157 research outputs found

    Comparative study of body composition of four fish species in relation to pond depth

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    Fish specimen of Labeo rohita , Cirrhinus mrigala , Hypophthalmicthys molitrix and Catla catla were sampled from three ponds of different depths (152 cm, 122 cm and 76 cm) to compare the body composition of these species in relation to pond depth. There was significant (P < 0.001) effect of pond depth on water, ash, organic, fat and protein contents (all % wet and dry body weight). It was observed that pond depth has significant effect (P < 0.01) on condition factor in pond B (122 cm depth) and no effect in pond A and C. Maximum mean values of body composition were observed in Labeo rohita in all the three ponds. Present study demonstrates that fish cultured in ponds of different depths have different values of protein which can help guide the farmers to select best pond depths to produce protein rich fish

    Installation of a pilot experimental trench at the Little Forest legacy site

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    During 2017, a pilot experimental trench was constructed at the Little Forest Legacy Site (LFLS). The objective of installing this trench was to facilitate experimental field-work aimed at further characterising the site, in particular the hydrology of the excavated trenches and of the near-surface layers in which the trenches are located. The test trench is of similar depth to the waste disposal trenches at the legacy site (3 metres) and extends 6 m in length. However, unlike the disposal trenches, the experimental trench contains no waste materials of any kind. Instead, the trench contains a number of sampling points and other instrumentation, and is back filled with river gravel to provide a uniform composition and maintain structural stability. It is intended that the pilot trench will be followed by other trenches with specific experimental objectives. The purposes of this report are to discuss the background, rationale for, and implementation of the facility; to provide a detailed description of the pilot trench; and to compile information and photographs documenting the excavation process. Although some preliminary hydrological data and comparisons with the legacy trenches are presented, the scientific data will be fully discussed and interpreted in future scientific reports

    Levels of omega-3 fatty acid in serum phospholipids and depression in patients with lung cancer

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    Previous studies suggested that omega-3 fatty acids (FAs) have therapeutic effects against depression, but there is no evidence in the oncological setting. Our preliminary study reported the association between lower omega-3 FA intake and occurrence of depression in lung cancer patients. To explore the association further, the present study examined whether depression was associated with lower levels of omega-3 FAs in serum phospholipids. A total of 717 subjects in the Lung Cancer Database Project were divided into three groups by two cutoff points of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale depression subscale (HADS-D). In all, 81 subjects of the nondepression and minor depression groups (HADS-D<5 and 5⩽HADS-D⩽10, respectively) were selected to match with 81 subjects of the major depression group (HADS-D>10) for age, gender, clinical stage, and performance status. Fatty acids were assayed by gas chromatography and compared among the three matched groups. There were no differences between the major depression group and nondepression group in any FAs. The minor depression group had higher mean levels of docosahexaenoic acid (mean±s.d. (%), nondepression: 7.40±1.54; minor depression: 7.90±1.40; major depression: 7.25±1.52, P=0.017). These results suggested that serum FAs are associated with minor, but not major, depression in lung cancer patients

    Disruption of Retinoic Acid Receptor Alpha Reveals the Growth Promoter Face of Retinoic Acid

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    Retinoic acid (RA), the bioactive derivative of Vitamin A, by epigenetically controlling transcription through the RA-receptors (RARs), exerts a potent antiproliferative effect on human cells. However, a number of studies show that RA can also promote cell survival and growth. In the course of one of our studies we observed that disruption of RA-receptor alpha, RARalpha, abrogates the RA-mediated growth-inhibitory effects and unmasks the growth-promoting face of RA (Ren et al., Mol. Cell. Biol., 2005, 25:10591). The objective of this study was to investigate whether RA can differentially govern cell growth, in the presence and absence of RARalpha, through differential regulation of the "rheostat" comprising ceramide (CER), the sphingolipid with growth-inhibitory activity, and sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), the sphingolipid with prosurvival activity.We found that functional inhibition of endogenous RARalpha in breast cancer cells by using either RARalpha specific antagonists or a dominant negative RARalpha mutant hampers on one hand the RA-induced upregulation of neutral sphingomyelinase (nSMase)-mediated CER synthesis, and on the other hand the RA-induced downregulation of sphingosine kinase 1, SK1, pivotal for S1P synthesis. In association with RA inability to regulate the sphingolipid rheostat, cells not only survive, but also grow more in response to RA both in vitro and in vivo. By combining genetic, pharmacological and biochemical approaches, we mechanistically demonstrated that RA-induced growth is, at least in part, due to non-RAR-mediated activation of the SK1-S1P signaling.In the presence of functional RARalpha, RA inhibits cell growth by concertedly, and inversely, modulating the CER and S1P synthetic pathways. In the absence of a functional RARalpha, RA-in a non-RAR-mediated fashion-promotes cell growth by activating the prosurvival S1P signaling. These two distinct, yet integrated processes apparently concur to the growth-promoter effects of RA
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