3,093 research outputs found


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    Traffic Assignment merupakan suatu permasalahan untuk mencari pola arus pada rute dari verteks satu ke verteks yang lainnya di suatu area perparkiran yang berpatokan terhadap pencarian rute optimum. Deterministik merupakan suatu metode penyelesaian masalah yang berkaitan dengan linier programming,  untuk itu dalam pencarian rute optimum dari verteks satu ke verteks yang lainnya penulis menganalisa dengan metode Algoritma Djikstra secara manual dan metode Algoritma Djikstra dengan menggunakan pemrograman pada program Matlab yang ternyata memperoleh hasil akhir yang sama sebagai implementasi dari Traffic Assignment Deterministik. Dalam pencarian rute optimum pada pemodelan perparkiran bergantung sekali terhadap kapasitas kendaraan perparkiran tersebut dan pelayanan yang meyakinkan. Terlebih dalam traffic Assignment hal kemacetan sangat penting peranannya dalam menentukan rute optimum dan juga model antrian yang dipakai dalam rute tersebut


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    Persediaan jumlah produk yang akan dijual memerlukan perhitungan yang matang sehingga jumlahnya cukup untuk memenuhi konsumen. Maka dari itu perlu dilakukan prediksi yang tepat guna memenuhi kebutuhan jumlah produk. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui bentuk pola data yang terbentuk dari data hasil penelitian, mengetahui ketepatan penggunaan estimasi Metode Ekponensial Tunggal Pendekatan Adaptif dengan Metode Ekponensial Ganda Dua Parameter dari Holt data jumlah penjulan produk pada Alfamart cabang Kemiri sesuai dengan pola data, analisis Galat U-Thail dan Durbin Waston, dan mengetahui estimasi jumlah produk atau retail ke depan di minimarket Alfamart Cabang Kemiri dengan metode yang lebih tepat antara Metode Eksponensial Tunggal Pendekatan Adaptif dengan Metode Eksponensial Ganda Dua Parameter Dari Holt. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan bentuk komparasi antar dua metode perhitungan. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu pola data penelitian berbentuk horizontal yang mendekati rata-rata hitung yaitu 360,33, metode yang terbaik yaitu metode pemulusan Tunggal Pendekatan Adaptif dikarenakan data yang diperoleh yaitu data horizontal, nilai U-Thail 0,95, nilai Durbin Waston 1,436, dan estimasi penjualan retail untuk bulan ke depan yaitu sebanyak 340


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    The Land is a material that has the function to support a structure that is above it. In this study the type of soil studied was clay. Characteristics of clay soils are easy to crack when in dry conditions but very soft if in wet conditions, have high water content, and have a low carrying capacity. With a low carrying capacity can affect the quality of the soil or soil structure on the road, so it is necessary to do soil stabilization to improve the soil structure. Stabilization is used using a mixture of quartz sand which is considered relatively cheap and easy to obtain. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of quartz sand on compacting tests.Clay soil used is clay in the area of ​​Bojong Kalong Village, Nyalindung District, Sukabumi Regency with a mixture of quartz sand content at a percentage of 0%, 30%, 40%, and 50%. Tests carried out are compacting tests that produce optimum moisture content and maximum dry weight content.The results of this study in the compacting test with the addition of quartz sand can reduce the value of water content by 23.90% and increase the weight value of dry contents in the soil by 1,177 gr / cm3. So that the most influential addition to clay is at a percentage of 50%

    A Tale of Two Populations: The Contribution of Merger and Secular Processes to the Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei

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    Due to the co-evolution of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies, understanding the mechanisms that trigger active galactic nuclei (AGN) are imperative to understanding galaxy evolution and the formation of massive galaxies. It is observationally difficult to determine the trigger of a given AGN due to the difference between the AGN lifetime and triggering timescales. Here, we utilize AGN population synthesis modeling to determine the importance of different AGN triggering mechanisms. An AGN population model is computed by combining an observationally motivated AGN triggering rate and a theoretical AGN light curve. The free parameters of the AGN light curve are constrained by minimizing a \chi squared test with respect to the observed AGN hard X-ray luminosity function. The observed black hole space density, AGN number counts, and X-ray background spectrum are also considered as observational constraints. It is found that major mergers are not able to account for the entire AGN population. Therefore, non-merger processes, such as secular mechanisms, must also trigger AGN. Indeed, non-merger processes are the dominant AGN triggering mechanism at z \lesssim 1--1.5. Furthermore, the shape and evolution of the black hole mass function of AGN triggered by major mergers is intrinsically different from the shape and evolution of the black hole mass function of AGN triggered by secular processes.Comment: Accepted Ap


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    The Covid-19 pandemic makes the learning/lecturing process carried out online to break the chain of spreading the coronavirus. One of the models that can be applied to online learning is blended learning by combining LMS and video conferences. The purpose of this study was to see how effective the use of blended learning is in improving student academic abilities through Schoology during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research design used the Non-Equivalent Control Group Design for 2 treatments (cycles), before and after the midterm exam. Techniques for data analysis using Normality-Gain Test (N-gain) and T-Test for two groups of independent samples. The N-gain value in the experimental class was 43.57% in the medium category, while in the control class the N-gain value was 4.55% in the low category. Based on the results of the t-test, it was obtained that the t-count value was 8.8367 and the t-table value was 2.030, because t-count > t-table there was a significant difference between the experimental class and the control class. So that the application of the blended learning model using Schoology can improve students' academic skills

    The Dynamic Effect of Financial Sector Development in Stimulating the Gross National Savings of Djibouti

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    Savings are important determinants of wealth. At the macroeconomic level, governments attach importance to saving money in order to make new investments, produce new capital goods, and sustain economic growth. However, due to the high level of internal and external debt in Djibouti, it is nearly impossible for the country to achieve domestic savings. Hereby, the major aim of this study is to examine the dynamic effect of financial sector development in stimulating the gross national saving of Djibouti from the period 1987 to 2021. The paper considered numerous indicators as measurements of the financial sector development including FDI inflows, domestic loans to the private sector, central bank assets to GDP, and money supply. To proceed with the analysis, Non-Linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) was performed and according to the model, the findings highlighted that the Djiboutian financial industry is still in its early development and has not yet made a substantial contribution to boosting the country's national savings. Nevertheless, the gross national saving of Djibouti was still positively prompted by significant components of the financial sector development, such as the positive shocks of FDI inflows and both the negative shocks of central bank assets and money supply. While both the positive and negative shocks of the credit offered to the private sector were uncovered to diminish the national savings in the long run. In conclusion, the current research will help governments and policymakers understand the best ways to use the financial sector to raise gross national savings. It will also present evidence of how to implement long-term initiatives that can lower public debt and encourage savings. Not to mention, the article provides information on the value of long-term investments

    Unraveling the Relationship between Environmental Taxation and Trade: The Moderating Role of Judicial System within the Japanese context

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    The efficacy of environmental taxation in achieving global emission reduction and its impact on economic performance have been widely debated, in the context of sustainable development. However, the role of the judiciary system's effectiveness as a moderating factor has been largely overlooked in previous studies. The current study examines the impact of green taxation on trade performance from two perspectives: firstly, the individual effect of environmental taxation on trade, and secondly, the moderating effect of the judiciary system on the relationship between environmental taxation and trade, with a focus on Japan. The study utilizes several factors, such as judicial independence, impartial courts, property rights protection, and legal enforcement of contracts, to represent the judiciary system. Autoregressive distributed lag methodology is employed to analyze the data. The findings reveal that the introduction of environmental taxation reduces Japanese trade both in the short and long run. However, the negative impact of environmental taxation on trade is balanced by the moderating effect of an effective judiciary system. The study suggests that the judiciary system can play a crucial role in mitigating the adverse effects of environmental taxation by ensuring that it is implemented equitably and efficiently, and by enforcing penalties on governments and corporations that violate environmental regulations


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    Simpleks merupakan metode analisis optimalisasi yang digunakan untuk mengetahui hasil bruto yang maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui bentuk model matematika yang terbentuk dari proses produksi bolu, mengetahui keuntungan yang optimal dengan menggunakan metode simpleks, dan mengetahui jumlah produksi bolu yang di produksi sehingga mendapatkan keuntungan yang optimal. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan metode Survei. Hasil yang diperoleh sesuai analisis simpleks yaitu model matematika dengan fungsi tujuan f(B1, B2,B3, B4,B5, B6,B7, B8,B9, B10)= 6000B1 + 5000B1 + 5000B3 + 5000B4 + 5400B5 + 6400B6 + 7200B7 + 6000B8 + 6400B9 + 6400B10fungsi kendala0,15B1 + 0,13B1 + 0,13B3 + 0,13B4 + 0,13B5 + 0,13B6 + 0,07B7 + 0,13B8 + 0,13B9 + 0,18B10 ≤ 150,2B1 + 0,15B1 + 0,15B3 + 0,15B4 + 0,15B5 + 0,15B6 + 0,15B7 + 0,15B8 + 0,15B9 + 0,3B10 ≤ 200,05B1 + 0,05B1 + 0,05B3 + 0,05B4 + 0,05B5 + 0,05B6 + 0,05B7 + 0,05B8 + 0,05 ≤ 50,1B1 + 0,1B1 + 0,1B3 + 0,1B4 + 0,1B5 + 0,1B6 + 0,2B7 + 0,1B8 + 0,1B9 ≤ 120,05B1 + 0,05B1 + 0,05B3 + 0,05B4 + 0,05B5 + 0,05B6 + 0,05B7 + 0,05B8 + 0,05 + 0,5B10 ≤ 60,2B1 + 0,2B1 + 0,2B3 + 0,2B4 + 0,2B5 + 0,2B6 + 0,2B7 + 0,2B8 + 0,2B9 + 0,3B10 ≤ 2518B1 ≤ 2000,05B10 ≤ 10,1B1 ≤ 0,1Maksimum keuntungan dari hasil produksi yaitu memproduksi Bolu Marmer 90 pcs, Bolu Surabaya 10 pcs dan bolu Lapis legit 10 pcs dengan keuntungan Rp 714.000,00


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    Kartu kendali merupakan alat untuk mengendalian kualitas sebuah produk industri. Kartu kerdali yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu kartu kendali proporsi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Mengetahui bentuk kartu kendali proporsi yang terkendali data produksi roti. (2) Mengetahui bentuk persentase kecacatan dominan yang terjadi dari produksi roti. Metode kuantitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data diambil dari hasil survei. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengunakan 4 (empat) tahapan yaitu pengumpulan data, analisis data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu kartu kendali yang terkendali terdapat 6 kartu kendali sesuai dengan jumlah produk yang diproduksi dan kecacatan dominan yang terjadi pada produksi yaitu pada kecacatan produksi roti isi mocca dengan persentase 26,84
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