5,322,973 research outputs found

    Der Pilotversuch muslimische Seelsorge im Testbetrieb ZĂŒrich: Evaluation des Nutzens und der Machbarkeit. Schlussbericht zuhanden des Staatssekretariats fĂŒr Migration

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    Un projet pilote d’aumĂŽnerie musulmane dans les centres fĂ©dĂ©raux pour requĂ©rants d’asile (CFA) a Ă©tĂ© menĂ© au centre pilote de Zurich du 1er juillet 2016 au 30 juin 2017. Il a Ă©tĂ© sou-mis Ă  l’évaluation continue du Centre Suisse Islam et SociĂ©tĂ© (CSIS) de l’UniversitĂ© de Fri-bourg. L’évaluation portait d’une part sur des donnĂ©es statistiques concernant l’occupation du centre. D’autre part, elle consistait en une mission d’observation et en la rĂ©alisation de 49 en-tretiens, axĂ©s notamment sur des aspects qualitatifs, permettant d’étudier l’activitĂ© des trois aumĂŽniers musulmans mandatĂ©s (correspondant Ă  un poste Ă  70%) et leurs interactions. Enfin, il s’agissait d’envisager l’extension de ce service Ă  d’autres CFA.Between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 2017, the Juch asylum centre in Zurich ran a Muslim chap-laincy pilot scheme, with a view to its possible roll-out across Switzerland’s federal asylum centres. The Swiss Centre for Islam and Society (SZIG/CSIS) of the University of Fribourg was charged with evaluating the project. It analysed occupancy data for the centre, studied the activities and interactions of the three Muslim chaplains (full-time equivalent: 0.7) based on participant observation and 49 qualitative interviews, and explored the various possibilities of setting up such a service in other federal asylum centres.Vom 1. Juli 2016 bis 30. Juni 2017 wurde im Testbetrieb ZĂŒrich ein Pilotprojekt fĂŒr eine mus-limische Seelsorge in den Bundesasylzentren durchgefĂŒhrt. Dieses wurde vom Schweizeri-schen Zentrum fĂŒr Islam und Gesellschaft (SZIG) an der UniversitĂ€t Freiburg begleitend eva-luiert. Die Evaluation wertete statistische Daten zur Belegung des Asylzentrums aus und un-tersuchte mittels teilnehmender Beobachtung und 49 qualitativer Interviews die TĂ€tigkeit und Interaktionen der drei im Pilotprojekt (mit einem Stellenumfang von insgesamt 70%) arbei-tenden muslimischen Seelsorger/innen sowie Möglichkeiten einer Ausweitung dieser Dienst-leistung auf andere Bundesasylzentren.Dal 1°luglio 2016 al 30 giugno 2017 si Ăš svolto nel quadro della fase di test di Zurigo un pro-getto pilota di consulenza religiosa per musulmani nei centri federali per l’asilo. Il progetto pilota Ăš stato accompagnato da una valutazione svolta dal Centro svizzero islam e societĂ  (CSIS) dell’UniversitĂ  di Friburgo. In questo contesto sono stati valutati dati statistici riguar-danti l’occupazione dei centri per l’asilo e, sulla base di un’osservazione dei partecipanti e di 49 interviste qualitative, sono state analizzate le attivitĂ  e le interazioni dei tre consulenti reli-giosi musulmani coinvolti nel progetto pilota (per un grado di occupazione complessivo del 70%) nonchĂ© le possibilitĂ  di estendere questa prestazione ad altri centri federali per l’asilo

    Threading salen-type Cu- and Ni-complexes into one-dimensional coordination polymers: solution versus solid state and the size effect of the alkali metal ion

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    Compartmentalization of metal ions is crucial in biology as well as in materials science. For the synthesis of single source precursors, the preorganization of different metal ions is of particular interest for the low-temperature generation of mixed metal oxides. On the basis of a potentially Ω-shaped salen-type ligand providing an N2O2 as well as an O2O2 coordination site, mixed metal coordination compounds with Cu(II) or Ni(II) and alkali metal ions have been studied for their structural and optical properties. UV–vis and 1H NMR titrations show that the obtained compounds adopt partially different structures in solution compared to the solid state. In the latter case, the coordination geometry is mainly governed by the size of the alkali metal ion as well as the transition metal ion used

    The method of finite-product extraction and an application to Wiener-Hopf theory

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    Copyright @ The Author, 2011. The publisher version of the article can be accessed at the link below.In this work we describe a simple method for finding approximate representations for special functions which are entire transcendental functions that can be represented by infinite products. This method replaces the infinite product by a finite polynomial and Gamma functions. This approximate representation is shown in the case of Bessel functions to be very accurate over a large range of parameter values. These approximate expressions can be useful for finding the roots of a transcendental equation and the Wiener-Hopf factorization of functions involving such Bessel functions.The method is shown to be potentially useful for other transcendental andWiener-Hopf problems, which involve other entire functions that have infinite product representations

    Constraints from precision measurements on the hadron-molecule interpretation of X,Y,Z resonances

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    The precise measurement of binding energy, total width and DDpi branching fraction, constrains, in a model independent way, the loosely bound hadron molecule interpretation of X(3872). A full discernment is not yet possible on the basis of present data. Similar considerations might be extended to all those Y,Z resonances susceptible of a molecular description.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Quelle place occupent les Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication et notamment les applications mobiles dans les musĂ©es?

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    Ce travail de Bachelor prĂ©sente deux analyses qui ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es sur les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) auprĂšs des musĂ©es. La premiĂšre est une analyse quantitative rĂ©alisĂ©e auprĂšs de musĂ©es de trois pays (France, Suisse et Belgique francophone). 91 musĂ©es ont donnĂ© leur avis sur la question de la prĂ©sence des TIC dans les musĂ©es. La seconde analyse prĂ©sente des critĂšres qui permettent d’évaluer les applications mobiles sur leur contenu. Ce sont 53 applications mobiles d’Europe, des Etats-Unis et d’Australie qui ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es et qui retiennent les meilleures pratiques

    The causalweight package for causal inference in R

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    We describe R package “causalweight” for causal inference based on inverse probability weighting (IPW). The “causalweight” package offers a range of semiparametric methods for treatment or impact evaluation and mediation analysis, which incorporates intermediate outcomes for investigating causal mechanisms. Depending on the method, identification relies on selection on observables assumptions or on instrumental variables when selection is on unobservables, approaches that may also be applied to tackle non-random outcome attrition and sample selection. Inference is based on the bootstrap

    Oxygen Hydration Mechanism for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction at Pt and Pd Fuel Cell Catalysts

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    We report the reaction pathways and barriers for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on platinum, both for gas phase and in solution, based on quantum mechanics calculations (PBE-DFT) on semi-infinite slabs. We find a new mechanism in solution: O_2 → 2O_(ad) (E_(act) = 0.00 eV), O_(ad) + H_2O_(ad) → 2OH_(ad) (E_(act) = 0.50 eV), OH_(ad) + H_(ad) → H_2O_(ad) (E_(act) = 0.24 eV), in which OH_(ad) is formed by the hydration of surface O_(ad). For the gas phase (hydrophilic phase of Nafion), we find that the favored step for activation of the O_2 is H_(ad) + O_(2ad) → HOO_(ad) (E_(act) = 0.30 eV) → HO_(ad) + O_(ad) (E_(act) = 0.12 eV) followed by O_(ad) + H_2O_(ad) → 2OH_(ad) (E_(act) = 0.23 eV), OH_(ad) + H_(ad) → H_2O_(ad) (E_(act) = 0.14 eV). This suggests that to improve the efficiency of ORR catalysts, we should focus on decreasing the barrier for Oad hydration while providing hydrophobic conditions for the OH and H_2O formation steps

    Two legendre polynomial identities

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