1,273 research outputs found

    Experience sharing:Mathematical Contest in Modelling (MCM)

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    In January 2016, Coventry Universitys sigma Mathematics Support Centre (MSC) funded three students for MCM, a multi-day mathematics competition held annually in the USA. This is organised by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP) and sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). In this article the team leader and advisor reflect on their experience

    A condition-based opportunistic maintenance policy integrated with energy efficiency for two-component parallel systems

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    Purpose: In order to improve the energy utilization and achieve sustainable development, this paper integrates energy efficiency into condition-based maintenance(CBM) decision-making for two-component parallel systems. The objective is to obtain the optimal maintenance policy by minimizing total cost. Design/methodology/approach: Based on energy efficiency, the paper considers the economic dependence between the two components to take opportunistic maintenance. Specifically, the objective function consists of traditional maintenance cost and energy cost incurred by energy consumption of components. In order to assess the performance of the proposed new maintenance policy, the paper uses Monte-Carlo method to evaluate the total cost and find the optimal maintenance policy. Findings: Simulation results indicate that the new maintenance policy is superior to the classical condition-based opportunistic maintenance policy in terms of total economic costs. Originality/value: For two-component parallel systems, previous researches usually simply establish a condition-based opportunistic maintenance model based on real deterioration data, but ignore energy consumption, energy efficiency (EE) and their contributions of sustainable development. This paper creatively takes energy efficiency into condition-based maintenance(CBM) decision-making process, and proposes a new condition-based opportunistic maintenance policy by using energy efficiency indicator(EEI).Peer Reviewe

    Modified Sagnac experiment for measuring travel-time difference between counter-propagating light beams in a uniformly moving fiber

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    A fiber optic conveyor has been developed for investigating the travel-time difference between two counter-propagating light beams in uniformly moving fiber. Our finding is that there is a travel-time difference Deltat=2vDeltal/c^2 in a fiber segment of length Deltal moving with the source and detector at a speed v, whether the segment is moving uniformly or circularly.Comment: 4 pages, including 4 figure

    An integrated decision making model for dynamic pricing and inventory control of substitutable products based on demand learning

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    Purpose: This paper focuses on the PC industry, analyzing a PC supply chain system composed of onelarge retailer and two manufacturers. The retailer informs the suppliers of the total order quantity, namelyQ, based on demand forecast ahead of the selling season. The suppliers manufacture products accordingto the predicted quantity. When the actual demand has been observed, the retailer conducts demandlearning and determines the actual order quantity. Under the assumption that the products of the twosuppliers are one-way substitutable, an integrated decision-making model for dynamic pricing andinventory control is established.Design/methodology/approach: This paper proposes a mathematical model where a large domestichousehold appliance retailer decides the optimal original ordering quantity before the selling season and theoptimal actual ordering quantity, and two manufacturers decide the optimal wholesale price.Findings:By applying this model to a large domestic household appliance retail terminal, the authors canconclude that the model is quite feasible and effective. Meanwhile, the results of simulation analysis showthat when the product prices of two manufacturers both reduce gradually, one manufacturer will often waittill the other manufacturer reduces their price to a crucial inflection point, then their profit will show aqualitative change instead of a real-time profit-price change.Practical implications: This model can be adopted to a supply chain system composed of one largeretailer and two manufacturers, helping manufacturers better make a pricing and inventory controldecision.Originality/value: Previous research focuses on the ordering quantity directly be decided. Limited workhas considered the actual ordering quantity based on demand learning. However, this paper considers boththe optimal original ordering quantity before the selling season and the optimal actual ordering quantityfrom the perspective of the retailerPeer Reviewe
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