735 research outputs found

    QSAR izučavanje steroidnih 1,2,4,5-tetraoksanskih antimalarika računarskim modelovanjem

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    A three-dimensional QSAR pharmacophore model for antimalarial activity of steroidal 1,2,4,5-tetraoxanes was developed from a set of 17 substituted antimalarial derivatives out of 27 analogues that exhibited remarkable in vitro activity (below 100 ng/mL) against sensitive and multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria. The pharmacophore, which contains two hydrogen bond acceptors (lipid) and one hydrophobic (aliphatic) feature, was found to map well onto the potent analogues and many other well-known antimalarial trioxane drugs including artemisinin, arteether, artesunic acid, and tetraoxanes. The presence of at least one hydrogen bond acceptor in the trioxane or the tetraoxane moiety appears to be necessary for potent activity of this class of compounds. Docking calculations of some of these compounds with heme are consistent with the above observation as the proximity of the heme iron to the oxygen atom of the trioxane or the tetraoxane moiety favors potent activity of the compounds. Electron transfer from the oxygen of trioxane or the tetraoxane appears to be crucial for mechanism of action of the compounds. This information together with the pharmacophore should enable search for new peroxide containing antimalarial candidates from databases and custom designed synthesis of more efficacious and safer analogues.Izvršeno je trodimenzionalno modelovanje farmakofore za antimalarijsku aktivnost steroidnih 1,2,4,5-tetraoksana na osnovu struktura 17 supstituisanih derivata, izdvojenih iz grupe od 27 analoga koji pokazuju izuzetnu in vitro antimalarijsku aktivnost (ispod 100 ng/mL) prema osetljivim i rezistentnim sojevima Plasmodium falciparum-a. Utvrđeno je da se farmakofora, koju čine dva akceptora vodonične veze (lipidni) i jedno hidrofobno mesto (alifatično), dobro preklapa sa strukturama aktivnih analoga kao i sa strukturama nekih poznatih trioksanskih antimalarika, uključujući artemizinin, arteetar, artesunatnu kiselinu kao i sa strukturama nekih drugih tetraoksana. Za dobru aktivnost ove klase jedinjenja važno je prisustvo bar jednog akceptora vodonične veze na trioksanskom ili tetraoksanskom delu strukture. Izračunavanja interakcija nekih od ovih jedinjenja sa hemom saglasna su sa prethodno iznetim zaključkom da je blizina gvožđa iz hema i trioksanskog ili tetraoksanskog atoma kiseonika važna za dobru aktivnost ovih jedinjenja. Izgleda da je prenos elektrona sa trioksanskog ili tetraoksanskog atoma kiseonika osnova mehanizma dejstva ovih jedinjenja. Izvršena modelovanja farmakofore i interakcija ovih jedinjenja se hemom mogu biti od pomoći u sintezi novih i efikasnijih peroksidnih antimalarika

    Design and realization of dual band stacked antenna via three-dimensional printing technology

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    With the ever-increasing demands for high-performancewireless communication systems, the need of fast andlow-cost realization of antenna stages had also becomemore crucial for wireless communication industry.Herein, design and low-cost realization of a three-dimensional (3D) printed dual band Stacked Micro-strip Patch Array (SMPA) antenna has been studied. A3D electromagnetic-based simulation model of the pro-posed SMPA antenna has been created in CST Micro-wave Studio. The antenna achieves a simulated gainlevel of almost 8.3 dBi at 5.2 and 10.4 GHz frequen-cies. Then, the antenna design with optimally selectedparameters has been prototyped via the use of 3Dprinting technology. The prototyped antenna has ameasured gain level of 7.2 dBi at the operation fre-quencies. Furthermore, the experimental results of theprototyped antenna have been compared with the sim-ulated results. From the compared results, it can beconcluded that not only the proposed antenna designhas achieved high-performance measures comparedwith counterpart designs in the literature but also it ispossible to achieve an accurate, fast, and low-cost real-ization via the use of 3D printing technolog

    Tunable magnetic exchange interactions in manganese-doped inverted core/shell ZnSe/CdSe nanocrystals

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    Magnetic doping of semiconductor nanostructures is actively pursued for applications in magnetic memory and spin-based electronics. Central to these efforts is a drive to control the interaction strength between carriers (electrons and holes) and the embedded magnetic atoms. In this respect, colloidal nanocrystal heterostructures provide great flexibility via growth-controlled `engineering' of electron and hole wavefunctions within individual nanocrystals. Here we demonstrate a widely tunable magnetic sp-d exchange interaction between electron-hole excitations (excitons) and paramagnetic manganese ions using `inverted' core-shell nanocrystals composed of Mn-doped ZnSe cores overcoated with undoped shells of narrower-gap CdSe. Magnetic circular dichroism studies reveal giant Zeeman spin splittings of the band-edge exciton that, surprisingly, are tunable in both magnitude and sign. Effective exciton g-factors are controllably tuned from -200 to +30 solely by increasing the CdSe shell thickness, demonstrating that strong quantum confinement and wavefunction engineering in heterostructured nanocrystal materials can be utilized to manipulate carrier-Mn wavefunction overlap and the sp-d exchange parameters themselves.Comment: To appear in Nature Materials; 18 pages, 4 figures + Supp. Inf

    The developmental dynamics of terrorist organizations

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    We identify robust statistical patterns in the frequency and severity of violent attacks by terrorist organizations as they grow and age. Using group-level static and dynamic analyses of terrorist events worldwide from 1968-2008 and a simulation model of organizational dynamics, we show that the production of violent events tends to accelerate with increasing size and experience. This coupling of frequency, experience and size arises from a fundamental positive feedback loop in which attacks lead to growth which leads to increased production of new attacks. In contrast, event severity is independent of both size and experience. Thus larger, more experienced organizations are more deadly because they attack more frequently, not because their attacks are more deadly, and large events are equally likely to come from large and small organizations. These results hold across political ideologies and time, suggesting that the frequency and severity of terrorism may be constrained by fundamental processes.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables, supplementary materia

    Berberine Chloride Mediates Its Anti-Leishmanial Activity via Differential Regulation of the Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Pathway in Macrophages

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    BACKGROUND: A complex interplay between Leishmania and macrophages influences parasite survival and necessitates disruption of signaling molecules, eventually resulting in impairment of macrophage function. In this study, we demonstrate the immunomodulatory activity of Berberine chloride in Leishmania infected macrophages. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The IC(50) of Berberine chloride, a quaternary isoquinoline alkaloid was tested in an amastigote macrophage model and its safety index measured by a cell viability assay. It eliminated intracellular amastigotes, the IC(50) being 2.8 fold lower than its IC(50) in promastigotes (7.10 µM vs. 2.54 µM) and showed a safety index >16. Levels of intracellular and extracellular nitric oxide (NO) as measured by flow cytometry and Griess assay respectively showed that Berberine chloride in Leishmania infected macrophages increased production of NO. Measurement of the mRNA expression of iNOS, IL-12 and IL-10 by RT-PCR along with levels of IL-12p40 and IL-10 by ELISA showed that in infected macrophages, Berberine chloride enhanced expression of iNOS and IL-12p40, concomitant with a downregulation of IL-10. The phosphorylation status of extracellular signal related kinase (ERK1/2) and p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) was studied by western blotting. In infected macrophages, Berberine chloride caused a time dependent activation of p38 MAPK along with deactivation of ERK1/2; addition of a p38 MAPK inhibitor SB203580 inhibited the increased generation of NO and IL-12p40 by Berberine chloride as also prevented its decrease of IL-10. CONCLUSIONS: Berberine chloride modulated macrophage effector responses via the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, highlighting the importance of MAPKs as an antiparasite target

    Binding of Gemini Bisbenzimidazole Drugs with Human Telomeric G-Quadruplex Dimers: Effect of the Spacer in the Design of Potent Telomerase Inhibitors

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    The study of anticancer agents that act via stabilization of telomeric G-quadruplex DNA (G4DNA) is important because such agents often inhibit telomerase activity. Several types of G4DNA binding ligands are known. In these studies, the target structures often involve a single G4 DNA unit formed by short DNA telomeric sequences. However, the 3′-terminal single-stranded human telomeric DNA can form higher-order structures by clustering consecutive quadruplex units (dimers or n-mers). Herein, we present new synthetic gemini (twin) bisbenzimidazole ligands, in which the oligo-oxyethylene spacers join the two bisbenzimidazole units for the recognition of both monomeric and dimeric G4DNA, derived from d(T2AG3)4 and d(T2AG3)8 human telomeric DNA, respectively. The spacer between the two bisbenzimidazoles in the geminis plays a critical role in the G4DNA stability. We report here (i) synthesis of new effective gemini anticancer agents that are selectively more toxic towards the cancer cells than the corresponding normal cells; (ii) formation and characterization of G4DNA dimers in solution as well as computational construction of the dimeric G4DNA structures. The gemini ligands direct the folding of the single-stranded DNA into an unusually stable parallel-stranded G4DNA when it was formed in presence of the ligands in KCl solution and the gemini ligands show spacer length dependent potent telomerase inhibition properties

    The Malaria Secretome: From Algorithms to Essential Function in Blood Stage Infection

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    The malaria agent Plasmodium falciparum is predicted to export a “secretome” of several hundred proteins to remodel the host erythrocyte. Prediction of protein export is based on the presence of an ER-type signal sequence and a downstream Host-Targeting (HT) motif (which is similar to, but distinct from, the closely related Plasmodium Export Element [PEXEL]). Previous attempts to determine the entire secretome, using either the HT-motif or the PEXEL, have yielded large sets of proteins, which have not been comprehensively tested. We present here an expanded secretome that is optimized for both P. falciparum signal sequences and the HT-motif. From the most conservative of these three secretome predictions, we identify 11 proteins that are preserved across human- and rodent-infecting Plasmodium species. The conservation of these proteins likely indicates that they perform important functions in the interaction with and remodeling of the host erythrocyte important for all Plasmodium parasites. Using the piggyBac transposition system, we validate their export and find a positive prediction rate of ∼70%. Even for proteins identified by all secretomes, the positive prediction rate is not likely to exceed ∼75%. Attempted deletions of the genes encoding the conserved exported proteins were not successful, but additional functional analyses revealed the first conserved secretome function. This gave new insight into mechanisms for the assembly of the parasite-induced tubovesicular network needed for import of nutrients into the infected erythrocyte. Thus, genomic screens combined with functional assays provide unexpected and fundamental insights into host remodeling by this major human pathogen

    A Novel Peptide Derived from Human Apolipoprotein E Is an Inhibitor of Tumor Growth and Ocular Angiogenesis

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    Angiogenesis is a hallmark of tumor development and metastasis and now a validated target for cancer treatment. We previously reported that a novel dimer peptide (apoEdp) derived from the receptor binding region of human apolipoprotein E (apoE) inhibits virus-induced angiogenesis. However, its role in tumor anti-angiogenesis is unknown. This study demonstrates that apoEdp has anti-angiogenic property in vivo through reduction of tumor growth in a mouse model and ocular angiogenesis in a rabbit eye model. Our in vitro studies show that apoEdp inhibits human umbilical vein endothelial cell proliferation, migration, invasion and capillary tube formation. We document that apoEdp inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor-induced Flk-1 activation as well as downstream signaling pathways that involve c-Src, Akt, eNOS, FAK, and ERK1/2. These in vitro data suggest potential sites of the apoE dipeptide inhibition that could occur in vivo

    A whole cell pathway screen reveals seven novel chemosensitizers to combat chloroquine resistant malaria

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    Due to the widespread prevalence of resistant parasites, chloroquine (CQ) was removed from front-line antimalarial chemotherapy in the 1990s despite its initial promise of disease eradication. Since then, resistance-conferring mutations have been identified in transporters such as the PfCRT, that allow for the efflux of CQ from its primary site of action, the parasite digestive vacuole. Chemosensitizing/ chemoreversing compounds interfere with the function of these transporters thereby sensitizing parasites to CQ once again. However, compounds identified thus far have disappointing in vivo efficacy and screening for alternative candidates is required to revive this strategy. In this study, we propose a simple and direct means to rapidly screen for such compounds using a fluorescent-tagged CQ molecule. When this screen was applied to a small library, seven novel chemosensitizers (octoclothepin, methiothepin, metergoline, loperamide, chlorprothixene, L-703,606 and mibefradil) were quickly elucidated, including two which showed greater potency than the classical chemosensitizers verapamil and desipramine