−2x_{2-2x}Sr1+2x_{1+2x}Mn2_2O7_7 Probed by Compton Scattering

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    We have studied the [100]-[110] anisotropy of the Compton profile in the bilayer manganite. Quantitative agreement is found between theory and experiment with respect to the anisotropy in the two metallic phases (i.e. the low temperature ferromagnetic and the colossal magnetoresistant phase under a magnetic field of 7 T). Robust signatures of the metal-insulator transition are identified in the momentum density for the paramagnetic phase above the Curie temperature. We interpret our results as providing direct evidence for the transition from the metallic-like to the admixed ionic-covalent bonding accompanying the magnetic transition. The number of electrons involved in this phase transition is estimated from the area enclosed by the Compton profile anisotropy differences. Our study demonstrates the sensitivity of the Compton scattering technique for identifying the number and type of electrons involved in the metal-insulator transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Bulk Fermi surface and momentum density in heavily doped La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 using high resolution Compton scattering and positron annihilation spectroscopies

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    We have observed the bulk Fermi surface (FS) in an overdoped (xx=0.3) single crystal of La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 by using Compton scattering. A two-dimensional (2D) momentum density reconstruction from measured Compton profiles yields a clear FS signature in the third Brillouin zone along [100]. The quantitative agreement between density functional theory (DFT) calculations and momentum density experiment suggests that Fermi-liquid physics is restored in the overdoped regime. In particular the predicted FS topology is found to be in good accord with the corresponding experimental data. We find similar quantitative agreement between the measured 2D angular correlation of positron annihilation radiation (2D-ACAR) spectra and the DFT based computations. However, 2D-ACAR does not give such a clear signature of the FS in the extended momentum space in either the theory or the experiment.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Exploration of Challenges Among Gifted and Talented Children

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    Most gifted students love to study, work hard to complete cognitive tasks, and wanted to have more difficult subjects for enhancing their intellectual capability. However, they are unable to do so in their regular classes even in their special gifted group. Some of the challenges faced by gifted and talented students are teachers’ stigma, negative peer attitudes, difficulty understanding others, problems related to perfectionism, as well as impatience and intolerance. Thus, there is a dire need to cater the social and emotional issues of these students. Counselors may be unaware and unable to respond to these concerns because they are not well-trained to counsel this unique population. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the characteristics of gifted and talented students, challenges that they face and the need for counseling approaches to address all these issues to unleash the learning and development of gifted students

    High resolution Compton scattering as a Probe of the Fermi surface in the Iron-based superconductor LaO1−xFxFeAsLaO_{1-x}F_xFeAs

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    We have carried out first principles all-electron calculations of the (001)-projected 2D electron momentum density and the directional Compton profiles along the [100], [001] and [110] directions in the Fe-based superconductor LaOFeAs within the framework of the local density approximation. We identify Fermi surface features in the 2D electron momentum density and the directional Compton profiles, and discuss issues related to the observation of these features via Compton scattering experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    First-principles calculation of topological invariants Z2 within the FP-LAPW formalism

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    In this paper, we report the implementation of first-principles calculations of topological invariants Z2 within the full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave (FP-LAPW) formalism. In systems with both time-reversal and spatial inversion symmetry (centrosymmetric), one can use the parity analysis of Bloch functions at time-reversal invariant momenta to determine the Z2 invariants. In systems without spatial inversion symmetry (noncentrosymmetric), however, a more complex and systematic method in terms of the Berry gauge potential and the Berry curvature is required to identify the band topology. We show in detail how both methods are implemented in FP-LAPW formalism and applied to several classes of materials including centrosymmetric compounds Bi2Se3 and Sb2Se3 and noncentrosymmetric compounds LuPtBi, AuTlS2 and CdSnAs2. Our work provides an accurate and effective implementation of first-principles calculations to speed up the search of new topological insulators

    Improvement of regeneration in pepper: a recalcitrant species

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    [EN] Organogenesis is influenced by factors like genotype, type of explant, culture medium components, and incubation conditions. The influence of ethylene, which can be produced in the culture process, can also be a limiting factor in recalcitrant species like pepper. In this work, bud induction was achieved from cotyledons and hypocotyls-from eight pepper cultivars-on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 22.2 mu M 6-benzyladenine (6BA) and 5.71 mu M indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), in media with or without silver nitrate (SN) (58.86 mu M), a suppressor of ethylene action. In the SN-supplemented medium, the frequencies of explants with buds and with callus formation were lower in both kinds of explant, but higher numbers of developed shoots were isolated from explants cultured on SN. Bud elongation was better in medium with gibberellic acid (GA(3)) (2.88 mu M) than in medium free of growth regulators or supplemented with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) at 34.5 mu M. However, isolation of shoots was difficult and few plants were recovered. The effect of adding SN following bud induction (at 7 d) and that of dark incubation (the first 7 d of culture) was also assessed in order to improve the previous results. When SN was added after bud induction, similar percentages of bud induction were found for cotyledons (average frequency 89.37% without SN and 94.37% with SN) whereas they doubled in hypocotyls (50% without SN and 87.7% with SN). In addition, in both kinds of explant, the number of developed plants able to be transferred to soil (developed and rooted) was greatly increased by SN. Dark incubation does not seem to improve organogenesis in pepper, and hypocotyl explants clearly represent a better explant choice-with respect to cotyledonary explants-for the pepper cultivars assayed.We thank the COMAV germplasm bank at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia and the Arid Lands Institute for pepper seeds and the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research who fund N. Gammoudi's stay.Gammoudi, N.; San Pedro-Galan, T.; Ferchichi, A.; Gisbert Domenech, MC. (2018). Improvement of regeneration in pepper: a recalcitrant species. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant. 54(2):145-153. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11627-017-9838-1S145153542Ashrafuzzaman M, Hossain MM, Razi Ismail M, Shahidul Haque M, Shahidullah SM, Uz Zaman S (2009) Regeneration potential of seedling explants of chilli (Capsicum annuum). Afr J Biotechnol 8:591–596Bortesi L, Fischer R (2015) The CRISPR/Cas9 system for plant genome editing and beyond. Biotechnol Adv 33:41–52Brooks C, Nekrasov V, Lippman ZB, Van Eck J (2014) Efficient gene editing in tomato in the first generation using the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated9 system. Plant Physiol 166:1292–1297Brown DC, Thorpe TA (1995) Crop improvement through tissue culture. World J Microbiol Biotechnol 11:409–415Carvalho MAF, Paiva R, Stein VC, Herrera RC, Porto JMP, Vargas DP, Alves E (2014) Induction and morpho-ultrastructural analysis of organogenic calli of a wild passion fruit. Braz Arch Biol Technol 57:581–859Christopher T, Rajam MV (1996) Effect of genotype, explant and medium on in vitro regeneration of red pepper. Plant CellTiss Org Cult 46:245–250Dabauza M, Peña L (2001) High efficiency organogenesis in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) tissues from different seedling explants. Plant Growth Regul 33:221–229De Filippis LF (2014) Crop improvement through tissue culture. In: Ahmad P, Wani MR, Azooz MM, Tran LSP (eds) Improvement of crops in the era of climate changes, vol 1. Springer, New York, pp 289–346Gammoudi N, Ben Yahia L, Lachiheb B, Ferchichi A (2016) Salt response in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.): components of photosynthesis inhibition, proline accumulation and K+/Na+ selectivity. JJ Aridland Agri 2:1–12González A, Arigita L, Majada J, Sánchez Tamés R (1997) Ethylene involvement in in vitro organogenesis and plant growth of Populus tremula L. Plant Growth Regul 22:1–6Grozeva S, Rodeva V, Todorova V (2012) In vitro shoot organogenesis in Bulgarian sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) varieties. EJBio 8:39–44Gunay AL, Rao PS (1978) In vitro plant regeneration from hypocotyls and cotyledon explants of red pepper (Capsicum). Plant Sci Lett 11:365–372Huxter TJ, Thorpe TA, Reid DM (1981) Shoot initiation in light- and dark-grown tobacco callus: the role of ethylene. Physiol Plant 53:319–326Hyde CL, Phillips GC (1996) Silver nitrate promotes shoot development and plant regeneration of chile pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) via organogenesis. In Vitro-Plant 32:72–80Kothari SL, Joshi A, Kachhwaha S, Ochoa-Alejo N (2010) Chilli peppers—a review on tissue culture and transgenesis. Biotechnol Adv 28:35–48Kumar AO, Rupavathi T, Tata SS (2012) Adventitious shoot bud induction in chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. X-235). In J Sci Nat 3:192–196Kumar PP, Lakshmanan P, Thorpe TA (1998) Regulation of morphogenesis in plant tissue culture by ethylene. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Plant 34:94–103Liu W, Parrott WA, Hildebrand DF, Collins GB, Williams EG (1990) Agrobacterium induced gall formation in bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and formation of shoot-like structures expressing introduced genes. Plant Cell Rep 9:360–364Maligeppagol M, Manjula R, Navale PM, Babu KP, Kumbar BM, Laxman RH (2016) Genetic transformation of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) with Dreb1A transcription factor known to impart drought tolerance. Indian J Biotechnol 15:17–24Mantiri FR, Kurdyukov S, Chen SK, Rose RJ (2008) The transcription factor MtSERF1 may function as a nexus between stress and development in somatic embryogenesis in Medicago truncatula. Plant Signal Behav 3:498–500Mezghani N, Jemmali A, Elloumi N, Gargouri-Bouzid R, Kintzios S (2007) Morpho-histological study on shoot bud regeneration in cotyledon cultures of pepper (Capsicum annuum). Biologia 62:704–710Mohamed-Yasseen Y (2001) Influence of agar and activated charcoal on uptake of gibberellin and plant morphogenesis in vitro. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol - Plant 37:204–205Moshkov IE, Novikova GV, Hall MA, George EF (2008) Plant growth regulators III: ethylene. 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Kluwer Acad Publ, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 486–508Sanatombi K, Sharma GJ (2008) In vitro plant regeneration in six cultivars of Capsicum spp. using different explants. Biol Plant 52:141–145Santana-Buzzy N, Canto-Flick A, Barahona-Pérez F, Montalvo-Peniche MC, Zapata-Castillo PY, Solís-Ruiz A, Zaldívar-Collí A, Gutiérrez-Alonso O, Miranda-Ham ML (2005) Regeneration of habanero pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) via organogenesis. Hortscience 40:1829–1831Santana-Buzzy N, Canto-Flick A, Iglesias-Andreu LG, Montalvo-Peniche MC, López-Puc G, Barahona-Pérez F (2006) Improvement of in vitro culturing of habanero pepper by inhibition of ethylene effects. Hortscience 41:405–409Sawai S, Ohyama K, Yasumoto S, Seki H, Sakuma T, Yamamoto T, Takebayashi Y, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Aoki T, Muranaka T, Saito K, Umemoto N (2014) Sterol side chain reductase 2 is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of cholesterol, the common precursor of toxic steroidal glycoalkaloids in potato. Plant Cell 26:3763–3774Shah SH, Ali S, Jan SA, Din J, Ali GM (2014) Assessment of silver nitrate on callus induction and in vitro shoot regeneration in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) Pakistan J Bot 46:2163–2172Steinitz B, Wolf D, Matzevitch-Josef T, Zelcer A (1999) Regeneration in vitro and genetic transformation of pepper (Capsicum spp.): the current state of the art. Capsicum Eggplant Plant Newsletter 18:9–15Tamimi SM (2015) Effects of ethylene inhibitors, silver nitrate (AgNO3), cobalt chloride (CoCl2) and aminooxyacetic acid (AOA), on in vitro shoot induction and rooting of banana (Musa acuminata L.) Afr J Biotechnol 14:2510–2516Trujillo-Moya C, Gisbert C (2012) The influence of ethylene and ethylene modulators on shoot organogenesis in tomato. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult 111:41–48Yasmin S, Mensuali-Sodi A, Perata P, Pucciariello C (2014) Ethylene influences in vitro regeneration frequency in the FR13A rice harbouring the SUB1A gene. Plant Growth Reg 72:97–103Zhao Y, Stiles AR, Saxena PK, Liu CZ (2013) Dark preincubation improves shoot organogenesis from Rhodiola crenulata leaf explants. Biol Plant 57:189–19

    Two Distinct Coagulase-Dependent Barriers Protect Staphylococcus aureus from Neutrophils in a Three Dimensional in vitro Infection Model

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a pyogenic abscess-forming facultative pathogenic microorganism expressing a large set of virulence-associated factors. Among these, secreted proteins with binding capacity to plasma proteins (e.g. fibrinogen binding proteins Eap and Emp) and prothrombin activators such as Coagulase (Coa) and vWbp are involved in abscess formation. By using a three-dimensional collagen gel (3D-CoG) supplemented with fibrinogen (Fib) we studied the growth behavior of S. aureus strain Newman and a set of mutants as well as their interaction with mouse neutrophils by real-time confocal microscopy. In 3D-CoG/Fib, S. aureus forms microcolonies which are surrounded by an inner pseudocapsule and an extended outer dense microcolony-associated meshwork (MAM) containing fibrin. Coa is involved in formation of the pseudocapsule whereas MAM formation depends on vWbp. Moreover, agr-dependent dispersal of late stage microcolonies could be observed. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the pseudocapsule and the MAM act as mechanical barriers against neutrophils attracted to the microcolony. The thrombin inhibitor argatroban is able to prevent formation of both pseudocapsule and MAM and supports access of neutrophils to staphylococci. Taken together, this model can simulate specific stages of S. aureus abscess formation by temporal dissection of bacterial growth and recruitment of immune cells. It can complement established animal infection models in the development of new treatment options
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