11 research outputs found

    Исследование электроформованного волокнистого материала из полисульфона.

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    Polymer-solvent systems for producing electrospun polysulfone micro- and nanofibrous materials are developed. Fiber materials stand the temperature up to 150 o C and retain high filtration efficiency.Разработаны системы полимер-растворитель для получения электроформованных микро- и нановолокнистых материалов из полисульфона. Волокнистые материалы выдерживали длительное воздействие температуры до 150 о С при сохранении высокой эффективности фильтрации

    Исследование электроформования ультратонких волокон из полидифениленфталида

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    Polymer-solvent system for producing electrospun polydiphenylenephthalide nanofibrous materials is developed. Uniform fibers with diameters up to 0.3 mkm are received. Thermostable filter materials can be produced using developed system.Разработана система полимер-растворитель для получения электроформованных нановолокнистых материалов из полидифениленфталида. Получены однородные волокна диаметром до 0.3 мкм, пригодные для создания на их основе термостойких фильтрующих материалов

    Исследование процесса растяжения жидкой полимерной струи в электрическом поле из растворов полиакрилонитрила

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    The article considers stretching of liquid polyacrylonitrile jet in electrostatic field. Polymers with molecular weight from 130 000 to 700 000 were investigated. Regularities of stretching of the jet based on polyacrylonitrile solutions were determined.В статье рассматривается процесс растяжения жидкой полимерной струи растворов полиакрилонитрила (ПАН) находящейся в электрическом поле. Исследованы полимеры с молекулярной массой от 130 000 до 700 000. Установлены основные закономерности процесса растяжения струи на основе растворов ПАН

    Investigation of electrospun polysulfone fibrous material.

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    Polymer-solvent systems for producing electrospun polysulfone micro- and nanofibrous materials are developed. Fiber materials stand the temperature up to 150 o C and retain high filtration efficiency

    Investigation of polydiphenylenephthalide nanofibers electrospining

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    Polymer-solvent system for producing electrospun polydiphenylenephthalide nanofibrous materials is developed. Uniform fibers with diameters up to 0.3 mkm are received. Thermostable filter materials can be produced using developed system

    New technical solutions and stages of metallurgical equipment reconstruction of RUP Belarussian metallurgical works

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    The data on the basic stages of reconstruction of the equipment at RUP “Belarusian metallurgical works and program of reconstruction for the period 2000—2005 is cited

    The main characteristics of liquid steel

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    There are given expressions for determination of dependence of the structural-sensitive properties of liquid steel (viscosity, denseness, surface tension, heat conduction and others) on temperature, and also on contents of impurity elements, in particular, on deoxidizers elements, being used at discharging of metal out furnace into bowl

    Statistic model of the reduced material balance of melting of liquid semiproduct in the blast steel-making furnace-100 No 3 of RUP “BMZ”

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    There is developed the model of calculation of the material melting balance in the arc steel-making furnace, allowing to determine mass of liquid steel of fluid melting in furnace, mass of liquid metal in a bowl after its discharging out of furnace and of predictive “marsh " after each carried out melting

    Investigation of stretching process of liquid jet being in electrostatic field from polyacrylonitrile solutions

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    The article considers stretching of liquid polyacrylonitrile jet in electrostatic field. Polymers with molecular weight from 130 000 to 700 000 were investigated. Regularities of stretching of the jet based on polyacrylonitrile solutions were determined

    Complex technology of assimilation of the ball bearing steel and round billet production in conditions of RUP “Belarussian metallurgical works”

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    There is worked out the complex (through) technology of production of high-quality ball bearing steel and proved the possibility of slugs production of square 125x125 mm and round section with diameter 130 mm, 115 mm and 90 mm in conditions of RUP '‘Belarussian metallurgical works”