92 research outputs found

    An Ishikawa-type Iterative Algorithm for Solving A Generalized Variational Inclusion Problem Involving Difference of Monotone Operators

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    In this paper, we study a generalized variational inclusion problem involving difference of monotone operators in Hilbert spaces. We established equivalence between the generalized variational inclusion problem and a fixed point problem. We establish an Ishikawa type iterative algorithm for solving a generalized variational inclusion problem involving difference of monotone operators, which is more general than Mann-type iterative algorithm. An existence result as well as a convergence result are proved separately. The problem of this paper is more general than many existing problems in the literature. Several special cases of generalized variational inclusion problem involving difference of monotone operators are also mentioned

    Relaxed η-proximal Operator for Solving a Variational-Like Inclusion Problem

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    In this paper, we introduce a new resolvent operator and we call it relaxed η-proximal operator. We demonstrate some of the properties of relaxed η- proximal operator. By applying this concept, we consider and study a variational -like inclusion problem with a nonconvex functional. Based on relaxed η-proximal operator, we define an iterative algorithm to approximate the solutions of a variational-like inclusion problem and the convergence of the iterative sequences generated by the algorithm is also discussed. Our results can be treated as refinement of many previously known results. An example is constructed in support of Theorem 1

    Circular Supply Chain Management and Circular Economy: A conceptual model

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    This study develops a circular supply chain management model. The review shows how CSCM promotes green supply chain management and sustainability by extending its sustainable dimension beyond the original producer. Closed-loop and open-loop supply chains are CSCM components. Using contingency theory and transaction cost theory, the CSCM model proposes that product circularity in closed-loop and open-loop supply chains affects a company's circular economy performance. This model explains CSCM's popularity in current literature, which supports the circular economy. Keywords: Circular, Closed-loop, Open-loop, Sustainability, Supply Chain eISSN: 2398-4287© 2022.. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under the responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7iSI7.376

    Relationship Between Rheological Properties of Nano Polymer Modified Asphalt Binder and Permanent Deformation of Asphalt Mixture

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    Asphalt binder plays an important part in determining many aspects of road performance. However, the rheological properties of asphalt binder are very complex and the parameters depend purely on the viscosity, various loading time and temperature. Therefore, relationship study on asphalt binder rheological properties and asphalt mixture is vital to predict the performance of the mixture. This paper evaluates the relationship between rheological asphalt binder and asphalt mixture performance containing nanopolymer modified binder. Five sets of asphalt binder rheology were tested to determine their viscosity, effect of short term and long-term aging using the dynamic shear rheometer (DSR). The asphalt mixtures performance test was then conducted to evaluate the permanent deformation of the mix. Findings from this study indicate that the rheological properties of asphalt binder acts as indicator for the asphalt mixture performance. The G*/sin δ and viscosity of the asphalt binder significantly agree with the resilient modulus and rut depth results obtained.   The dependent (resilient modulus at 40oC and rut depth) and dependent (G*/sin δ and viscosity) variables show that these variables significantly affects each other. An effective prediction models can also be developed according to predicted and measured permanent deformation values

    The preliminary studies on preparation and characterization of bulk nanoporous zinc as a laser target candidate to generate soft x-ray

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    Bulk nanoporous metal has become a reliable source to replace liquid as source to generate EUV lithography which have debris problem to tackle. A solid yet low density porous material promised a low melting point and low plasma density. The plasma density of bulk nanoporous Sn and SnO2 profile plays a key role in the generation of 13.5 nm light for an extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) source from laser produced plasma (LPP). The success of this preparation method might solve problems related to EUV lithography, or even soft Xray (XUV) lithography. In this paper, we present the preliminary result of preparing such ideal low density target in form of bulk metal porous

    A review on complex event processing in RFID system

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    The motivation of this paper is to review some of the leading research issues encountered by current Complex Event Processing (CEP) techniques. General CEP system undoubtedly laid a certain degree of uncertainties due to some unforeseen reasons such as inaccurate measurements through network failures or unpredicted interference from the system failures. A variety of traditional to the most current techniques was disclosed with some features, which are rarely considered in typical CEP problems. Besides, this paper also discusses a broad review of modern and future solutions, including techniques beyond mainstreams in complex event processing. Based on the critical analysis of prior techniques and solutions, therefore, we further the research and propose a solution for a new type of event processing engine especially in RFID for future reference

    Design and simulation of high Q MEMS LC-tank for oscillators

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    This research focuses on the design of a high-performance MEMS LC-tank using a high Q MEMS inductor and capacitor. A two different gap varactor has been used to avoid pull-in voltage at 2.4 GHz. The layout has been done by CoventorWare software. The DC voltage is 2.5 v, which is applied to the plates and results of 2.04 pF could be gained. The Q factor of the varactor is computed at about 557.27, which is good enough to make a low-phase noise VCO. A hollow spiral inductor with a silicon base substrate for compatibility with CMOS technology has been designed. The Greenhouse equation has been used to obtain the dimensions of the inductor. A suspended inductor has been implemented to avoid substrate coupling. The simulation has been done by CoventorWare. The Q factor of the inductor has been calculated using Yue's model. The resultant values of inductance and the Q factor at 2.4 GHz, are 2.89 nH and 27, respectively, which are in good agreement with the results of theoretical computation. The results were verified with the well-documented literature

    Fabrication And Electrical Characterization Of Silicon Bipolar Transistors In A O.5µm Based BiCMOS Technology.

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    Bipolar transistors are well known for its high current driving capability and current gains, while CMOS transistors are dominant in the integrated circuit market because of its low power consumption and small size advantage. The combination of both types of transistor on the same chip provides a high performance circuit with a high packing density. In this work 0.5-µm BiCMOS technology is fully utilized to realize silicon bipolar transistors with optimized performance. Preliminary electrical results are presented on bipolar transistors fabricated for the first time in Malaysia. Significant improvements in electrical device performance can be achieved by optimizing the emitter drive-in temperature and choice of annealing system


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    The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new H(⋅,⋅)-cocoercive operator, which generalizes many existing monotone operators. The resolvent operator associated with H(⋅,⋅)-cocoercive operator is defined, and its Lipschitz continuity is presented. By using techniques of resolvent operator, a new iterative algorithm for solving generalized variational inclusions is constructed. Under some suitable conditions, we prove the convergence of iterative sequences generated by the algorithm. For illustration, some examples are given

    The design and simulation of an optimized MEMS varactor with high Q factor for RF circuits

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    This research concerns on design of high-performance MEMS tuning variable varactor. Varactors can be used as a part of LC-tank of an oscillator. Using MEMS technology causes an improvement in Q factor of varactor to achieve less phase noise and lower power consumption in an oscillator. In this work a two different gap varactor has been used to avoid the pull-in voltage at 2.4 GHz. The expected capacitance is 3 pF. The area and the gaps between the plates achieved based on a basic formula of the capacitor. The design of layout has been done by CoventorWare software 2006. The DC voltage is 2.5 V which is applied to the plates and the results of 3.02 pF could be gained after analyzing. The Q factor of varactor calculated based on a distributed RC line and computed about 376.43 using MATLAB programming. The result is good enough to make low phase noise in VCO