4,098 research outputs found

    Chiral molecular films as electron polarizers and polarization modulators

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    Recent experiments on electron scattering through molecular films have shown that chiral molecules can be efficient sources of polarized electrons even in the absence of heavy nuclei as source of a strong spin-orbit interaction. We show that self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of chiral molecules are strong electron polarizers due to the high density effect of the monolayers and explicitly compute the scattering amplitude off a helical molecular model of carbon atoms. Longitudinal polarization is shown to be the signature of chiral scattering. For elastic scattering, we find that at least double scattering events must take place for longitudinal polarization to arise. We predict energy windows for strong polarization, determined by the energy dependences of spin-orbit strength and multiple scattering probability. An incoherent mechanism for polarization amplification is proposed, that increases the polarization linearly with the number of helix turns, consistent with recent experiments on DNA SAMs.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 figure

    A calcium-dependent protease as a potential therapeutic target for Wolfram syndrome

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    Wolfram syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by diabetes and neurodegeneration and considered as an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) disease. Despite the underlying importance of ER dysfunction in Wolfram syndrome and the identification of two causative genes, Wolfram syndrome 1 (WFS1) and Wolfram syndrome 2 (WFS2), a molecular mechanism linking the ER to death of neurons and β cells has not been elucidated. Here we implicate calpain 2 in the mechanism of cell death in Wolfram syndrome. Calpain 2 is negatively regulated by WFS2, and elevated activation of calpain 2 by WFS2-knockdown correlates with cell death. Calpain activation is also induced by high cytosolic calcium mediated by the loss of function of WFS1. Calpain hyperactivation is observed in the WFS1 knockout mouse as well as in neural progenitor cells derived from induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells of Wolfram syndrome patients. A small-scale small-molecule screen targeting ER calcium homeostasis reveals that dantrolene can prevent cell death in neural progenitor cells derived from Wolfram syndrome iPS cells. Our results demonstrate that calpain and the pathway leading its activation provides potential therapeutic targets for Wolfram syndrome and other ER diseases

    Higher compressive strengths and the Bauschinger effect in conformally passivated copper nanopillars

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    Our current understanding of size-dependent strength in nano- and microscale crystals is centered around the idea that the overall strength is determined by the stress required to propagate dislocation sources. The nature and type of these dislocation sources is the subject of extensive debate, however, one commonality amongst these theories is that the ability of the free surface to absorb dislocations is a necessary condition for transition to a source controlled regime. In this work we demonstrate that atomic layer deposition (ALD) of conformal 5–25 nm thick TiO_2/Al_(2)O_3 coatings onto electroplated single crystalline copper pillars with diameters ranging from 75 nm to 1 μm generally inhibits the ability of a dislocation to vanish at the free surface. Uniaxial compression tests reveal increased strength and hardening relative to uncoated pillars at equivalent diameters, as well as a notable recovery of plastic strain during unloading, i.e. the Bauschinger effect. Unlike previous reports, these coated pillars retained the stochastic signature in their stress–strain curves. We explain these observations within the framework of a size-dependent strength theory based on a single arm source model, dislocation theory, and microstructural analysis by transmission electron microscopy

    Polymer lattices as mechanically tunable 3-dimensional photonic crystals operating in the infrared

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    Broadly tunable photonic crystals in the near- to mid-infrared region could find use in spectroscopy, non-invasive medical diagnosis, chemical and biological sensing, and military applications, but so far have not been widely realized. We report the fabrication and characterization of three-dimensional tunable photonic crystals composed of polymer nanolattices with an octahedron unit-cell geometry. These photonic crystals exhibit a strong peak in reflection in the mid-infrared that shifts substantially and reversibly with application of compressive uniaxial strain. A strain of ∼40% results in a 2.2 μm wavelength shift in the pseudo-stop band, from 7.3 μm for the as-fabricated nanolattice to 5.1 μm when strained. We found a linear relationship between the overall compressive strain in the photonic crystal and the resulting stopband shift, with a ∼50 nm blueshift in the reflection peak position per percent increase in strain. These results suggest that architected nanolattices can serve as efficient three-dimensional mechanically tunable photonic crystals, providing a foundation for new opto-mechanical components and devices across infrared and possibly visible frequencies

    Survey of rice storage facilities identifies research and education needs

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    More than 40 million hundredweights of rice are produced in California's Sacramento Valley every year. After harvest, the rice is stored in facilities on-farm or off-farm until it is transported to mills or to ports for export. We conducted a survey of storage operations to characterize grain storage and pest management practices to guide future UC Cooperative Extension research efforts. The results indicate that grain moisture content, temperature and insect pest management are the most important challenges for both on- and off-farm storage operations. Survey responses show high adoption of integrated pest management programs, with most storage operations relying on monitoring, thresholds, sanitation and aeration to manage pest problems. Fumigant use was reported more frequently in off-farm storage operations than on-farm operations. Cooperative Extension educational efforts should focus on grain and temperature monitoring, insect identification and safe use of fumigants. Research is needed to improve management of grain temperature and moisture content, and insect infestations

    Increased Immunoreactivity to Two Overlapping Peptides of Myelin Proteolipid Protein in Multiple Sclerosis

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    We tested the proliferative responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 61 patients with multiple sclerosis, 56 healthy control subjects and 52 patients with other neurological diseases to seven synthetic peptides of myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) and 19 synthetic peptides of myelin basic protein (MBP). Increased proliferative responses to two overlapping PLP peptides, PLP184-199 and PLP190-209, were found significantly more frequently in blood from patients with relapsing-remitting or secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (52.3%), but not from those with primary progressive multiple sclerosis (18.2%), than in that from healthy control subjects (8.9%) and patients with other neurological diseases (20.8%). Reactivity to these PLP peptides was most frequently seen in blood from patients with multiple sclerosis of 6-15 years duration and with moderate to severe disability (Kurtzke's Expanded Disability Status Scale > 4.0); the blood from 15 of 19 patients in this group reacted to one or both of the peptides. Both peptides could be recognized by short-term T-cell lines specific for whole PLP, and lines specific for one or other of the two overlapping peptides were able to recognize whole PLP, indicating that these peptides can be processed naturally from the intact molecule. This region of PLP is encephalitogenic in a number of strains of mice. Samples from multiple sclerosis patients did not react more frequently to any of the MBP peptides than those from healthy control subjects. The proportions of patients with other neurological diseases whose blood responded to the MBP peptides that most frequently elicited responses in blood from multiple sclerosis patients were significantly lower than the proportions of multiple sclerosis patients and healthy control subjects whose blood responded to these peptides

    Nonequilibrium dynamics of a simple stochastic model

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    We investigate the low-temperature dynamics of a simple stochastic model, introduced recently in the context of the physics of glasses. The slowest characteristic time at equilibrium diverges exponentially at low temperature. On smaller time scales, the nonequilibrium dynamics of the system exhibits an aging regime. We present an analytical study of the scaling behaviour of the mean energy, of its local correlation and response functions, and of the associated fluctuation-dissipation ratio throughout the regime of low temperature and long times. This analysis includes the aging regime, the convergence to equilibrium, and the crossover behaviour between them.Comment: 36 pages, plain tex, 7 figures, to be published by Journal of Physics

    Interés de las biopsias de útero como método diagnóstico de la infertilidad de origen inexplicado en la perra

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    Las lesiones uterinas están consideradas como una de las causas principales de la infertilidad canina. Sin embargo, hasta el momento, escasas publicaciones han evaluado su verdadero impacto en la perra. En este estudio se describen los resultados histológicos de 20 perras con infertilidad de origen indeterminado a las que se les practicó una biopsia uterina por laparotomía durante el periodo de diestro, en el 75% de los casos. Se definieron 3 grupos: perras cuya gestación nunca fue confirmada (GNC), perras con interrupción de la gestación (IG) y perras con subfertilidad. En total, el 89.5% de las biopsias fueron anormales. Las patologías más frecuentemente diagnosticadas fueron la endometritis (31.5%), la HGQ (Hiperplasia Glándulo-Quística) (31.5%) y la FDG (fibrosis asociada a la degeneración de las glándulas endometriales), (21%), que pudieron encontrarse aisladas o asociadas a otras anomalías. En ninguno de los casos se aisló un agente infeccioso. Mientras que la HGQ y la FDG probablemente jueguen un papel importante en la infertilidad, las endometritis podrían ser, en ciertos casos la causa primaria, y en otros, la consecuencia de la interrupción precoz de la gestación
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