8,572 research outputs found

    Cloud cover, cloud liquid water and cloud attenuation at Ka and V bands over equatorial climate

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    Cloud cover statistics and their diurnal variation have been obtained from in situ and satellite measurements for three equatorial locations. Cloud liquid water content, 0 °C isotherm height and cloud attenuation have also been obtained from radiosonde measurement using the so-called Salonen model at Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). The results show a strong seasonal variation of cloud cover and cloud liquid water content on the two monsoon seasons. The Liquid Water Content (LWC) obtained from radiosonde and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) is higher during the Northeast Monsoon season, which corresponds to the period of higher percentage cloud cover and high rainfall accumulation. The International Telecommunication Union—Region (ITU-R) model underestimates the cumulative distribution of LWC values at the present station. The relationship of the cloud attenuation, derived from the profiles of liquid water density and temperature within the cloud, shows an underestimate by the data obtained from the ITU-R model. The cloud attenuation at Kuala Lumpur is somewhat underestimated by the ITU-R model up to about 1.2 dB at Ka (30 GHz) and 3.4 dB at V (50 GHz) bands. The results of the specific attenuation can be used for the estimation of cloud attenuation at microwave and millimetre wave over earth-space paths. The present data are important for planning and design of satellite communications at Ka and V bands on the Earth–space path in the equatorial region

    Evaluasi Kinerja Kegiatan Perawatan Mesin Injection Mold Menggunakan Metode Total Productive Maintenance (Tpm) Pada PT Ichikoh Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran deskriptif mengenai perawatan mesin atau maintenance, meliputi Total Productive Maintenance, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Overall Human Ineffectiveness dan Six Big Losses pada PT Ichikoh Indonesia. Permasalahan yang terjadi diperusahaan yaitu banyaknya jumlah part defect dikarenakan mesin sering breakdown. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara terstruktur dengan Manager Departement Molding Upstream 1 dan Departement Maintenance. Data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan evaluatif dari periode bulan April 2016 sampai Maret 2017. Dari hasil analisis ini PT Ichikoh Indonesia memiliki nilai efektifitas mesin yang masih dibawah standar JIPM (Japan Institude of Plant Maintenance) yaitu dengan nilai tertinggi pada bulan Februari 74%, sedangkan standar JIPM (Japan Institude of Plant Maintenance) adalah minimal sebesar 85% yang dihitung menggunakan metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Sedangkan untuk pengukuran tingkat ketidakefektifan kerja operator yang dianalisis menggunakan metode Overall Human Ineffectiveness mendapatkan nilai yang masih besar pada bulan May 2016 yaitu sebesar 17%. Faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya nilai efektifitas mesin dan tingkat ketidakefektifan kinerja operator adalah faktor Idling and Minor Stoppagges dengan nilai losses sebesar 54% yang sudah dianalisis menggunakan diagram pareto. Sesuai dengan diagram sebab-akibat (fishbone) didapat faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya Idling and Minor Stoppagges yang menjadi prioritas utama adalah a). faktor manusia yaitu masih kurang disiplin, sering terjadi kesalahan dalam perbaikan mesin, b). faktor material yaitu kesalahan spesifikasi material dan rendahnya perawatan bahan baku, c). faktor mesin yaitu mesin sering breakdown, kesalahan setup, d). faktor metode yaitu penjadwalan pengganti komponen yang belum efektif dan autonomous maintenance kurang berjalan dengan baik, e). faktor lingkungan yaitu kebersihan mesin kurang

    Understanding microenvironment and particulate matter: a case study of underground train systems for a sustainable environment

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    In this paper, we assessed particulate matter (PM) in microenvironments to understand environmental sustainability in a typical underground train system (UTS). The focus on air quality has become paramount in line with the climate goals which has direct influence on human health, society, built environment, and sustainability. To ensure a sustainable underground train system, it is paramount to establish a policy covering occurrence, investigation, monitoring, and mitigation of PM in such microenvironments. Several studies have reported on air quality of the outdoor environment with minimal consideration of microenvironments such as in UTS. There also exist paucity of data on hourly PM using a portable device. It is therefore necessary to assess exposure concentration of PM in selected UTS using a portable device. The average international standard for PM2.5 in the environment is established as 25 μgm-3. Concentration of PM less than 2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter (PM2.5) was measured in selected underground train and platforms using a portable Aeroqual device. The data obtained were analysed quantitatively using statistical mean and qualitatively using international standards for permissible PM limits. Using a pollutant of PM2.5 as a datum, concentrations in μgm-3 ranged between 103-165 on platforms and 115-153 inside the train - indicating the need for improved air exchange on the platform. It was observed that PM2.5 concentration on the platform and the trains are much above the international standards. This study argues for the need for an efficient ventilation system. A further study of UTS covering a longer period of exposure time (annual) and the use of different methodologies (equipment, sample size, etc.) are strongly recommended

    Clinical Approach to Chronic Pancreratitis

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    Chronic pancreatitis is still considered an uncertain process with an undetermined pathogenesis and ill defined treatment. Chronic pancreatitis is distinguished from acute pancreatitis based on structural and functional differences. In acute pancreatitis, the gland is normal prior to the attack, and returns to normal after an acute attack, while in chronic pancreatitis, the gland is already in an abnormal state prior to or following an attack or prior to and following an acute attack. The most common local complication of chronic pancreatitis is the formation of pseudocysts. Psedocysts are usually formed due to passage obstruction of the pancreatic tract (retention cyst) or due to recurrent acute exacerbation Several pancreatic abnormalities, such as stones, ductal stricture, fluid collection, and functional sphincter abnormality, could be treated using endoscopy. Adjuvant treatment for biliary duct abnormality such as biliary stricture due to pancreatitis, and stent insertion in cases of duodenal obstruction, could also be performed via endoscop

    How mobile phone application enhance human interaction with e-retailers in the middle east

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    The paper aims to provide a critical in-depth analysis of Mobile Phone Application's role in enhancing human interaction with E-Retailers, and more specifically, in the Middle East. First, the paper provides an outlook description of the definition and history of Mobile Phone Applications and human interaction and how the two complement each other. Next, the study outlines the various instances that human interaction with Mobile Phone Applications has led to E-retailer success and how it has come about. Then, the discourse provides an analytical look at the E-retailing Business in the Middle East while focusing on the history of E-retailing, business startups in the Middle East, and the revolution of E-retailing in the Middle East. Additionally, the research emphasizes the merits and demerits of using Mobile Phone Applications to promote and enhance E-commerce business in Middle East countries. Using relevant sources and credible references, the analysis will highlight the numerous instances Mobile Phone applications have been used by clients to connect with businesses that maintain an online presence. Using anthological, historical, and descriptive research methods, the arguments portrayed in this paper will heavily reflect on various case studies provided in the article. The case studies feature data representation from research conducted in the Middle East concerning Mobile Phone applications and E-commerce. Through focused approaches, this paper discerns, comprehend, and establishes the framework of the Middle East E-Commerce scene over the years, and outlines how far the industry has made progress through online platforms. Furthermore, emphasis will be laid on the market gaps left to fill in the E-commerce sector in the Middle East and the several approaches to better the industry. Lastly, this paper will conclude by providing my recommendations on the betterment of Mobile Phone Applications and how E-retailing can improve in the Middle East

    Cloud attenuation studies of the six major climatic zones of Africa for Ka and V satellite system design

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    Cloud cover statistics, cloud base and top height, cloud temperature, frequency of precipitation, freezing height, total cloud liquid water content (TCLWC) and cloud attenuation data have been obtained for the six major climatic zones of Africa. The present results reveal a strong positive correlation between the monthly distribution of low cloud cover, cloud top height, cloud temperature, and frequency of precipitation in the six zones. The cumulative distribution of the TCLWC derived from radiosonde measurement in each climatic zone shows a departure from the TCLWC recommended by the ITU Study Group 3 data, with an exceedance percentage difference of 32% to 90% occurring 0.01% to 10% of the time. The underestimation of the TCLWC is greatest in the tropical rain forest. A comparison of the cloud attenuation cumulative distribution in the Ka and V bands reveals that the International Telecommunication Union – Region (ITU-R) is an intergovernmental organization that develops rain model based on collected data around the world. This model underestimates the cloud attenuation in all of the six climatic zones by 2.0 dB and 4.7 dB for the arid Sahara desert, 1.3 dB and 3.0 dB in semi-arid North Africa, 1.3 dB and 1.5 dB in savannah North Africa, 2.0 dB and 3.6 dB in the tropical rain forest, 1.3 dB and 2.9 dB in savannah South Africa and 0.9 dB and 2.6 dB in semi-arid South Africa, respectively, at 30 and 50 GHz. Overall, the cloud attenuation in the tropical rain-forest zone is very high because of the high annual total cloud cover(98%), high annual frequency of precipitation (4.5), low annual clear sky amount (8%), high cloud depth (10,937 m), high 0°C isotherm height (4.7 km), high TCLWC (4.0 kg/m2 at 0.01%) and low seasonal cloud base height (356 m)
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