49 research outputs found

    Nitrogen removal from swine wastewater by combining treated effluent with raw manure

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    Effluents from swine raising can be harmful to the environment if not correctly managed. Nitrogen (N) is usually the main element present at high concentrations in the effluent. Since the use as biofertilizer is not always a feasible alternative, the treatment of swine wastewater is necessary. Variations in N species and water solubility make the treatment difficult and expensive. Additional N removal at low cost via denitrification may be possible by recirculating nitrified effluent in the barns. In this study, raw manure (RM) was homogenized with treated effluent (TE) at RM/(RM + TE) ratios of 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5 and 0 in order to simulate the effect of reused water on swine wastewater nitrogen removal. Samples were collected daily during four days and analyzed for pH, oxidation-reduction potential, NH4-N, NO2-N, NO3-N and chemical oxidation demand. The oxidized nitrogen (NOx-N) half-life degradation was estimated using linear regression. NOx-N species half-life less than one day was obtained when treated effluent was combined and thoroughly homogenized with raw manure. It is suggested that combining raw manure with treated effluent (e.g. water reuse) can be a simple and cost-effective strategy to remove nitrogen from swine wastewaters


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    A criação intensiva de suínos tem causado grandes problemas ambientais, isto se deve à concentração elevada de animais por área, a alta concentração de matéria orgânica e nutriente nos dejetos de suínos aliados às incorretas práticas de manejo e tratamento. Com a finalidade de contribuir para a minimização e reversão deste quadro, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o desempenho do peneiramento na separação das fases sólida e líquida, para o tratamento de dejetos de suínos. Amostras de dejeto de suínos em fase de terminação foram homogeneizadas e peneiradas a diferentes crivos de peneiras. Fez-se a comparação entre as diferentes malhas de peneiras utilizadas, com a finalidade de definir a de melhor desempenho quanto à remoção de sólidos totais (ST), também foi avaliada a interferência que o tempo de armazenamento do dejeto nas calhas têm sobre a eficiência no peneiramento. Os resultados apontaram que a peneira de melhor eficiência foi a de 2,00 mm de abertura de malha, e que a melhor eficiência do peneiramento foi alcançada até no máximo de oito dias de armazenamento do dejeto nas calhas

    In vitro assay for antimicrobial interaction evaluation and risk assessment of antimicrobials in anaerobic digestion of swine manure

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    The energy demand increase and recent new regulation for biomethane in Brazil have aroused new interests and perspectives for biogas from livestock wastes, especially swine manure. Brazil is the largest producer of animal protein and has perspective to keep growing in the next years, but to achieve this goal good practices of livestock waste management are required. The anaerobic digestion has become a common practice to treat the manure and also reduce production costs through energy recovery (Cherubini et al. 2015)

    Swine manure digestate treatment using electrocoagulation

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    Anaerobic biodigestion is an appropriate alternative for the treatment of swine wastewater due to its biogas generation properties and the possibility of its application as a source of energy for heating or electricity. However, digestate can still contain high levels of turbidity, organic carbon and nutrients and must be correctly managed as a biofertilizer, or treated to avoid any impact on the environment. Considering this, electrocoagulation (EC) shows promise as a technology because of its ease of handling and high efficiency in effluent remediation. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of EC in a batch system in the treatment of swine wastewater digestate. The wastewater used in the treatment was sampled from a 10 m3 biodigestor effluent (digestate) located at Concórdia, Santa Catarina, Brazil. A batch-scale experiment was carried out to evaluate the following two variables: electrode distance (ED) and voltage applied (V). The removal efficiency levels (%) for the best operational condition (2 cm, 5 V) after 30 min were: 97 %, 98 %, 77 % and 10 % for color, turbidity, total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN), respectively. The EC batch system produced efficient results, underlining its promise as an alternative to be applied in the treatment of digestate

    Desenho E Montagem De Um Sistema Para Produção E Utilização De OzÈnio Em Escala Laboratorial.

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    A presente invenção refere-se a montagem e otimização de um sistema de ozonização para escala de laboratório, para utilização principalmente em estudos de tratamento de efluentes. Descreve-se também o interfaceamento do espectrofotômetro (utilizado na aquisição dos dados) com um microcomputador pentium 200 MHz..BR9802076 (A)C01B13/11C02F1/78C01B13/11C02F1/78BR19989802076C01B13/11C02F1/78C01B13/11C02F1/7

    Swine manure digestate treatment using electrocoagulation

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    ABSTRACT Anaerobic biodigestion is an appropriate alternative for the treatment of swine wastewater due to its biogas generation properties and the possibility of its application as a source of energy for heating or electricity. However, digestate can still contain high levels of turbidity, organic carbon and nutrients and must be correctly managed as a biofertilizer, or treated to avoid any impact on the environment. Considering this, electrocoagulation (EC) shows promise as a technology because of its ease of handling and high efficiency in effluent remediation. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of EC in a batch system in the treatment of swine wastewater digestate. The wastewater used in the treatment was sampled from a 10 m3 biodigestor effluent (digestate) located at Concórdia, Santa Catarina, Brazil. A batch-scale experiment was carried out to evaluate the following two variables: electrode distance (ED) and voltage applied (V). The removal efficiency levels (%) for the best operational condition (2 cm, 5 V) after 30 min were: 97 %, 98 %, 77 % and 10 % for color, turbidity, total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN), respectively. The EC batch system produced efficient results, underlining its promise as an alternative to be applied in the treatment of digestate