3,448 research outputs found

    Mutually Unbiased Binary Observable Sets on N Qubits

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    The Pauli operators (tensor products of Pauli matrices) provide a complete basis of operators on the Hilbert space of N qubits. We prove that the set of 4N−1 Pauli operators may be partitioned into 2N+1 distinct subsets, each consisting of 2N−1 internally commuting observables. Furthermore, each such partitioning defines a unique choice of 2N+1 mutually unbiased basis sets in the N-qubit Hilbert space. Examples for 2 and 3 qubit systems are discussed with emphasis on the nature and amount of entanglement that occurs within these basis sets


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    Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Penerimaan dan Pengeluaran Kas yang diterapkan pada perusahaan Yayasan Alpha Omega terlihat kurang baik, maka peneliti melakukan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui masalah yang ada,demi memperbaiki dan mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Dua kegiatan oprasional yang mempengaruhi kondisi perusahaan adalah Penerimaan Kas dan Pengeluaran Kas. Metode penelitian deskriftif yang digunakan dalam penelitan ini. Sistem akuntansi penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas pada Yayasan Alpha Omega masih terdapat beberapa kelemahan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data yang dilakukan, ditemukan kendala diantaranya selisih pencatatan yangterdapat pada bagian admin dan bagian keuangan. Yayasan Alpha Omega disarankan untuk merubah proses penerimaan dan pengeluaran nya yang berjalan, dengan prosedur yang diusulkan oleh penulis. Hal tersebut dilakukan agar Yayasan Alpha Omega dapat meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan dengan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi yang lebih baik

    Cdc14-regulated midzone assembly controls anaphase B

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    Spindle elongation in anaphase of mitosis is a cell cycle–regulated process that requires coordination between polymerization, cross-linking, and sliding of microtubules (MTs). Proteins that assemble at the spindle midzone may be important for this process. In this study, we show that Ase1 and the separase–Slk19 complex drive midzone assembly in yeast. Whereas the conserved MT-bundling protein Ase1 establishes a midzone, separase–Slk19 is required to focus and center midzone components. An important step leading to spindle midzone assembly is the dephosphorylation of Ase1 by the protein phosphatase Cdc14 at the beginning of anaphase. Failure to dephosphorylate Ase1 delocalizes midzone proteins and delays the second, slower phase of anaphase B. In contrast, in cells expressing nonphosphorylated Ase1, anaphase spindle extension is faster, and spindles frequently break. Cdc14 also controls the separase–Slk19 complex indirectly via the Aurora B kinase. Thus, Cdc14 regulates spindle midzone assembly and function directly through Ase1 and indirectly via the separase–Slk19 complex

    Simulation and Measurement of Absorbed Dose from 137 Cs Gammas Using a Si Timepix Detector

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    The TimePix readout chip is a hybrid pixel detector with over 65k independent pixel elements. Each pixel contains its own circuitry for charge collection, counting logic, and readout. When coupled with a Silicon detector layer, the Timepix chip is capable of measuring the charge, and thus energy, deposited in the Silicon. Measurements using a NIST traceable 137Cs gamma source have been made at Johnson Space Center using such a Si Timepix detector, and this data is compared to simulations of energy deposition in the Si layer carried out using FLUKA

    A Potential of Incoherent Attraction Between Multidimensional Solitons

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    We obtain analytical expressions for an effective potential of interaction between two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) solitons (including the case of 2D vortex solitons) belonging to two different modes which are incoherently coupled by cross-phase modulation. The derivation is based on calculation of the interaction term in the full Hamiltonian of the system. An essential peculiarity is that, in the 3D case, as well as in the case of 2D solitons with unequal masses, the main contribution to the interaction potential originates from a vicinity of one or both solitons, similarly to what was recently found in the 2D and 3D single-mode systems, while in the case of identical 2D solitons, the dominating area covers all the space between the solitons. Unlike the single-mode systems,_stable_ bound states of mutually orbiting solitons are shown to be possible in the bimodal system.Comment: latex, no figures, submitted to Physics Letters

    Status of the Space Radiation Monte Carlos Simulation Based on FLUKA and ROOT

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    The NASA-funded project reported on at the first IWSSRR in Arona to develop a Monte-Carlo simulation program for use in simulating the space radiation environment based on the FLUKA and ROOT codes is well into its second year of development, and considerable progress has been made. The general tasks required to achieve the final goals include the addition of heavy-ion interactions into the FLUKA code and the provision of a ROOT-based interface to FLUKA. The most significant progress to date includes the incorporation of the DPMJET event generator code within FLUKA to handle heavy-ion interactions for incident projectile energies greater than 3GeV/A. The ongoing effort intends to extend the treatment of these interactions down to 10 MeV, and at present two alternative approaches are being explored. The ROOT interface is being pursued in conjunction with the CERN LHC ALICE software team through an adaptation of their existing AliROOT software. As a check on the validity of the code, a simulation of the recent data taken by the ATIC experiment is underway

    Efficacy of an intensive outpatient rehabilitation program in alcoholism: Predictors of outcome 6 months after treatment

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    Treatment of alcohol-dependent patients was primarily focused on inpatient settings in the past decades. The efficacy of these treatment programs has been evaluated in several studies and proven to be sufficient. However, with regard to the increasing costs in public healthcare systems, questions about alternative treatment strategies have been raised. Meanwhile, there is growing evidence that outpatient treatment might be comparably effective as inpatient treatment, at least for subgroups of alcohol dependents. On that background, the present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a high-structured outpatient treatment program in 103 alcohol-dependent patients. 74 patients (72%) terminated the outpatient treatment regularly. At 6 months' follow-up, 95% patients were successfully located and personally re-interviewed. Analyses revealed that 65 patients (64%) were abstinent at the 6-month follow-up evaluation and 37 patients ( 36%) were judged to be non-abstinent. Pretreatment variables which were found to have a negative impact (non-abstinence) on the 6-month outcome after treatment were a higher severity of alcohol dependence measured by a longer duration of alcohol dependence, a higher number of prior treatments and a stronger alcohol craving (measured by the Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale). Further patients with a higher degree of psychopathology measured by the Beck Depression Inventory (depression) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (anxiety) relapsed more often. In summary, results of this study indicate a favorable outcome of socially stable alcohol-dependent patients and patients with a lower degree of depression, anxiety and craving in an intensive outpatient rehabilitation program

    Mutually unbiased binary observable sets on N qubits

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    The Pauli operators (tensor products of Pauli matrices) provide a complete basis of operators on the Hilbert space of N qubits. We prove that the set of 4^N-1 Pauli operators may be partitioned into 2^N+1 distinct subsets, each consisting of 2^N-1 internally commuting observables. Furthermore, each such partitioning defines a unique choice of 2^N+1 mutually unbiased basis sets in the N-qubit Hilbert space. Examples for 2 and 3 qubit systems are discussed with emphasis on the nature and amount of entanglement that occurs within these basis sets.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Replacement - expanded introduction and conclusions; added reference
