14 research outputs found

    Electrodeposition in capillaries: bottom-up micro- and nanopatterning of functional materials on conductive substrates

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    A cost-effective and versatile methodology for bottom-up patterned growth of inorganic and metallic materials on the micro- and nanoscale is presented. Pulsed electrodeposition was employed to deposit arbitrary patterns of Ni, ZnO, and FeO(OH) of high quality, with lateral feature sizes down to 200–290 nm. The pattern was defined by an oxygen plasma-treated patterned PDMS mold in conformal contact with a conducting substrate and immersed in an electrolyte solution, so that the solid phases were deposited from the solution in the channels of the patterned mold. It is important that the distance between the entrance of the channels, and the location where deposition is needed, is kept limited. The as-formed patterns were characterized by high resolution scanning electron microscope, energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, atomic force microscopy, and X-ray diffraction

    Insight into the origin of the limited activity and stability of p-Cu2O films in photoelectrochemical proton reduction

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    The origin of instability of p-Cu2O films deposited on a platinized Si substrate when used as photocathode in photoelectrochemical water splitting, was studied in the absence or presence of a protective layer of RuO2. When applied at +0.3 V vs. RHE and at pH 7, p-Cu2O films were found to show a slightly more stable performance as compared to photoelectrochemical measurements reported in the literature at 0 V vs. RHE and under acidic conditions. In addition, the stability and the photocurrent induced by the Cu2O films were significantly improved when H2O2 was added to the electrolyte, which is explained by efficient scavenging of electrons, yielding oxygen and water as confirmed by gas chromatography (GC). Also, other electron acceptors improved the photocatalytic performance of the p-Cu2O films, demonstrating that the transfer of photo-excited electrons to protons adsorbed on the surface is the rate determining step in p-Cu2O based photo-electrochemical water splitting. We confirmed that deposition of RuO2 improves the stability of the films, but to the expense of a decrease in photocurrent density. The results provided in this study rationalize the attachment of an effective H2 evolution catalyst as a means to significantly improve the stability of p-Cu2O electrodes

    Microstructure development in zinc oxide nanowires and iron oxohydroxide nanotubes by cathodic electrodeposition in nanopores

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    The cathodic electrodeposition of crystalline ZnO nanowires and amorphous FeO(OH) nanotubes in polycarbonate track-etched membranes with pore diameters of 50–200 nm is reported. Nitrate was used as a sacrificial precursor for the electrochemical generation of hydroxyl ions that raised the pH of the interior of the nanopore, leading to precipitation of a metal oxide or hydroxide phase. The crystalline and semiconducting ZnO phase formed directly above 60 °C at sufficiently high pH and led to the formation of dense nanowires with preferential (0001) orientation. The morphology of the wire could be influenced by the deposition temperature. Axially segmented gold–ZnO and silver–ZnO nanowires were made. In contrast, the iron hydroxide phase deposited inside the pore as a permeable gel that collapsed and transformed into hollow FeO(OH) tubes during drying. The as-formed nanotubes were amorphous and could be filled with nickel in a subsequent electrodeposition step, yielding core-shell nickel iron-oxohydroxide nanowires. The cathodic efficiency of nitrate reduction was low in both cases, suggesting that diffusional supply of metal ions may be the rate-determining step

    Coating the surface of interconnected Cu2O nanowire arrays with HKUST-1 nanocrystals via electrochemical oxidation

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    Abstract Controlling the crystallization of Metal–Organic Frameworks (MOFs) at the nanoscale is currently challenging, and this hinders their utilization for multiple applications including photo(electro)chemistry and sensors. In this work, we show a synthetic protocol that enables the preparation of highly homogeneous Cu2O@MOF nanowires standing on a conductive support with extensive control over the crystallization of the MOF nanoparticles at the surface of the Cu2O nanowires. Cu2O nanowires were first prepared via templated electrodeposition, and then partially converted into the well-known Cu-MOF HKUST-1 by pulsed electrochemical oxidation. We show that the use of PVP as a capping agent during the electrochemical oxidation of Cu2O into HKUST-1 provides control over the growth of the MOF nanocrystals on the surface of the Cu2O nanowires, and that the size of the MOF crystals obtained can be tuned by changing the concentration of PVP dissolved in the electrolyte. In addition, we propose the use of benzoic acid as an alternative to achieve control over the size of the obtained MOF nanocrystals when the use of a capping agent should be avoided