6,775 research outputs found

    Studying particle production in small systems through correlation measurements in ALICE

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    In these proceedings, measurements of angular correlations between hadron pairs in pp collisions obtained by the ALICE experiment at the LHC are presented and compared with phenomenological predictions. Correlations between particles carrying the same and opposite quantum numbers are studied to understand the hadron production mechanism, and the difference between same-sign and opposite-sign correlations is used to probe charge-dependent effects in particle production. Correlation measurements dominated by minijet fragmentation agree well with the models, but other results, in particular correlations between baryons and strange hadrons, are not yet understood.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; conference proceedings of Excited QCD 2020, 2-8 February 2020; submitted to Acta Physica Polonica B - Proceedings Supplemen

    Meta-analysis to obtain a scale of psychological reaction after perinatal loss: focus on miscarriage

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    Pregnancy has different meanings to different women depending upon their circumstances. A number of qualitative studies have described the experience of miscarriage by women who had desired to carry their pregnancy to full term. The aim of this meta-analysis was to identify a scale of psychological reaction to miscarriage. Meta-analysis is a quantitative approach for reviewing articles from scientific journals through statistical analysis of findings from individual studies. In this review, a meta-analytic method was used to identify and analyze psychological reactions in women who have suffered a miscarriage. Different reactions to stress associated with the period following miscarriage were identified. The depression reaction had the highest average, weighted, unbiased estimate of effect (d+ = 0.99) and was frequently associated with the experience of perinatal loss. Psychiatric morbidity was found after miscarriage in 27% of cases by a diagnostic interview ten days after miscarriage. The grief reaction had a medium d+ of 0.56 in the studies included. However, grief after miscarriage differed from other types of grief after perinatal loss because the parents had no focus for their grief. The guilt is greater after miscarriage than after other types of perinatal loss. Measurement of the stress reaction and anxiety reaction seems to be difficult in the included studies, as evidenced by a low d+ (0.17 and 0.16, respectively). It has been recommended that grief after perinatal loss be measured by an adapted instrument called the Perinatal Grief Scale Short Version

    Visualizing the volcanic history of the Kaapvaal Craton using ArcGIS

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    The Kaapvaal Craton comprises a piece of well preserved Archaean crust making it a valuable subject in the pursuit of palaeocontinental reconstruction. The aim of this study was to visualize the volcanic events of the craton through time using arcGIS and available geochronological data. This was done by creating a number of so called ‘time slice’ maps that represent time periods from ca. 3 Ga to 1 Ga. These maps show the spatial and temporal distribution of the volcanic events occurring within the craton borders. Literary studies were made to recognize areas in need of additional geochronologic data in order to resolve uncertainties such as age constrains and correlations between formations. The onset of the Ventersdorp volcanism and the following transition to the predominantly sedimentary Transvaal Supergroup are examples of areas in need of additional studies in order to understand when these events occurred and how they relate to each other. The addition of new ages, such as the 2.4 Ga age for the Westerberg sill could yield new correlations that could contribute to further understanding the tectonic and magmatic events that occurred during the time period of the Transvaal Supergroup. A Kaapvaal Craton barcode map was produced using the existing geochronological data with addition of more recent data. This provides an up to date picture of the temporal distribution of volcanic events. This overview of the Kaapvaal Craton through time helps recognizing the areas in need of further studies in order to give way for a more complete understanding of the evolutionary trends of the craton.Kaapvaal kratonen bestĂ„r av ett vĂ€lbevarat fragment av arkeisk jordskorpa som utgör ett vĂ€rdefullt objekt vid palaeokontinentala rekonstruktioner. Syftet med den hĂ€r studien var att visualisera vulkaniska hĂ€ndelserna i kratonen genom tiden med hjĂ€lp av ArcGIS och tillgĂ€ngliga geokronologiska data. Detta gjordes genom att skapa ett antal sĂ„ kallade ’time slice’ kartor som representerar tidsperioder frĂ„n ca . 3 Ga till 1 Ga. Dessa kartor visar den spatiala och temporala fördelning av vulkaniska hĂ€ndelser inom kratonens grĂ€nser. Litteraturstudier gjordes för att finna omrĂ„den i behov av ytterligare geokronologisk data för att reda ut oklarheter, sĂ„ som Ă„lder förhĂ„llanden och korrelationer mellan formationer. Uppkomsten av Ventersdorp-vulkanismen och följande övergĂ„ng till den sedimentĂ€rt dominerade Transvaal supergruppen Ă€r exempel pĂ„ omrĂ„den i behov av ytterligare studier för att förstĂ„ nĂ€r dessa hĂ€ndelser intrĂ€ffade och hur de relaterar till varandra . Tillskottet av nya Ă„ldrar, till exempel 2,4 Ga Ă„ldern för ’Westerberg sills’ skulle kunna ge nya korrelationer som kan bidra till att ytterligare kunskap om de magmatiska och tektoniska hĂ€ndelser som intrĂ€ffade under Transvaal-tidsperioden. Genom anvĂ€ndning av befintliga och nyare geokronologiska data producerades en ’barcode map’ för Kaapvaal Cratonenal som ger en uppdaterad bild av den tidsmĂ€ssiga fördelningen av vulkaniska hĂ€ndelser. Denna översikt av den Kaapvaal kratonen genom tiden erkĂ€nner omrĂ„den i behov av ytterligare studier för att fĂ„ en mer fullstĂ€ndig förstĂ„else för de evolutionĂ€ra trender som prĂ€glat kratonens utveckling

    Disordered, strongly scattering porous materials as miniature multipass gas cells

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    Spectroscopic gas sensing is both a commercial success and a rapidly advancing scientific field. Throughout the years, massive efforts have been directed towards improving detection limits by achieving long interaction pathlengths. Prominent examples include the use of conventional multipass gas cells, sophisticated high-finesse cavities, gas-filled holey fibers, integrating spheres, and diffusive reflectors. Despite this rich flora of approaches, there is a continuous struggle to reduce size, gas volume, cost and alignment complexity. Here, we show that extreme light scattering in porous materials can be used to realise miniature gas cells. Near-infrared transmission through a 7 mm zirconia (ZrO2) sample with a 49% porosity and subwavelength pore structure (on the order of 100 nm) gives rise to an effective gas interaction pathlength above 5 meters, an enhancement corresponding to 750 passes through a conventional multipass cell. This essentially different approach to pathlength enhancement opens a new route to compact, alignment-free and low-cost optical sensor systems

    Women’s well-being improves after missed miscarriage with more active support and application of Swanson’s Caring Theory

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to provide better organization and more efficient use of resources within the health care system in order to identify women with nonviable pregnancy earlier in their gestation terms and also to identify those women who experience severe grief reaction after the miscarriage. The proposed solution is to offer an appointment with a gynecologist during regular office hours after consultation with the patient's midwife to women experiencing symptoms and who are concerned with the viability of their pregnancy. Unnecessary contact with the emergency room by the patients would be reduced as a result of this improvement in organization. The aim of the study was to give the women experiencing missed miscarriage an increased sense of well-being by applying Swanson's Caring Theory to their recovery, in addition to the better organization and more efficient use of resources. METHOD: Both the original study from 2002 to 2003 and the later study from 2004 to 2005 applied Swanson's Caring Theory in the follow-up care management of the women, but only the later study was influenced by the changes made in the health care system. In the past, diagnosis of missed miscarriage was delayed because women experiencing minor symptoms were not highly prioritized in the health care system. More active support was introduced in order to get the proper information to the patient throughout the health care system. The size of the original study database was n = 43, compared with the later study database, which was n = 56. All of the women answered the Perinatal Grief Scale (PGS) questions twice, 1 month and 4 months after their diagnosis. Some additional questions about their circumstances unrelated to the PGS were also mailed to the women 4 months after their diagnosis. RESULTS: As a result of the more active support, women felt that they received professional care when they needed it most. The patients were satisfied that they were treated as if they were suffering from normal grief. The group score above the limits for deep grief 4 months after diagnosis was significantly lowered. The chances of receiving their diagnosis at an appointment during office hours increased (odds ratio 3.38). Sick leave time of more than a week was reduced from 44% in the original study to 22% in the later study.Miscarriag

    Applying Heidegger’s interpretive phenomenology to women’s miscarriage experience

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    Much has been written about measuring the feelings and impressions of women regarding their experience of miscarriage. According to the existential philosopher Heidegger life experiences such as the experience of a woman having a miscarriage can be interpreted and explained only in the context of the totality of the women’s experiences in the past, the present, and the future. Thirteen in-depth interviews with women about their experiences of miscarriage were interpreted with respect to Heidegger’s “Being and Time”. By using his interpretive phenomenology the essence of the miscarriage experience was explored and defined. The women’s feelings and impressions were influenced by past experiences of miscarriage, pregnancy, and births. Present conditions in the women’s lives contributing to the experience include their relationships, working situation, and living conditions. Each woman’s future prospects and hopes have been structurally altered with regard to their aspirations for their terminated pregnancy. The impact of miscarriage in a woman’s life was found to be more important than caregiver providers and society have previously attributed to in terms of scale. The results of the interviews reveal that the women believed that only women who had experienced their own miscarriages were able to fully understand this complex womanly experience and its effects on the woman who had miscarried

    Transport in quenched disorder: light diffusion in strongly heterogeneous turbid media

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    We present a theoretical and experimental study of light transport in disordered media with strongly heterogeneous distribution of scatterers formed via non-scattering regions. Step correlations induced by quenched disorder are found to prevent diffusivity from diverging with increasing heterogeneity scale, contrary to expectations from annealed models. Spectral diffusivity is measured for a porous ceramic where nanopores act as scatterers and macropores render their distribution heterogeneous. Results agree well with Monte Carlo simulations and a proposed analytical model.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures (significant amount of supplemental information

    Sisustustuotteen suunnittelu yritykselle Muoto2

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    TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön tavoitteena oli suunnitella sisustustuote lahtelaiselle muotoilu- ja puusepĂ€nalan yritykselle Muoto2. Suunniteltavan tuotteen tuli sopia yrityksen olemassa olevaan tuotevalikoimaan ja sen tuli olla valmistettavuudeltaan kannattava. Sisustustuote pÀÀtettiin rajata työn alkuvaiheessa seinĂ€naulakon tai yksittĂ€isen seinĂ€koukun suunnitteluun. Tuotteen suunnittelun lisĂ€ksi tavoitteena oli alustavasti suunnitella tuotteelle visuaalista ilmettĂ€ tuotekortin muodossa. TutkimusmenetelminĂ€ työssĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin esineanalyysia yrityksen nykyisistĂ€ piensisustustuotteista sekĂ€ vertailevaa tutkimusta markkinoilla olevista skandinaavista tyyliĂ€ ilmentĂ€vistĂ€ naulakoista ja ripustuskoukuista. TĂ€mĂ€n lisĂ€ksi työ eteni toimintatutkimuksen omaisesti vaiheissa, tekemisen ja sen analysoinnin kautta. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tuloksena syntyi yrityksen tuotevalikoimaan sopiva seinĂ€koukku, joka toimii lisĂ€ripustusmahdollisuutena ollen samalla koristeellinen sisustuselementti. SeinĂ€koukulle syntyi myös graafinen ilme, joka nĂ€kyy tuotteesta kertovassa esitekortissa.The objective of the thesis was to design a decorative product for Muoto2, a Lahti-based company specialized in design and woodworking. The product should fit in with the company’s existing product range and it should also be relatively easily produced. At an early stage of the project the product was narrowed down to a coat rack or a coat hook. In addition to designing the product itself, the objective was to also design some visual material for the product, such as the looks of the product brochure. Background research was conducted to help the designing of the product. This was done by analysing the company’s current products and conducting comparative research for Scandinavian styled coat racks and hooks available on the market. In addition to item analysis and comparative research, the project was carried out in stages typical to action research, through action and evaluation. As a result of the thesis, a coat hook was designed, which compliments the company’s product catalogue. The coat hook offers additional storage while also functioning as a decorative element. A product brochure was also designed for the product as a part of the thesis

    Promocijas darbs

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darbā pētÄ«tas epideiktiskās rētorikas likumsakarÄ«bas un izpausmes Menandra „Rētorikā” – sengrieÄ·u valodā sarakstÄ«tā teorētisku tekstu kopumā, kas pievērĆĄas epideiktiskās rētorikas apcerējumam antÄ«kās pasaules vēlÄ«najā laikposmā (3. gs.). ƅemot par pamatu Menandra „Rētoriku”, pētÄ«jumā apzināta un atklāta epideiktisko tekstu klasifikācija, attiecÄ«gās klasifikācijas motivācija, kā arÄ« aplĆ«koti vispārÄ«gi epideiktisko tekstu izveides principi antÄ«kajā pasaulē. LÄ«dzās Menandra „Rētorikai” kritiski izvērtēti arÄ« citi grieÄ·u un romieĆĄu teorētiskie darbi, kuros tiek vēstÄ«ts par epideiktisko rētoriku un tās vietu vārda mākslas teorētiskajā skatÄ«jumā, tādējādi apzinot arÄ« epideiktiskās rētorikas tradÄ«ciju antÄ«kajā pasaulē.The consistent patterns and manifestations of epideictic rhetoric in “Rhetoric” by Menander – a collection of theoretical texts written in Ancient Greek that describes the epideictic rhetoric in Late Antiquity (the 3rd century) – are researched in the PhD thesis. Taking “Rhetoric” by Menander as the basis, the classification of epideictic texts, motivation for particular classification, as well as the general principles of creation of epideictic texts in the Ancient World are examined and presented in the research. Besides Menander’s “Rhetoric”, other Greek and Roman theoretical works that are devoted to epideictic rhetoric and its place in the theoretic evaluation of the art of discourse are critically analyzed. As a result, the tradition of the epideictic rhetoric in the Ancient World is considered in the PhD thesis
