79 research outputs found


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    <div><p>The red palm weevil (RPW, <i>Rhynchophorus ferrugineus</i>), one of the most widespread of all invasive insect pest species, is a major cause of severe damage to economically important palm trees. RPW exhibits behaviors very similar to those of its sympatric species, the Asian palm weevil (<i>R</i>. <i>vulneratus</i>), which is restricted geographically to the southern part of Southeast Asia. Although efficient and sustainable control of these pests remains challenging, olfactory-system disruption has been proposed as a promising approach for controlling palm weevils. Here, we report the cloning and sequencing of an olfactory co-receptor (Orco) from <i>R</i>. <i>ferrugineus</i> (RferOrco) and <i>R</i>. <i>vulneratus</i> (RvulOrco) and examine the effects of RferOrco silencing (RNAi) on odorant detection. RferOrco and RvulOrco encoding 482 amino acids showing 99.58% identity. The injection of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) from RferOrco into <i>R</i>. <i>ferrugineus</i> pupae significantly reduced RferOrco gene expression and led to the failure of odor-stimulus detection, as confirmed through olfactometer and electroantennography (EAG) assays. These results suggest that olfactory-system disruption leading to reduced pheromone detection holds great potential for RPW pest-control strategies.</p></div

    SEM of <i>Solenopsis saudiensis</i>, worker, petiole and postpetiole in profile.

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    <p>SEM of <i>Solenopsis saudiensis</i>, worker, petiole and postpetiole in profile.</p

    SEM of <i>Solenopsis sumara</i>, major worker, metanotal groove and propodeum in profile.

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    <p>SEM of <i>Solenopsis sumara</i>, major worker, metanotal groove and propodeum in profile.</p

    Automontage of <i>Solenopsis dentata</i>, worker, head in full-face view.

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    <p>Automontage of <i>Solenopsis dentata</i>, worker, head in full-face view.</p

    Automontage of <i>Solenopsis elhawagryi</i> sp. n., minor worker, body in profile.

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    <p>Automontage of <i>Solenopsis elhawagryi</i> sp. n., minor worker, body in profile.</p

    Automontage of <i>Solenopsis sumara</i>, major worker, body in profile.

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    <p>Automontage of <i>Solenopsis sumara</i>, major worker, body in profile.</p

    Automontage of <i>Solenopsis elhawagryi</i> sp. n., major worker, body in dorsal view.

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    <p>Automontage of <i>Solenopsis elhawagryi</i> sp. n., major worker, body in dorsal view.</p

    Automontage of <i>Solenopsis saudiensis</i>, worker, head in full-face view.

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    <p>Automontage of <i>Solenopsis saudiensis</i>, worker, head in full-face view.</p

    SEM of <i>Solenopsis elhawagryi</i> sp. n. minor worker, head in profile.

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    <p>SEM of <i>Solenopsis elhawagryi</i> sp. n. minor worker, head in profile.</p

    Automontage of <i>Solenopsis elhawagryi</i> sp. n., minor worker, head in full-face view.

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    <p>Automontage of <i>Solenopsis elhawagryi</i> sp. n., minor worker, head in full-face view.</p