155 research outputs found

    Fredholm quasi-linear manifolds and degree of Fredholm quasi-linear mapping between them

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    In this article a new class of Banach manifolds and a new class of mappings between them are presented and also the theory of degree of such mappings is given.Представлено новий клас многовидів Банаха та новий клас відображень між ними, а також наведено теорію степеня таких відображень

    Study of the genetic polymorphism of diploid wheat Triticum boeoticum Boiss. using SSR markers

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    Diploid wheat Triticum boeoticum Boiss. (genome constitution AA) is a promising source of new valu­able alleles for improving cultivated wheat species. Therefore, the evaluation of the intraspecies diversity of T. boeoticum and DNA fingerprinting of accessions of this species are topical tasks. In this paper, the ge­netic diversity of over 60 T. boeoticum accessions was studied using 11 SSR markers. The analysis revealed 83 alleles, 7.5 alleles per locus on the average. The values of expected (HE) and observed (HO) heterozygosity varied within 0.00–0.74 and 0.17–0.89, respectively, the average indices being HO = 0.13 and HE = 0.52. The PIC value for each locus was within 0.17–0.88, 0.49 on the average. Unique alleles were found in all loci studied. Cluster analysis allowed the accessions studied to be combined into five major groups. The distances between the groups varied from 0 to 1, pointing to a high level of genetic differences in the collection under study. On the base of PCoA, five major groups were formed and some correspondence with the dendrogram was detected. Summarizing the data of PCoA and cluster analysis, we noted a weak genetic differentiation in the studied collection of T. boeoticum. A correlation between the genetic distance and geographic origin was revealed only for accessions of diploid wheat T. boeoticum from Iran. The analysis of the T. boeoticum accessions studied showed a wide diversity for SSR loci. The results expand our knowledge and pro­vide additional information on the genetic structure of the collection and on the genetic diversity of T. boeoti­cum accessions studied

    Fine structure of Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation near the Cherenkov threshold

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    We analyze the Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation (VCR) in a dispersive nontransparent dielectric air-like medium both below and above the Cherenkov threshold, in the framework of classical electrodynamics. It is shown that the transition to the subthreshold energies leads to the destruction of electromagnetic shock waves and to the sharp reduction of the frequency domain where VCR is emitted. The fine wake-like structure of the Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation survives and manifests the existence of the subthreshold radiation in the domain of anomalous dispersion. These domains can approximately be defined by the two phenomenological parameters of the medium, namely, the effective frequency of oscillators and the damping describing an interaction with the other degrees of freedom.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure


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    Ensuring compliance with requirements for the emission of harmful substances in accordance with the standard Euro-4 is one of the priorities in the design of devices associated with a reduction in toxicity of motors [1, 2]. Up to 60% of harmful emissions into the atmosphere accounts for road transport.The use of modern information technologies of visualization and three-dimensional computer modeling of devices of systems intended for toxicity decrease of cars allows for a systematic analysis at any level of difficulty. The technical result of creation of threedimensional computer geometric models (hereinafter – TDCGM) means reduction in time and computing resources spent on the design. The objective of the author is to investigate a new technique for creation of geometric control models of EGR system.The data for visual analysis with the help of 3D images of the EGR control system components are analyzed, the choice of software is justified and 3D modeling of recirculation valve for the car «Kalina-2» is conducted. In particular, there are improvements in layout scheme of recirculation valve, control parameters of its materials and weight and size characteristics. A method is proposed to simplify design and calculation of transient electromagnetic processes of synchronous stepper motor with permanent magnets, ensuring the operation of the valve.The practical application of the method enables to reduce the timing of preliminary design stage, to improve the weight and size parameters, to calculate the transient electromagnetic processes for subsequent optimization of parameters of EGR system by criterion of reduced power losses of an automobile engine.Проанализированы данные для визуального анализа с помощью 3D-образов компонентов системы управления рециркуляцией отработавших газов, обоснован выбор программных средств и проведено 3D-моделирование клапана рециркуляции для автомобиля «Калина-2». В частности, улучшены компоновочная схема клапана рециркуляции, контроль параметров его материалов и массогабаритные характеристики. Предложен способ упрощения проектирования и расчета переходных электромагнитных процессов шагового электродвигателя с постоянными магнитами, обеспечивающего функционирование клапана

    Problems of procedural rights abuse

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    In this article, the monographic and scientific publications, the practice of unfair realization of rights by the participants of the process are analyzed based on the analysis of certain international legal act

    The State and Collective Digital Identities: Youth and the Diaspora

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    Комплексная природа нынешней конфигурации транснациональных молодежных движений определяет необходимость создания государством механизмов, подходов и знаний для того, чтобы иметь возможность понимать, интерпретировать и вмешиваться в транснациональные молодежные процессы. Необходимость компетентных стратегий для разработки и реализации программ, ориентированных на молодежь и диаспору, определяет необходимость в отдельном государственном органе, который был бы инициативным, динамичным, информированным и достаточно мобильным, чтобы быть функциональным учреждением, способным выявлять процессы, происходящие внутри и за пределами государственной границы, и участвовать в них. Цифровая диаспора как одна из коллективных идентичностей транснациональной молодежи представляет собой новую форму комьюнити молодых людей, выстраиваемого на площадках интернет-пространства с целью сохранения и приумножения существующего социального капитала в условиях миграции.The complex nature of the current configuration of transnational youth movements determines the need for the state to create mechanisms, approaches, and knowledge in order to be able to understand, interpret and inter-vene in transnational youth processes. The need for competent strategies for the development and implementation of programs aimed at youth and the diaspora determines the necessity for an independent state body that would be proactive, dynamic, informed, and mobile enough to be a functional institution capable of identifying and participating in the processes taking place inside and outside the state border. The digital diaspora, as one of the collective identities of transnational youth, is a new form of a community of young people built on the sites of the Internet space to preserve and increase the existing social capital in migration conditions

    Adaptive potential of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) varieties of Azerbaijan

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    Background. Studies into the adaptability of the genetic diversity of cultivated plants and their wild relatives to various environments are induced by global climate change. Introduction of adaptive wheat cultivars resistant to environmental stressors is the basis for stable harvests. This article presents the results of a research into the adaptive value of indigenous durum wheat varieties and improved cultivars released in different years in Azerbaijan.Materials and methods. The experiments were carried out in the foothills of Mountainous Shirvan under unsecured non-irrigation at Gobustan Experiment Station of the Research Institute of Crop Husbandry. In 2012–2014, contrasting in weather conditions, levels and structure of yield were analyzed. VIR’s guidelines were used to study 42 durum wheat varie ties, including 10 landraces. The years of study differed sharply in rainfall. Selyaninov’s hydrothermal coefficient was used to assess the conditions of growing seasons.Results. Mostly modern cultivars of the semi-intensive type were distinguished for a set of agrobiological traits. Adaptability coefficients (0.81–1.23) showed that the response of the studied varieties to unfavorable conditions was highly expressed. Indigenous landraces ‘Ag bughda’ and ‘Bozak’, old breeding varieties ‘Arandani’, ‘Ag bughda 13’, ‘Kahraba’ and ‘Mirbashir 50’, and new cultivars ‘Karagilchig 2’ and ‘Barakatli 95’ had the highest adaptability coefficients. The first of them demonstrated stable yield, and the latter two were also resistant to stressors.Conclusion. Durum wheat yields under the conditions of moderately continental climate in Mountainous Shirvan depended on the number and weight of grains per ear. The varieties identified for the best adaptability are recommended to be included in crosses to develop new plastic cultivars of durum wheat

    Diagnostic value of ultrasound in the evaluation of the echostructures of the nodular formation of the thyroid gland using the classification system TI-RADS

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    Objective. Estimation of the ultrasonographic criteria efficacy in accordance to the TI-RADS system while determining the morphological structures of nodal thyroid affections. Materials and methods. Results of ultrasonographic investigation in 546 patients, ageing 17 - 76 old and suffering thyroidal nodal affections, were analyzed. All the patients were divided into two groups. Into the firsr group  (the main) 427 (78.2%) patients were included, to whom ultrasonographic investigation was performed by a surgeon-endocrinologist. Into the second group (the control one) 119 (21.8%) patients were included, to whom ultrasonographic investigation was performed by a radiologist. Ultrasonographic criteria with nodal thyroidal affections were estimated in accordance to the TI-RADS scale, and the results of cytological investigations of the nodal affections - in accordance to criteria of the Bethesda system. The degree of the malignant nodal affections risk was determined, taking into account a quantity of intranodal echographic signs in accordance to the points gradation, using a Ti-RADS system. Results. In accordance to results of pathohistological investigations of the removed specimen a benign changes were revealed in 128 (76.6%) patients, and malignant - in 39 (23.4%). In structure of malignant affections papillary cancer was established in 23 patients, follicular - in 13, medullary - in 2, Hurtle-cellular - in 1 patient. In accordance to cytological investigations, conducted in 2014 - 2018 yrs., there was established, that in the first group a fine-needle biopsy was conducted in 211/427(49.4%) patients. Operative interventions were performed in 105 (24.6%) patients. In the second group a fine-needle biopsy was performed in 64/119 (53.8%) patients. Operative intervention was conducted in 62 (52.1%) patients. Conclusion. While conduction of ultrasonographic investigation by a surgeon-endocrinologist the rate of revealing of false-positive echographic signs have lowered in more than 2 times (1.4%), comparing with analogous index while conduction of the investigation by radiologist (3.1%). Application of a TI-RADS classification have permitted to reduce the rate of the fine-needle biopsy and doing of surgical interventions

    Extractive Dearomatization of Naphthalane Oil Fraction with Ionic Liquid and -N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone

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    In the article are given an analysis of the results of researches carried out for the purpose of selective treatment of the Naphthalane oil fraction boiling at 260-3400C with ionic liquid (IL) -morfolinphormiate synthesized on the basis formic acid + morpholine and - N-methyl-2-pyrrolidon (N-MP) and  as an extractant. The aim is to remove poisonous components -  sulfur compounds and toxic carcinogenic polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in order to improve therapeutic properties of Naphthalane oil cut. For this purpose we have used extraction method. On the basis of the conducted researches the role of -N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone and IL-morpholinephormiatee in extraction conditions have been determined in selective treatment of Nafthalan oil, according to the results of spectral analysis residual amount of aromatic hydrocarbons decreased from 18.5% wt accordance to 2%, 1.5%. As well as the amount of sulphur decreased from 0.0354% to 0.010%,  0.011% and 0.019%.In the next stage the treated raffinates with N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone has been purified on silica. In a result amount of aromatic hydrocarbons drastically decrease to be 0.07% and 0.02%. As a result we aquire transparency and at the same time the percentage amount of aromatic hydrocarbons drastically decreased from 2% to 0,07%, 1.5%, to 0.02%. Raffinates obtained in a 2-4 stage dearomatization with N-MP and IL. Raffinate are measured on NMR, UV and IR spectral analysis

    Analysis of Structure Destroyed Metal after Diffusion Heat Treatment

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    It was accomplished research of the structure steel which carbonitriding and subsequent heat treatment was exposed for its cause's destruction to discover. For measure quality field of metal were used methods optical, appearing electronic microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Therefore one of the principal problems were research phase composition, grain and dislocation structure of a metal the gear teeth. Mechanism of rising hear cracks in the gear teeth on different stages her making and their trajectories of evolution were determined