89 research outputs found

    A check list of fishes of the Exclusive Economic Zone of India collected during the research cruises of FORV Sagar Sampada

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    A knowledge on the fish fauna of the Exclusive Economic Zone of India is essential to study the distribution, zoogeography and biological aspects of the fish resources. The present check list of fishes is based on the pelagic and bottom trawl collections of FORV Sagar Sampada during her cruises 1-30, in the EEZ along both the east and west coasts of India during the years 1985-'87. This list is arranged alphabetically by families and genera. The list consists of 87 families and 242 species, including both conventional and nonconventional fish fauna of the Indian EEZ. The depth-wise distribution of the species in the latitude zones are also given

    Purse seine fishery for oil sardine off Cochin during the years 1980-'85

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    Observations on the purse-seine fishery for oil sardine at Cochin indicated that the fishery fluctuated widely during 1980-'85. The best catch was in 1984 (17,665.90 t) and the poorest in 1985 (5,470.27 t). The highest monthly catch rate (1,181.0 kg) was in December, 1984 while the lowest (295.4 kg) in November, 1982. Range of total instantaneous mortality 'Z' was from 1.59 to 2.88, the average being 2.15. The natural mortality 'M' worked out to 0.75. The instantaneous fishing mortality 'F' has been estimated to be 1.4. The annual rate of exploitation 'a* has been estimated to be 0.5743. Average annual purseseine catch (A1) of oil sardine during these six years was 10,3361. The standing stock at Cochin for 1980- '85 has been calculated at 7,383 t. The average annual stock of oil sardine at Cochin has been estimated at 17,998 t. Average annual catch of oil sardine in Kerala during the 6-year period was 1,23,519 t; the standing stock has been estimated at 88,228 t and the average annual stock has been calculated as 2,15,077 t. For Cochin, the MSY has been estimated to be about 12,500 t; and for Kerala the value has worked out to about 1,50,0001. The Beverton and Holt yield per recruit analysis revealed that any further increase in the rate of exploitation (i.e. 0.65) by purse seiners would not result in significant increase in the yield; but by increasing the length at first capture from 125 to 145 mm, might yield higher catches. The 15-40 m depth area was found to be the most productive. Preponderance of 0-year recruits was observed during 1980-'85 (except in 1983) whereas the 1 + year group had only a secondary dominance. The study revealed that the success of the sardine fishery in any year was mainly dependent on the abundance of the 0-year recruits. Though a small-scale spawning was noticeable by the end of May, the peak spawning was during June to August off Cochin. Application of Chi-square test on sex composition indicated predominance of females during 1980-'84 in purse-seine catches

    Fluctuations in the mackerel catches at Cochin

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    The heavy catches of mackerel were observed during 21st and 28th September. 1982 ,at the Fisheries Harbour, Cochin,by purse-seiners, and since these are quite unprecedented in the recent past, observations made on the biology of the fish and its fishery are presented. The overall size-range of the fish during the month was 153-276 mm and the modal sizes varied between 180 and 250 mm suggesting that the fishery was supported mainly by 1-year and 2-years-old individuals. A majority of fish (58%) were in spent condition followed by immature, spent-recovering and developing individuals. The 92% of the bumper catch of 21st September comprised of spent fish followed by spent-recovering individuals of 2-years-old. Size ranges and dominant modal sizes of mackerel in the purse seine catches during September were compared. The high catch rates, on some these days in September indicates that the mackerel shoals available in the inshore waters were not adequately exploited before the introduction of purse seiners in the area.The comparison of results of the monthly mackerel landings and temperature and salinity values at different centres by various authors reveals that certain optimal levels of temperature and salinity is suitable for the mackerel fishery

    Crisis in fisheries harbour, Cochin

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    In the cochin fisheries harbour, controlled by cochin port trust, nearly 5,000 people are employed In various operations connected with the handling of fish catches from an average of 300 fishing vesselsdue to this strike by the fish merchants all the fishing boats operating from the harbour had to Suspend their fishing operations.the crew members of these purse seiners are understood to have started an agitation for getting increased share of their wages.the crew wants the original payment of the share of wages restored and are agitating for the same. In resolving such problems in the various fisheries, more concern and involvement of the state department of fisheries would be helpful

    Immunogenicity of the biosimilar CT-P13 infliximab or the original infliximab in Iraqi patients with Ankylosing spondylitis does not correlate with their demographic characteristics

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    Background: Ankylosing spondylitis is a rare disease affecting people with hereditary factors. Its treatment includes life style modification and use of drugs such as the biologic agent infliximab or its biosimilar, CT-P13 infliximab. Despite their therapeutic usefulness, these agents are associated with a number of serious adverse effects such as immunogenicity. Objectives: The aim of current study was to investigate if immunogenicity of the biosimilar CT-P13 infliximab or the original infliximab, in Iraqi patients with Ankylosing spondylitis, is affected by any of the patientsтАЩ demographic characteristics. Methods: A retrospective open-label study was conducted from December 2021 to March 2022 at the Rheumatology Unit, Baghdad Teaching Hospital/Medical City, Baghdad. Forty-four patients were taking Infliximab, and another 50 patients were taking CT-P13, both at a dose of 5mg/kg for 3 months prior to recruitment in current study. Disease activity was assessed by ASDAS-CRP score while antibodies and C-reactive protein were tested by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay technique. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS statistical package for Social Sciences version 20.0. The level of significance was considered at P<0.05. Results: There was non-significant correlation between anti-infliximab antibodies and demographic data of patients (P>0.05). Similar data were reported regarding the biosimilar CT-P13 infliximab except for smoking and disease activity which exhibited significant correlation with development of anti-CT-P13 antibodies (P<0.05). Conclusion: Immunogenicity of the biosimilar CT-P13 infliximab, but not that of the original Infliximab, may be influenced by demographic characteristics or disease activity in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

    Promosi Potensi Wisata Desa Bayan Melalui Program Desa Digital

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    Bayan Village is one of the villages in Bayan District, North Lombok Regency, which consists of 1.530 families with 5.255 people, most of whom work as farmers and ranchers. One of the potentials used by the community is in the tourism sector. Several potentials in the tourism sector in Bayan Village are Bayan Beleq Ancient Mosque, traditional houses, customary forests, terracing areas, Mandala swimming pool columns, and Singang Petune waterfall. However, the tourism potential is still not widely known to the public, so many tourists do not know about the tourism potential in this village. Therefore, through the Thematic Real Work-Study activities, University of Mataram with the theme Digital Village are expected to help the community and village officials in developing and promoting the tourism potential of Bayan Village. The implementation method used is observation, website creation, and socialization. The observations show that there is still a lack of public knowledge regarding the management or use of the internet network for tourism promotion. The attractive potential is still not sufficiently explored. A website has also been created to promote the tourism potential in Bayan Village. As the final stage, there has been socialization about the importance of tourist villages as a catalyst for micro-economic improvement

    Incursion of brown algae and sargassum fishes into the Cochin backwaters

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    An incursion of sea weeds like brown algae and reef fishes like Sargassum fishes was observed in the Cochin backwaters on 6-12-1991. It appears that the habitat disturbance caused by the human interference along the southern part of the west coast brought the reef fishes along with the marine algae into the backwaters being assisted by the strong northerly current prevailing during the season

    Development of a multivalent vibriosis vaccine and its application in sea cage farming of cobia

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    The loss due to diseases in the aquaculture sector is estimated to be around 10-15% of the production cost and it can be substantially reduced if due attention is given to scientific health management. Most of the antibiotics are banned in aquaculture, so the alternative to maintain fish health is based on the supplementation of probiotics, immunostimulants and administration of vaccines. The main objective of developing a multivalent vaccine against vibriosis is to prevent the seasonal epizootics in cultured cobia Rachycentron canadum. The whole cell inactivated multivalent vibrio vaccine against vibriosis was developed, standardized and evaluated in cobia fingerlings

    Marine Fish Calendar. 4 Cochin

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    The article provides details about the marine fish landing at Cochin fisheries harbour, Kerala during the period 1981-1985. It was found that the majority of the landing was contributed by purse seine followed by trawlers, drift gill nets, boat seines, hooks and lines etc

    Present status of exploitation of fish and shellfish resources: Oil sardine

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    Present status of exploitation of fish and shellfish resources: Oil sardine Considerable fluctuations coupled with a general decline in the oil sardine landings have been observed along the southwest coast of India during 1984-85 to 198889. The catch and effort data for oilsardine fishery during the different seasons have revealed that premonsoon period is the most productive period for the fishery. The decline in the fishery is attributed to the indiscriminate exploitation of juveniles and potential spawners by purse seiners and ring seins. T he traditional &or has k e n a diversely affected by the operations of purse seines in recent years in northern Kerala Exploitation of spawning st& of oilsardine during the b d n g from May to September is of great consequences far the conservation of the resources. Even though good m o n soon is most likely to have a positive Impact on the stock size and facilitate spawning and recruitment, the likely advantage is offset by Indiscreminate exploitation. Regulation of mesh size of boat seines and restricting the operations of purse and ring seine are expecteded to restore the fishery to its preeminent position and protect the interests of the traditional sector
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