27 research outputs found

    Combined TLR and CD40 Triggering Induces Potent CD8+ T Cell Expansion with Variable Dependence on Type I IFN

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    Toll-like receptors are important in the activation of innate immunity, and CD40 is a molecule critical for many T and B cell responses. Whereas agonists for either pathway have been used as vaccine adjuvants, we show that a combination of Toll-like receptor (TLR)7 and CD40 agonists synergize to stimulate CD8+ T cell responses 10–20-fold greater than the use of either agonist alone. Antigen-specific CD8+ T cells elicited from combination CD40/TLR7 treatment demonstrated both lytic activities and interferon (IFN)γ production and an enhanced secondary response to antigenic challenge. Agonists for TLRs 2/6, 3, 4, and 9 also synergized with CD40 stimulation, demonstrating that synergy with the CD40 pathway is a property of TLR-derived stimuli in general. The CD8+ T cell expansion induced by CD40/TLR7 triggering was independent of CD4+ T cells, IFNγ, and IL-12 but dependent on B7-mediated costimulation and surprisingly on type I IFN. These studies provide the rational basis for the use of TLR and CD40 agonists together as essential adjuvants to optimize vaccines designed to elicit protective or therapeutic immunity

    BCMA Is Essential for the Survival of Long-lived Bone Marrow Plasma Cells

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    Long-lived humoral immunity is manifested by the ability of bone marrow plasma cells (PCs) to survive for extended periods of time. Recent studies have underscored the importance of BLyS and APRIL as factors that can support the survival of B lineage lymphocytes. We show that BLyS can sustain PC survival in vitro, and this survival can be further enhanced by interleukin 6. Selective up-regulation of Mcl-1 in PCs by BLyS suggests that this α-apoptotic gene product may play an important role in PC survival. Blockade of BLyS, via transmembrane activator and cyclophilin ligand interactor–immunoglobulin treatment, inhibited PC survival in vitro and in vivo. Heightened expression of B cell maturation antigen (BCMA), and lowered expression of transmembrane activator and cyclophilin ligand interactor and BAFF receptor in PCs relative to resting B cells suggests a vital role of BCMA in PC survival. Affirmation of the importance of BCMA in PC survival was provided by studies in BCMA−/− mice in which the survival of long-lived bone marrow PCs was impaired compared with wild-type controls. These findings offer new insights into the molecular basis for the long-term survival of PCs

    VISTA, a novel mouse Ig superfamily ligand that negatively regulates T cell responses

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    VISTA suppresses T cell proliferation and cytokine production and can influence autoimmunity and antitumor responses in mice

    Deficient CD40-TRAF6 signaling in leukocytes prevents atherosclerosis by skewing the immune response toward an antiinflammatory profile

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    The CD40–CD40 ligand (CD40L) signaling axis plays an important role in immunological pathways. Consequently, this dyad is involved in chronic inflammatory diseases, including atherosclerosis. Inhibition of CD40L in apolipoprotein E (Apoe)–deficient (Apoe−/−) mice not only reduced atherosclerosis but also conferred a clinically favorable plaque phenotype that was low in inflammation and high in fibrosis. Blockade of CD40L may not be therapeutically feasible, as long-term inhibition will compromise systemic immune responses. Conceivably, more targeted intervention strategies in CD40 signaling will have less deleterious side effects. We report that deficiency in hematopoietic CD40 reduces atherosclerosis and induces features of plaque stability. To elucidate the role of CD40–tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF) signaling in atherosclerosis, we examined disease progression in mice deficient in CD40 and its associated signaling intermediates. Absence of CD40-TRAF6 but not CD40-TRAF2/3/5 signaling abolishes atherosclerosis and confers plaque fibrosis in Apoe−/− mice. Mice with defective CD40-TRAF6 signaling display a reduced blood count of Ly6Chigh monocytes, an impaired recruitment of Ly6C+ monocytes to the arterial wall, and polarization of macrophages toward an antiinflammatory regulatory M2 signature. These data unveil a role for CD40–TRAF6, but not CD40–TRAF2/3/5, interactions in atherosclerosis and establish that targeting specific components of the CD40–CD40L pathway harbors the potential to achieve therapeutic effects in atherosclerosis

    CD40-Associated TRAF 6 Signaling Is Required for Disease Induction in a Retrovirus-Induced Murine Immunodeficiency

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    LP-BM5 retrovirus-infected C57BL/6 mice develop splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, hypergammaglobulinemia, and immunodeficiency; thus, this disease has been named mouse AIDS. In this syndrome, CD154/CD40 interactions are required for but do not mediate disease by upregulation of CD80 or CD86. We report here that there is nonetheless a necessity for CD40 signaling competence, specifically an intact tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF 6) binding site

    Dendritic cells require the NF-kappaB2 pathway for cross-presentation of soluble antigens

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    NF-kappaB-inducing kinase (NIK) is responsible for activation of the non-canonical p100 processing pathway of NF-kappaB activation. This kinase has been shown to be critical for activation of this pathway after signaling through several TNF family members including CD40. The functional importance of this pathway in CD40 and TLR-induced dendritic cell (DC) differentiation was studied in vivo in the alymphoplasia (Aly) mouse. The Aly mouse expresses a mutant NIK molecule that prohibits the induction of the non-canonical pathway. We show that while MHC class II presentation and in vivo migration of Aly DCs is intact, these cells are unable to cross-prime CD8+ T cells to exogenous Ag. Gene expression array analysis of DCs matured in vivo indicates multiple defects in Ag processing pathways after maturation and provide a global view of the genes that are regulated by the NF-kappaB2 pathway in DCs. These experiments indicate a possible role for NIK in mediating cross-priming of soluble Ag. In addition, our findings explain the profound immune unresponsiveness of the Aly mouse

    Tryptophan hydroxylase-1 regulates immune tolerance and inflammation

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    Nutrient deprivation based on the loss of essential amino acids by catabolic enzymes in the microenvironment is a critical means to control in ammatory responses and immune tolerance. Here we report the novel nding that Tph-1 (tryptophan hydroxylase-1), a synthase which catalyses the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin and exhausts tryptophan, is a potent regulator of immunity. In models of skin allograft tolerance, tumor growth, and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, Tph-1 de ciency breaks allograft tolerance, induces tumor remission, and intensi es neuroin ammation, respectively. All of these effects of Tph-1 de ciency are independent of its downstream product serotonin. Because mast cells (MCs) appear to be the major source of Tph-1 and restoration of Tph-1 in the MC compartment in vivo compensates for the defect, these experiments introduce a fundamentally new mecha- nism of MC-mediated immune suppression that broadly impacts multiple arms of immunity

    Structure-based engineering of a novel CD3ε-targeting antibody for reduced polyreactivity

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    ABSTRACTBispecific antibodies continue to represent a growth area for antibody therapeutics, with roughly a third of molecules in clinical development being T-cell engagers that use an anti-CD3 binding arm. CD3 antibodies possessing cross-reactivity with cynomolgus monkey typically recognize a highly electronegative linear epitope at the extreme N-terminus of CD3 epsilon (CD3ε). Such antibodies have high isoelectric points and display problematic polyreactivity (correlated with poor pharmacokinetics for monospecific antibodies). Using insights from the crystal structure of anti-Hu/Cy CD3 antibody ADI-26906 in complex with CD3ε and antibody engineering using a yeast-based platform, we have derived high-affinity CD3 antibody variants with very low polyreactivity and significantly improved biophysical developability. Comparison of these variants with CD3 antibodies in the clinic (as part of bi- or multi-specifics) shows that affinity for CD3 is correlated with polyreactivity. Our engineered CD3 antibodies break this correlation, forming a broad affinity range with no to low polyreactivity. Such antibodies will enable bispecifics with improved pharmacokinetic and safety profiles and suggest engineering solutions that will benefit the large and growing sector of T-cell engagers

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