374 research outputs found

    Scale-dependent bias and the halo model

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    We use a simplified version of the halo model with a power law power spectrum to study scale dependence in galaxy bias at the very large scales relevant to baryon oscillations. In addition to providing a useful pedagogical explanation of the scale dependence of galaxy bias, the model provides an analytic tool for studying how changes in the Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) impact the scale dependence of galaxy bias on scales between 10 and 1000 Mpc/h, which is useful for interpreting the results of complex N-body simulations. We find that changing the mean number of galaxies per halo of a given mass will change the scale dependence of the bias, but that changing the way the galaxies are distributed within the halo has a smaller effect on the scale dependence of bias at large scales. We use the model to explain the decay in amplitude of the baryon oscillations as k increases, and generalize the model to make predictions about scale dependent galaxy bias when redshift space distortions are introduced.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures; corrected typos, extended discussion of redshift space distortions, matches published versio

    Characterizing the Shapes of Galaxy Clusters Using Moments of the Gravitational Lensing Shear

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    We explore the use of the tangential component of weak lensing shear to characterize the ellipticity of clusters of galaxies. We introduce an ellipticity estimator, and quantify its properties for isolated clusters from LCDM N-body simulations. We compare the N-body results to results from smooth analytic models. The expected distribution of the estimator for mock observations is presented, and we show how this distribution is impacted by contaminants such as noise, line of sight projections, and misalignment of the central galaxy used to determine the orientation of the triaxial halo. We examine the radial profile of the estimator and discuss tradeoffs in the observational strategy to determine cluster shape.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures; added references, corrected typos, matches published versio

    Coulomb gap in one-dimensional disordered electronic systems

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    We study a one-dimensional system of spinless electrons in the presence of a long-range Coulomb interaction (LRCI) and a random chemical potential at each site. We first present a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) description of the system. We use the bosonization technique followed by the replica trick to average over the quenched randomness. An expression for the localization length of the system is then obtained using the renormalization group method and also a physical argument. We then find the density of states for different values of the energy; we get different expressions depending on whether the energy is larger than or smaller than the inverse of the localization length. We work in the limit of weak disorder where the localization length is very large; at that length scale, the LRCI has the effect of reducing the interaction parameter K of the TLL to a value much smaller than the noninteracting value of unity.Comment: Revtex, 6 pages, no figures; discussions have been expanded in several place

    Friedel oscillations in a two-band Hubbard model for CuO chains

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    Friedel oscillations induced by open boundary conditions in a two-band Hubbard model for CuO chains are numerically studied. We find that for physically realistic parameters and close to quarter filling, these oscillations have a 2k_F modulation according with experimental results on YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-delta}. In addition, we predict that, for the same parameters, as hole doping is reduced from quarter filling to half filling, Friedel oscillations would acquire a 4k_F modulation, typical of a strongly correlated electrons regime. The 4k_F modulation dominates also in the electron doped region. The range of parameters varied is very broad, and hence the results reported could apply to other cuprates and other strongly correlated compounds with quasi-one dimensional structures. On a more theoretical side, we stress the fact that the copper and oxygen subsystems should be described by two different Luttinger liquid exponents.Comment: 7 pages, 7 eps figure

    Spin chirality induced by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and the polarized neutron scattering

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    We discuss the influence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction in the Heizenberg spin chain model for the observables in the polarized neutron scattering experiments. We show that different choices of the parameters of DM interaction may leave the spectrum of the problem unchanged, while the observable spin-spin correlation functions may differ qualitatively. Particularly, for the uniform DM interaction one has the incommensurate fluctuations and polarization-dependent neutron scattering in the paramagnetic phase. We sketch the possible generalization of our treatment to higher dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, no figures, references added, to appear in PR

    Attractor Solution of Phantom Field

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    In light of recent study on the dark energy models that manifest an equation of state w<1w<-1, we investigate the cosmological evolution of phantom field in a specific potential, exponential potential in this paper. The phase plane analysis show that the there is a late time attractor solution in this model, which address the similar issues as that of fine tuning problems in conventional quintessence models. The equation of state ww is determined by the attractor solution which is dependent on the λ\lambda parameter in the potential. We also show that this model is stable for our present observable universe.Comment: 9 pages, 3 ps figures; typos corrected, references updated, this is the final version to match the published versio

    Systematic event generator tuning for the LHC

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    In this article we describe Professor, a new program for tuning model parameters of Monte Carlo event generators to experimental data by parameterising the per-bin generator response to parameter variations and numerically optimising the parameterised behaviour. Simulated experimental analysis data is obtained using the Rivet analysis toolkit. This paper presents the Professor procedure and implementation, illustrated with the application of the method to tunes of the Pythia 6 event generator to data from the LEP/SLD and Tevatron experiments. These tunes are substantial improvements on existing standard choices, and are recommended as base tunes for LHC experiments, to be themselves systematically improved upon when early LHC data is available.Comment: 28 pages. Submitted to European Physical Journal C. Program sources and extra information are available from http://projects.hepforge.org/professor

    Phantom Cosmology with Non-minimally Coupled Real Scalar Field

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    We find that the expansion of the universe is accelerating by analyzing the recent observation data of type \textsc{I}a supernova(SN-Ia) .It indicates that the equation of state of the dark energy might be smaller than -1,which leads to the introduction of phantom models featured by its negative kinetic energy to account for the regime of equation of state parameter w<1w<-1.In this paper the possibility of using a non-minimally coupled real scalar field as phantom to realize the equation of state parameter w<1w<-1 is discussed.The main equations which govern the evolution of the universe are obtained.Then we rewrite them with the observable quantities.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Gen.Rel.Gra

    Low frequency response of a collectively pinned vortex manifold

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    A low frequency dynamic response of a vortex manifold in type-II superconductor can be associated with thermally activated tunneling of large portions of the manifold between pairs of metastable states (two-level systems). We suggest that statistical properties of these states can be verified by using the same approach for the analysis of thermal fluctuations the behaviour of which is well known. We find the form of the response for the general case of vortex manifold with non-dispersive elastic moduli and for the case of thin superconducting film for which the compressibility modulus is always non-local.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, ReVTeX, the final version. Text strongly modified, all the results unchange

    Antiferromagnetism in doped anisotropic two-dimensional spin-Peierls systems

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    We study the formation of antiferromagnetic correlations induced by impurity doping in anisotropic two-dimensional spin-Peierls systems. Using a mean-field approximation to deal with the inter-chain magnetic coupling, the intra-chain correlations are treated exactly by numerical techniques. The magnetic coupling between impurities is computed for both adiabatic and dynamical lattices and is shown to have an alternating sign as a function of the impurity-impurity distance, hence suppressing magnetic frustration. An effective model based on our numerical results supports the coexistence of antiferromagnetism and dimerization in this system.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; final version to appear in Phys. Rev.