3,619 research outputs found

    Müller glia activation in response to inherited retinal degeneration is highly varied and disease-specific

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    Despite different aetiologies, most inherited retinal disorders culminate in photoreceptor loss, which induces concomitant changes in the neural retina, one of the most striking being reactive gliosis by Müller cells. It is typically assumed that photoreceptor loss leads to an upregulation of glial fibrilliary acidic protein (Gfap) and other intermediate filament proteins, together with other gliosis-related changes, including loss of integrity of the outer limiting membrane (OLM) and deposition of proteoglycans. However, this is based on a mix of both injury-induced and genetic causes of photoreceptor loss. There are very few longitudinal studies of gliosis in the retina and none comparing these changes across models over time. Here, we present a comprehensive spatiotemporal assessment of features of gliosis in the degenerating murine retina that involves Müller glia. Specifically, we assessed Gfap, vimentin and chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan (CSPG) levels and outer limiting membrane (OLM) integrity over time in four murine models of inherited photoreceptor degeneration that encompass a range of disease severities (Crb1rd8/rd8, Prph2+/Δ307, Rho-/-, Pde6brd1/rd1). These features underwent very different changes, depending upon the disease-causing mutation, and that these changes are not correlated with disease severity. Intermediate filament expression did indeed increase with disease progression in Crb1rd8/rd8 and Prph2+/Δ307, but decreased in the Prph2+/Δ307 and Pde6brd1/rd1 models. CSPG deposition usually, but not always, followed the trends in intermediate filament expression. The OLM adherens junctions underwent significant remodelling in all models, but with differences in the composition of the resulting junctions; in Rho-/- mice, the adherens junctions maintained the typical rod-Müller glia interactions, while in the Pde6brd1/rd1 model they formed predominantly between Müller cells in late stage of degeneration. Together, these results show that gliosis and its associated processes are variable and disease-dependent

    The importance of pathological quality control for rectal surgery

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    Pathologists are an integral member of the colorectal multidisciplinary team and are able to closely interact with surgeons, radiologists and oncologists to facilitate improvements in surgical quality and patient outcomes. Accurate, high quality pathology reports containing all vital prognostic information are essential to ensure the patient receives optimal treatment. These reports should also integrate feedback to all members of the multidisciplinary team on the accuracy of preoperative staging, response to preoperative treatment, and the quality of surgery. Pathologists have played a key role in improving outcomes in patients with rectal cancer by recognising the prognostic importance of an involved circumferential resection margin. In addition, pathologists have described an assessment of the surgical planes of dissection as a marker of surgical quality and thereby a means of quality control. This article will review the current best practice for the pathological assessment of anterior resections and abdominoperineal excisions for rectal cancer and ultimately look at how pathologists can influence quality control in rectal cancer surgery

    Is a combination of varenicline and nicotine patch more effective in helping smokers quit than varenicline alone? A randomised controlled trial

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Anxiety‐related factors associated with symptom severity in irritable bowel syndrome

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    Background Gastrointestinal symptom‐specific anxiety and somatization have both been associated with higher symptom severity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); however, this relationship has not been explored fully. Moreover, the performance of the visceral sensitivity index (VSI) for measuring gastrointestinal symptom‐specific anxiety has not been examined in a UK population. We conducted a cross‐sectional survey to examine these issues. Methods Gastrointestinal symptom‐specific anxiety was measured using the VSI, and somatization was measured via the patient health questionnaire‐12 (PHQ‐12) in adults from the UK community with Rome IV‐defined IBS. Exploratory factor analysis was performed on the VSI, prior to subsequent analyses, to establish its factor structure. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between demographic features, different factors of the VSI, somatization, and IBS symptom severity. Key Results A total of 811 individuals with IBS provided complete data. Factor analysis of the VSI revealed a three‐factor structure, accounting for 47% of the variance. The first of these VSI factors and the PHQ‐12 were both strongly and independently associated with IBS symptom severity, for the group as a whole and for all four IBS subtypes. Most VSI items concerned with overt gastrointestinal symptom‐specific anxiety loaded onto the other two VSI factors that were not associated with symptom severity. Conclusions and Inferences The factor structure of the VSI requires further investigation. Our findings cast doubt on the central role of gastrointestinal symptom‐specific anxiety as a driver for symptom severity in IBS. Awareness of both gastrointestinal and extra‐intestinal symptoms, however, is strongly associated with symptom severity

    VEZF1 elements mediate protection from DNA methylation

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    There is growing consensus that genome organization and long-range gene regulation involves partitioning of the genome into domains of distinct epigenetic chromatin states. Chromatin insulator or barrier elements are key components of these processes as they can establish boundaries between chromatin states. The ability of elements such as the paradigm β-globin HS4 insulator to block the range of enhancers or the spread of repressive histone modifications is well established. Here we have addressed the hypothesis that a barrier element in vertebrates should be capable of defending a gene from silencing by DNA methylation. Using an established stable reporter gene system, we find that HS4 acts specifically to protect a gene promoter from de novo DNA methylation. Notably, protection from methylation can occur in the absence of histone acetylation or transcription. There is a division of labor at HS4; the sequences that mediate protection from methylation are separable from those that mediate CTCF-dependent enhancer blocking and USF-dependent histone modification recruitment. The zinc finger protein VEZF1 was purified as the factor that specifically interacts with the methylation protection elements. VEZF1 is a candidate CpG island protection factor as the G-rich sequences bound by VEZF1 are frequently found at CpG island promoters. Indeed, we show that VEZF1 elements are sufficient to mediate demethylation and protection of the APRT CpG island promoter from DNA methylation. We propose that many barrier elements in vertebrates will prevent DNA methylation in addition to blocking the propagation of repressive histone modifications, as either process is sufficient to direct the establishment of an epigenetically stable silent chromatin stat

    Trial Protocol: Randomised controlled trial of the effects of very low calorie diet, modest dietary restriction, and sequential behavioural programme on hunger, urges to smoke, abstinence and weight gain in overweight smokers stopping smoking

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    Background\ud Weight gain accompanies smoking cessation, but dieting during quitting is controversial as hunger may increase urges to smoke. This is a feasibility trial for the investigation of a very low calorie diet (VLCD), individual modest energy restriction, and usual advice on hunger, ketosis, urges to smoke, abstinence and weight gain in overweight smokers trying to quit. \ud \ud Methods\ud This is a 3 armed, unblinded, randomized controlled trial in overweight (BMI > 25 kg/m2m^2), daily smokers (CO > 10 ppm); with at least 30 participants in each group. Each group receives identical behavioural support and NRT patches (25 mg(8 weeks),15 mg(2 weeks),10 mg(2 weeks)). The VLCD group receive a 429-559 kcal/day liquid formula beginning 1 week before quitting and continuing for 4 weeks afterwards. The modest energy restricted group (termed individual dietary and activity planning(IDAP)) engage in goal-setting and receive an energy prescription based on individual basal metabolic rate(BMR) aiming for daily reduction of 600 kcal. The control group receive usual dietary advice that accompanies smoking cessation i.e. avoiding feeling hungry but eating healthy snacks. After this, the VLCD participants receive IDAP to provide support for changing eating habits in the longer term; the IDAP group continues receiving this support. The control group receive IDAP 8 weeks after quitting. This allows us to compare IDAP following a successful quit attempt with dieting concurrently during quitting. It also aims to prevent attrition in the unblinded, control group by meeting their need for weight management. Follow-up occurs at 6 and 12 months. \ud \ud Outcome measures include participant acceptability, measured qualitatively by semi-structured interviewing and quantitatively by recruitment and attrition rates. Feasibility of running the trial within primary care is measured by interview and questionnaire of the treatment providers. Adherence to the VLCD is verified by the presence of urinary ketones measured weekly. Daily urges to smoke, hunger and withdrawal are measured using the Mood and Physical Symptoms Scale-Combined (MPSS-C) and a Hunger Craving Score (HCS). 24 hour, 7 day point prevalence and 4-week prolonged abstinence (Russell Standard) is confirmed by CO < 10 ppm. Weight, waist and hip circumference and percentage body fat are measured at each visit. \ud \ud Trial Registration\ud Current controlled trials ISRCTN83865809\ud \u

    A survey of UK medical schools' arrangements for early patient contact

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    Background: Many U.K. medical schools have patient contact in the first two years of the undergraduate course. Aim: To compare the purposes and organization of early patient contact in UK medical schools and to relate these arrangements to the schools' curricular objectives. Methods: A telephone survey of lead educators in UK medicals schools. Categories of contact were plotted against phases of the course to discern patterns of organisation. Results: The quantity of contact varies considerably (four to 65 days). There is a pattern, with learning objectives around the social context of health and illness preceding skills based work and integrated clinical knowledge for practice coming later. Schools fall into three categories: close adherence to the preclinical/clinical split, with limited early contact acting as an introduction to social aspects of health; provision of substantial patient contact to maximize the integration of knowledge and skills; and transitional, with limited clinical goals. General practice provides between one third and one half of early patient contact. Conclusions: Arrangements meet the objectives set by each school and reflect differing educational philosophies. Change is toward more early contact. There appears to be no national guidance which supports a minimum quantity of patient contact or specific educational purpose in the early years of U.K. basic medical training

    Order of Magnitude Smaller Limit on the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron

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    The Standard Model of particle physics is known to be incomplete. Extensions to the Standard Model, such as weak-scale supersymmetry, posit the existence of new particles and interactions that are asymmetric under time reversal (T) and nearly always predict a small yet potentially measurable electron electric dipole moment (EDM), d_e, in the range of 10^(−27) to 10^(−30) e·cm. The EDM is an asymmetric charge distribution along the electron spin (S) that is also asymmetric under T. Using the polar molecule thorium monoxide, we measured d_e = (–2.1±3.7_(stat)±2.5_(syst)) × 10−29 e·cm. This corresponds to an upper limit of ❘d_e❘ < 8.7 × 10^(−29) e·cm with 90% confidence, an order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity relative to the previous best limit. Our result constrains T-violating physics at the TeV energy scale

    Phase I/II study of the deacetylase inhibitor panobinostat after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with high-risk MDS or AML (PANOBEST trial)

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    Maintenance therapy after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is conceptually attractive to prevent relapse, but has been hampered by the limited number of suitable anti-leukemic agents. The deacetylase inhibitor (DACi) panobinostat demonstrated moderate anti-leukemic activity in a small subset of patients with advanced AML and high-risk MDS in phase I/II trials.1, 2 It also displays immunomodulatory activity3 that may enhance leukemia-specific cytotoxicity4 and mitigate graft versus host disease (GvHD), but conversely could impair T- and NK cell function.5, 6 We conducted this open-label, multi-center phase I/II trial (NCT01451268) to assess the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of prolonged prophylactic administration of panobinostat after HSCT for AML or MDS. The study protocol was approved by an independent ethics committee and conducted in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki. All patients provided written informed consent. ..