13 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Gas Karbon Monoksida Di Persimpangan Jalan Sultan Alauddin Kota Makassar

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    Karbon Monoksida atau CO merupakan gas yang tidak berwarna, tidak berbau, dan tidak mengiritasi yang dihasilkan dari proses pembakaran tidak sempurna. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kadar Karbon Monoksida di persimpangan jalan Sultan Alauddin Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan melakukan pengukuran secara langsung pada dua titik lokasi. Alat yang digunakan adalah Odalog dan Hygrothermometer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan karbon monoksida pada titik I yaitu di pertigaan jalan Monumen Emmy Saelan-Sultan Alauddin pada pagi hari sebesar 9508,57 µg/Nm3, siang hari sebesar 7748,57 µg/Nm3 dan sore hari sebesar 13302,85 µg/Nm3  dan pada titik II yaitu di Pertigaan Jl. Sultan Alauddin-A.P Pettarani pada pagi hari sebesar 8571,42 µg/Nm3, siang hari sebesar 5645,71 µg/Nm3 dan sore hari sebesar 6902,85 µg/Nm3.Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan dibawah standar baku mutu udara ambien yang ditetapkanberdasarkan Peraturan Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan No. 69 Tahun 2010 Tentang Baku Mutu dan Kriteria  Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup.Kata Kunci : Karbon Monoksid

    OPTIMALISASI PERAN MASYARAKAT DALAM MENGHADAPI MASALAH KEBERSIHAN LINGKUNGAN PERMUKIMAN KELURAHAN MANDALA KECAMATAN MAMAJANG KOTA MAKASSAR: Optimizing the Role of the Community in Dealing with Environmental Sanitation in the Residential Area of Mandala Sub District, Mamajang District, Makassar City

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    Meningkatnya aktivitas manusia di kalangan rumah tangga menyebabkan semakin besarnya volume limbah yang dihasilkan dari waktu ke waktu. Akibatnya beban badan air yang selama ini dijadikan tempat pembuangan sampah rumah tangga menjadi semakin berat, termasuk terganggunya komponen lain seperti saluran air, biota perairan dan sumber air penduduk. Bukan hanya sampah dibuang ke saluran air akan tetapi  limbah rumah tangga dan limbah lainnya juga kerap kali dibuang begitu saja ke selokan (kanal).  Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat memiliki kepedulian terhadap  kelestarian  lingkungan hidup dengan tidak membuang   sampah di sembarang tempat apalagi pada saluran air (kanal). Khayalak sasaran yang terlibat dalam   kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah    masyarakat di Kelurahan Mandala  Kecamatan Mamajang Kota Makassar, memiliki luas wilayah 0,41 Ha dan merupakan kelurahan yang terdiri dari 4 RW dan 18 RT. Jumlah Kepala Keluarga sebanyak 1.800, terdiri 2.157 jiwa laki-laki dan 2.143 jiwa perempuan, sehingga jumlah keseluruhan 4.300 jiwa. Wilayah ini tergolong padat penduduk dan kondisi tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kebersihan lingkungan dan ketersediaan sarana-prasarana sanitasi. Sebagian besar penduduk belum memiliki wadah penampungan sampah yang memadai, sehingga banyak sampah yang berceceran dan terbuang ke saluran air (kanal). Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan  beberapan metode, yaitu ceramah dan tanya jawab,  Focus Group Discussion (FGD), dan workshop   (Praktik   manajemen   pemilahan   sampah   mandiri). Dari hasil post test yang dilakukan diperoleh tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan warga terhadap pengelolaan sampah terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan, tedapat 62,07 % baik, 27,59 % cukup & 10,34 % kurang. Kata kunci: Pewadahan sampah, pemilahan sampah, pelestarian lingkungan.                                                              ABSTRACT The increase in human activity among households causes an increasing volume of waste generated from time to time. As a result, the burden on water bodies that have been used as a dumping ground for household waste has become increasingly heavy, including the disruption of other components such as waterways, aquatic biota and residents' water sources. Not only waste is dumped into waterways, but household waste and other waste are also often thrown into ditches (canals). This community service activity aims to raise public awareness of having a concern for environmental sustainability by not throwing garbage in any place, especially in waterways (canals). The target audience involved in this community service activity is the community in the Mandala Village, Mamajang District, Makassar City, which has an area of 0.41 Ha and is a sub-district consisting of 4 RW and 18 RT. The number of family heads is 1,800, consisting of 2,157 male and 2,143 female, bringing the total number to 4,300. This area is classified as densely populated and this condition can affect the cleanliness of the environment and the availability of sanitation facilities. Most of the population does not have adequate garbage collection containers, so a lot of garbage is scattered and thrown into waterways (canals). This activity was carried out using several methods, namely lectures and questions and answers, Focus Discussion Groups (FDG), and workshops (Independent waste sorting management practices). From the results of the post test, it was found that the level of knowledge and skills of residents on waste management experienced a significant increase, there were 62.07% good, 27.59% sufficient & 10.34 % less.   Keywords: Garbage storage, waste sorting, environmental conservation


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    Penyebab kecelakaan kerja secara umum adalah karena adanya kondisi yang tidak aman dan tindakan tidak aman dari pekerja. Khusus mengenai unsafe action (tindakan tidak aman) ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan faktor manusia atau terjadi karna kesalahan manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian kecelakaan kerja di Pabrik Gula Bone Arasoe.  Pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian observasi analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional dan menggunakan uji statistik chi square, dengan jumlah populasi sebanyak 144 karyawan dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 106 karyawan yang dipilih secara simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan faktor pemeriksaan kesehatan dengan kejadian kecelakaan kerja (p= 0,002 0,05) serta hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 74 orang (70%) responden yang pernah mengalami kejadian kecelakaan kerja. Adapun kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pemeriksaan kesehatan, pengetahuan dan penggunaan APD dengan kejadian kecelakaan kerja. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara pelatihan dengan kejadian kecelakaan kerja. Oleh karena itu, disarankan agar dilakukan pengawasan terhadap karyawan sebelum melakukan kegiatan atau masuk dalam area produksi. Kata Kunci : Kecelakaan kerja, Alat pelindung diri, Pabrik gul

    Assessment of Houses Environmental Sanitation due to the Existence of Aedes Aegypti Larva in Paccerakkang Makassar

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    Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is one of the important public health problem in Indonesia and often give rise to an extraordinary event with a great death. In Indonesia, the mosquito transmission of dengue fever is Aedes aegypti. This study was an observational study with cross sectional design is the independent variable and the dependent variables were tested simultaneously. The aim of research to determine the relationship of the depletion of water reservoirs, water reservoirs closure, Burial of second-hand goods and giving abate with the presence of Aedes aegypti larvae. This research was conducted in the Paccerakkang Village, Makassar in 2013 from February to April 2013. Population all existed homes on the RW I and RW IV which is prone to dengue RW totaling 724 homes. The sample is partially elected of 251 homes. The results showed no relationship between the depletion of water reservoirs, the closure of water reservoirs, burial secondhand goods and giving abate with the presence of larvae in the Paccerakkang Village, Makassar in 2013, so it is advisable to the people to regularly conduct the PSN in shelters water

    Levels of Particulate Matter 2.5 (Pm2.5) on Potential Respiratory Disorders in Traders Around the Road of Sultan Alauddin Makassar City

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    Transportation-related air pollution is a significant contributor to total urban air pollution. Particulate matter 2.5 is a dangerous pollutant because it is very small in size, so it can reach the lungs and cause various diseases, especially respiratory disorders. This study aims to analyze the risk of PM2.5 levels in the air to traders along Jalan Sultan Alauddin Makassar City. The type of research used was descriptive observational, using the Environmental Health Risk Analysis (EHRA) method. The number of samples in this study were 84 traders. Analysis of data using univariate analysis. The measurement results showed PM2.5 levels at point I were 0.029 mg/m3, at point II was 0.027 mg/m3, at point III was 0.036 mg/m3, at point IV was 0.044 mg/m3, and at point V was 0.042 mg/m3. All measurement points still meet the requirements based on the Regulation of the Governor of South Sulawesi Selatan Number 69 of 2010. The highest exposure frequency was 365 and the lowest exposure was 245 days. The average duration of exposure of traders in the research location is 11.35 years and the average intake of traders is 0.0024 mg/kg/days. The conclusion of this study is that from 84 traders there are 3 traders who have an RQ value> 1 or are at risk

    The Use of Pesticides Against Blood Cholinesterase Level (The Analytical Study on Farmers in Torpedo Village, Sabbang Sub District, Luwu Utara District)

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    It was expected that farmers in the gathering / dispensing pesticides in order to follow the rules of the use of pesticides. It was expected to farmers to use personal protective equipment (PPE) at the time of contact with the pesticide. Blood Cholinesterase was a enzymes form of biological catalyst in the body's tissues role to keep the muscles, glands and nerve cells to work in an organized and harmonious. Blood Cholinesterase is an indicator of subclinical pesticide poisoning and it can be determined by examining blood Cholinesterase activity into someone. The purpose of this study was known the relationship use of pesticide on levels of blood Cholinesterase on a rice farmer in the village torpedo Sabbang sub district, Luwu Utara district. This type of research is analytic survey research with cross sectional study to determine the relationship use of pesticide on levels of blood Cholinesterase on a farmer in the village of torpedo Sabbang sub district, Luwu Utara. The number of samples in this study were 73 samples. The results showed that length use of pesticides by respondents have longer use than shorter use, but from the results of statistical tests Ho refused meaning there was no significant relationship between length use of pesticides with high levels of farmers blood Cholinesterase, P> 0.005. There was no significant relationship between how pesticides mixing with high levels of farmers blood Cholinesterase, based on the statistical test Ho rejected P> 0.005. There were still some farmers do not use PPE at the time of contact with the pesticide, but from the results of statistical tests Ho refused meaning there was no significant relationship between the use of PPE with high levels of farmers blood Cholinesterase, P> 0.005. Suggestions in the study was expected that health care workers to provide education on the dangers of pesticides on health

    The Effectiveness of Evaporation and Spray Methods in Killing Aedes Aegypti Using Basil (Ocimum sanctum, Linn) Leaf Extract

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) are acute febrile disease caused by virus dengue the into the human blood circulation through the bite Aedes aegypti. Prevention of the spread of dengue disease can be done by breaking the chain of transmission through vector control. The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the method of evaporation and spray the deadly Aedes aegypti using basil leaf extract. This research is an experimental research. The sample in this study was 25 mosquito mosquitoes Aedes aegypti were presented with basil leaf extract concentration of 40%, 50% and 60%, with repetition as much as 3 times using the method of evaporation and spray for 135 minutes. The results showed that the higher concentration basil leaf extract more quickly and more mosquitoes died. In the evaporation method the number of dead mosquitoes were as many as 25 animals with LC50 minutes 75 concentration of 60%. In the spray method the number of dead mosquitoes were as many as 25 animals with LC50 minutes to 60 concentration of 50%. This is because the mosquitoes are exposed to extracts of basil leaves contain chemicals such as tannin, eugenol, flavonoids, tripenoid, and essential oil. The conclusion of this study is that the spray method at a concentration of 50% is a more effective method of killing the Aedes aegypti.It is expected that the community can utilize the evaporation method and spray using basil leaf extract because it is safe for the environment and humans