354 research outputs found

    Characters in Ma’mun Affany’s Novel 29 Juz Harga Wanita

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    This study is concerned about the analysis of a novel which focuses on the characters of the protagonist named Toni in the novel 29 Juz Harga Wanita written by Ma’mun Affany in 2010. The novel is about a hard man but yearning for a women’s tenderness. The man has been silenced by his father for twenty years. He also loves a graceful girl who is able to change Toni’s mindset so that Toni turns into a better man in his life. The objectives of this study are to reveal the protagonist’s characters and to analyse how the protagonist’s characters reflected in the novel. The theory of characters is adopted from Lickona (2004). The protagonist’s characters depicted in the novel cover four aspects: fortitude, self control, and hard work. The study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method proposed by Moleong (2013). The findings of this study show that the protagonist has presented good characters in the novel which are worth adopting to put into practice in real life. Such good characters as fortitude, self control, and hard work are evidently depicted in the novel. The conclusion shows that the good characters presented by Toni attracts amazement and invites sympathy from the readers.   Keywords: character, fortitude, self control, hard work

    Pengaruh Insentif dan Disiplin terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kutai Timur

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    Pengaruh Insentif dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kutai Timur melalui Pemberian insentif dan peningkatan disiplin diharapkan berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja aparatur yang secara tidak langsung meningkatkan kinerja dinas. Dari dua faktor tersebut manakah yang lebih baik (besar) pengaruhnya terhadap peningkatan kinerja Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kutai TimurRumusan Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui Apakah insentif dan displin berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai ? Apakah insentif dan disiplin berpengaruh bersama - sama terhadap kinerja pegawai Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kutai Timur ?Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis Pengaruh Insentif terhadap kinerja dan disiplin terhadap kinerja serta pengaruh Insentif dan disiplin terhadap kinerja pegawai Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kutai Timur. Alat analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pengujian asumsi dasar dan asumsi klasik untuk memastikan bahwa data yang digunakan berdistribusi normal sebagai alat ukur sudah valid dan reliabel untuk mengukur dan untuk memastikan apakah model regresi linier berganda yang digunakan terbebas dari masalah multikolonieritas, heterokedastisitas, dan autokorelasi. Menurut Gujarati, 1995 Jika semua itu terpenuhi berarti bahwa model analisis telah layak digunakan.Hasil penelitian ini ialah Insentif dan disiplin secara bersama-sama memberikan pengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kutai Timur Insentif secara parsial berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja sedangkan disiplin berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kutai Timur Arah pengaruh yang diberikan oleh insentif maupun disiplin adalah positif terhadap kinerja pegawai Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kutai Timu

    Sistem Kendali dan Pengawasan Wilayah Pintu Berbasis IoT

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    - In this study, an IoT-based door security system was proposed which facilitated homeowners to open and close doors and unlock doors through the internet. The system is also equipped with a real time video streaming feature so that the owner can save the environment around the door and ensure the person at the door before opening it. The Raspberry Pi is used as the main controller of the system that provides web pages for users and signatories to access Arduino Uno boards. Arduino Uno controls the servo to control the door. The camera used in this study is a Raspberry Camera with 5 MP resolution. From the results of the tests carried out, the results of the system that have been made can work well. Expected full service and response to changes in users on web pages is also quite fast. Streaming video runs smoothly at 30 fps with a resolution of 640x480.Keywords - Raspberry Pi, Streaming Video, Internet of Things, Door Contro

    Analisis Hukum terhadap Kewenangan Majelis Pengawas Wilayah dalam Penerapan Sanksi Atas Pelanggaran Administrasi yang Dilakukan Notaris Ditinjau dari Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 Tentang Jabatan Notaris

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    The administrative sanction imposed on the notary who breaks the law by the Regional Supervisory Council are written and oral warnings and should use the strong principles, such as the council that imposes the sanctions should be competent in law and notary, and mechanisms of sanction imposition are based on the valid systems in Indonesia, and support the justice values and legal certainty. The sanction imposition should have legal efforts taken by the parties to guarantee legal certainty to look for legal justice The Regional Supervisory Council, in this case, becomes the instrument to enforce the laws in the scope of Notary Law should be fair and independent supported by the government

    Analisis Penerapan Metode Lossy pada Kompresi Citra Steganografi

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    The internet has become a very important part of communication development in the world. Exchange of information over the internet has many advantages compared to other communication media, especially in terms of speed. But information sent via the internet, security cannot be accounted for. Tapping on confidential information, very often occurs in this communication media. Channels used by the internet are generally not safe channels. By using the lossy compression method, compression can only be applied to images that have similarities to themselves (self similiarity) so that the size of the image gets smaller and saves storage space and accelerates the sending of the image using internet media


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    The aim of this study is to find whether Think – Talk – Write Strategy works effectively on improving the tenth grade students’ achievement in writing recount texts and to know the students’ responses after being taught by using Think – Talk – Write Strategy . in order to  achieve the objectives of study, a classroom action research was designed and carried out in this study. The subjects of this study were 32 students of class X- MIA2  OF SMA Santo Yoseph Medan in academic year 2018/2019. Test, observation sheet, and field notes were used as a instruments for collecting data. The results of the study showed significant improvement of the students’ skill in writing. It is proved by the students’ mean score of each test: pre-test was 57,5%, formative test was 67,22% and post-test  was 83,88% . In addition, the, the analysis result of the observation sheet and field notes showed Think – Talk – Write Strategy channge the students’ learning behavior being better than before. They were more enthusiastic during the teaching learning process in each cycle. The analysis result of questionnaire showed that Think – Talk – Write Strategy was useful to most of students to improve their learnig interest in writing recount text. Based on the results of those study instruments, it can be concluded that Think – Talk – Write Strategy as learning strategy gives the improvement to students’ skill in writing recount text. It is recommended for English teacher to apply Think – Talk – Write Strategy in teaching writing skill in order to improve students’ skill in writing expecially recount text.Â

    Students’ Difficulties in English Writing at Eigth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Tinada - Pakpak Bharat North Sumatera

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    This research discussed about students’ difficulties in writing recount text at eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Satu AtapTinada -  Pakpak Bharat north Sumatra. The problem of this research were the students’ difficulties in writing recount text and factors that cause students’ difficulties in writing recount. The objective of this research was to find out the students’ difficulties in writing recount text and to describe the factors that make students have difficulties writing recount text. This research was qualitative descriptive. The source of the data of this research was eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Satu Atap Tinada -  Pakpak Bharat north Sumatra.. Total of the were 20 students. The researcher used test and gave a questionnaire as the instruments. The researcher analysed the data by editing the data, reducing the data, tabulating the data and the last taking conclusion. The researcher found some facts in the field. First, it was found that the answer that students’ difficulties in writing recount text were difficulties in developing the content, organization, vocabulary, language, and mechanics. The data were got from students’ test that had been analysed. Beside that, the causes of the students’ difficulties in writing recount text were grammatical weakness, knowledge and understanding, less practice, and educational backgroun
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