492 research outputs found

    Band filling and interband scattering effects in MgB2_2: C vs Al doping

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    We argue, based on band structure calculations and Eliashberg theory, that the observed decrease of TcT_c of Al and C doped MgB2_2 samples can be understood mainly in terms of a band filling effect due to the electron doping by Al and C. A simple scaling of the electron-phonon coupling constant λ\lambda by the variation of the density of states as function of electron doping is sufficient to capture the experimentally observed behavior. Further, we also explain the long standing open question of the experimental observation of a nearly constant π\pi gap as function of doping by a compensation of the effect of band filling and interband scattering. Both effects together generate a nearly constant π\pi gap and shift the merging point of both gaps to higher doping concentrations, resolving the discrepancy between experiment and theoretical predictions based on interband scattering only.Comment: accepted by PR

    Superconductivity in Ru substituted BaFe2-xRuxAs2

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    The occurrence of bulk superconductivity at ~22 K is reported in polycrystalline samples of BaFe2-xRuxAs2 for nominal Ru content in the range of x=0.75 to 1.125. A systematic suppression of the spin density wave transition temperature (TSDW) precedes the appearance of superconductivity in the system. A phase diagram is proposed based on the measured TSDW and superconducting transition temperature (TC) variations as a function of Ru composition. Band structure calculations, indicate introduction of electron carriers in the system upon Ru substitutiom. The calculated magnetic moment on Fe shows a minimum at x=1.0, suggesting that the suppression of the magnetic moment is associated with the emergence of superconductivity. Results of low temperature and high field Mossbauer measurements are presented. These indicate weakening of magnetic interaction with Ru substitutionComment: 20 pages 10 figure

    Effect of vaginal pH on efficacy of dinoprostone gel for labour induction

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    Background: Induction of labour is defined as an intervention designed to artificially initiate uterine contractions leading to progressive dilatation and effacement of the cervix and birth of the baby. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of vaginal pH on the efficacy of dinoprostone gel for labor induction.Methods: A prospective study conducted on 200 subjects within 1 year in India. The Bishop score and vaginal pH (with pH paper, Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, USA) of subjects undergoing induction of labor with dinoprostone gel was assessed prior induction. After 6 hours of induction, PGE2 gel was repeated or labor was augmented. The vaginal pH measured was compared with age, parity, Bishop Score, time to enter into active phase of labor, and the mode of delivery. The significance of association was calculated by Chi-square test.Results: Majority subjects had pH in the range 5-6.Subjects with higher parity were associated with higher vaginal ph. Higher vaginal pH was associated with a higher Bishop score prior to induction, responded to single induction, and had a higher  number of vaginal deliveries than those with lower vaginal pH. There was no significant association found in vaginal pH and the time taken to enter into active phase of labor. Subjects with pregnancy induced hypertension were found to have higher vaginal ph.Conclusions: Parity influences vaginal pH and vaginal pH itself has a significant effect on the Bishop Score prior induction. Hence knowing the vaginal pH prior induction could be a useful tool to assess the labor outcome in induction with PGE2

    Personal Assistance using Artificial Intelligence for Computers

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    Machine makes life easier so men always keen to develop new machine and software which makes life easier. Since the invention of computers or machines, their capability to perform various tasks went on growing exponentially. Humans have developed the power of computer systems in terms of their diverse working domains, their increasing speed, and reducing size with respect to time. So the objective of the proposed work is to control the computer in easier way that is through the voice commands. The system is based on one of the major application of artificial intelligence “Speech Recognition”. This Software “Personal assistance for computer using artificial intelligence” can be used as personal assistance to user working in personal computer. Software with cognitive abilities similar to those of the human brain so that it can understand human language thinks, infer, reason and learn. It use the android application to take the input from user and the command given by the user will sent through the Bluetooth for the MATLAB interface in computer. The command is processed and the action for specific command is executed. So in simple way through voice command we can do the work in PC

    A Protocol of Using White/Red Color Assay to Measure Amyloid-induced Oxidative Stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) harboring ade1 or ade2 mutations manifest red colony color phenotype on rich yeast medium YPD. In these mutants, intermediate metabolites of adenine biosynthesis pathway are accumulated. Accumulated intermediates, in the presence of reduced glutathione, are transported to the vacuoles, whereupon the development of the red color phenotype occurs. Here, we describe a method to score for presence of oxidative stress upon expression of amyloid-like proteins that would convert the red phenotype of ade1/ade2 mutant yeast to white. This assay could be a useful tool for screening for drugs with anti-amyloid aggregation or anti-oxidative stress potency