1,042 research outputs found

    Three Dimensional Mapping of Texture in Dental Enamel

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    We have used synchrotron x-ray diffraction to study the crystal orientation in human dental enamel as a function of position within intact tooth sections. Keeping tooth sections intact has allowed us to construct 2D and 3D spatial distribution maps of the magnitude and orientation of texture in dental enamel. We have found that the enamel crystallites are most highly aligned at the expected occlusal points for a maxillary first premolar, and that the texture direction varies spatially in a three dimensional curling arrangement. Our results provide a model for texture in enamel which can aid researchers in developing dental composite materials for fillings and crowns with optimal characteristics for longevity, and will guide clinicians to the best method for drilling into enamel, in order to minimize weakening of remaining tooth structure, during dental restoration procedure

    First record of Atractoscion aequiden (Sciaenidae) from the Arabian Sea Coasts of Oman and Acanthopagrus catenula (Sparidae) from the Oman Sea (Gulf of Oman), northwestern Indian Ocean (Teleostei, Sciaenidae, Sparidae)

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    Primer registro de Atractoscion aequidens (Sciaenidae) en las costas del mar de Arabia de Omán y de Acanthopagrus catenula (Sparidae) en el mar de Omán (golfo de Omán), al noroeste del océano Índico (Teleostei, Sciaenidae, Sparidae) Los primeros registros de Atractoscion aequidens en las costas del mar de Arabia de Omán y de Acanthopagrus catenula en las aguas próximas a la ciudad de Muscat, en el mar de Omán, se efectúan a partir de un espécimen de 671 mm de longitud estándar y diez especímenes de 111 a 257 mm de longitud estándar, respectivamente. Este informe da cuenta del segundo registro de A. aequidens en el norte del océano Índico y del registro más septentrional de A. catenula efectuado en dicho océano. Se especifican los datos morfométricos y merísticos de ambas especies y se comparan con los de los especímenes recolectados en otras partes del mundo. En este trabajo se corrige asimismo la distribución meridionThe first record of Atractoscion aequidens from the Arabian Sea coasts of Oman and Acanthopagrus catenula from waters around City of Muscat on the Sea of Oman is reported based on one (671 mm in SL) and ten specimens (111-257 mm SL), respectively. This account represents the second record of A. aequidens in the northern Indian Ocean and the northernmost record of A. catenula in the same ocean. Morphometric and meristic data are provided for the two species and compared with those from specimens collected from other parts of the world. The southern distribution of A. catenula is corrected in this report.Primer registro de Atractoscion aequidens (Sciaenidae) en las costas del mar de Arabia de Omán y de Acanthopagrus catenula (Sparidae) en el mar de Omán (golfo de Omán), al noroeste del océano Índico (Teleostei, Sciaenidae, Sparidae) Los primeros registros de Atractoscion aequidens en las costas del mar de Arabia de Omán y de Acanthopagrus catenula en las aguas próximas a la ciudad de Muscat, en el mar de Omán, se efectúan a partir de un espécimen de 671 mm de longitud estándar y diez especímenes de 111 a 257 mm de longitud estándar, respectivamente. Este informe da cuenta del segundo registro de A. aequidens en el norte del océano Índico y del registro más septentrional de A. catenula efectuado en dicho océano. Se especifican los datos morfométricos y merísticos de ambas especies y se comparan con los de los especímenes recolectados en otras partes del mundo. En este trabajo se corrige asimismo la distribución meridio

    Correlation between TcT_c and anisotropic scattering in Tl2_2Ba2_2CuO6+δ_{6+\delta}

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    Angle-dependent magnetoresistance measurements are used to determine the isotropic and anisotropic components of the transport scattering rate in overdoped Tl2_2Ba2_2CuO6+δ_{6+\delta} for a range of TcT_c values between 15K and 35K. The size of the anisotropic scattering term is found to scale linearly with TcT_c, establishing a link between the superconducting and normal state physics. Comparison with results from angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy indicates that the transport and quasiparticle lifetimes are distinct.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    The common dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus linnaeus, 1758 (Perciformes, Coryphaenidae) in the marine waters of Iraq

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    First record of the common dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus from the Iraqi marine waters is reported in the present study. One adult specimen (762 mm total length) was caught from the waters surrounding the Khor Abdullah within the Iraqi marine territory. It is a new ichthyofaunal record for the area

    The effects of fermented feed on broiler production and intestinal morphology

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    The present experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of wet feed and fermented feed on the intestinal morphology and histology of broiler chicks. A total of 360 one day old Ross 308 broiler chicks were randomly assigned (CRD) into six treatment groups. Chicks were fed: (T1) Control group of dry feed; (T2) Fed on wet feed (1:1, feed: water); (T3) 25% fermented feed + 75% dry feed; (T4) 50% fermented feed + 50% dry feed; (T5) 75% fermented feed + 25% dry feed and (T6) 100%, fermented feed throughout the experimental period. Each treatment group was replicated three times using 20 chicks per replicate. The chicks were raised at a temperature and in humidity controlled room with a 24-h. constant light and had ad. libitum access to water and feed throughout the experimental period which lasted for six weeks. The results showed that all diets containing fermented feed, especially 100%, had dependent effects on the evaluated production characteristics. The feeds had significantly (P < 0.05) increased the relative weight and length of the small intestine. Likewise, it raised the villi height, crypt depth and the percentage of the villi height to crypt depth in duodenum, jejunum and ileum increased. In conclusion, the results of the current experiment indicated that fermented feed with probiotic would be beneficial economically since the broiler feed conversion ratio had been improved (2.4% in T2; 4.1% in T3; 5.3% in T4; 5.3% in T5 and 7.7% in T6) as a consequence to enhance their intestinal morphology

    Monotonic growth of interlayer magnetoresistance in strong magnetic field in very anisotropic layered metals

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    It is shown, that the monotonic part of interlayer electronic conductivity strongly decreases in high magnetic field perpendicular to the conducting layers. We consider only the coherent interlayer tunnelling, and the obtained result strongly contradicts the standard theory. This effect appears in very anisotropic layered quasi-two-dimensional metals, when the interlayer transfer integral is less than the Landau level separation.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Bilateral Asymmetry in Asterisci Otoliths of Cyprinion kais and C. macrostomum (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) collected from Tigris River, Şirnak Region, Türkiye

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    Otolith traits such as size and mass were investigated in 60 fish specimens of C. kais and C. macrostomum collected from the Tigris River, Şırnak region, Türkiye collected from September 2015 to December 2015. The purpose of this work was to determine the asymmetry level in the otolith length (OL), otolith width (OW), and otolith mass (OM). OL's rate of asymmetry was greater than OW’s and OM's. The asymmetry in the three otolith traits rose with the fish length. The plausible reason for asymmetry in the otolith features explored has been considered relative to the inconsistency of growth triggered by ecological influence associated with the inconsistency in water temperature, salinity, depth, and contaminants occurring in the Tigris River System

    First record of Gymnocranius griseus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) (family Lethrinidae) from southern Oman, Western Indian Ocean

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    Primer registre de Gymnocranius griseus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) (família Lethrinidae) del sud d’Oman, oest de l’oceà Índic Es va recol·lectar un únic espècimen (285 mm longitud estàndard) de Gymnocranius griseus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) a la ciutat de Salalah (Oman), a la costa del mar d’Aràbia. És el primer registre d’aquesta espècie a les aigües d’Oman. Presenta característiques específiques: cos alt (2,17 vegades la longitud estàndard); els perfils dorsal i ventral del cap són uniformement convexos; el perfil de la part ventral del cos és recte; la vora inferior de l’ull se situa lleugerament per sota de la línia que uneix la part anterior de la boca amb el centre de l’aleta caudal lobulada; l’ull és relativament ample, de diàmetre pràcticament igual o lleugerament superior a les distàncies preorbitària i interorbitària; la boca és relativament petita i la part posterior dels maxil·lars arriba pràcticament al nivell dels orificis nasals anteriors; presenta tres parells de fines canines a la part anterior del maxil·lar superior i un parell a la part anterior de l’inferior, com també altres dents vil·liformes que adquireixen forma cònica a les parts laterals. L’espècimen va ser identificat com un G. griseus atès que les seves característiques corresponen a la descripció diagnòstica de Carpenter & Allen (1989). Palabras clave: Gymnocranius griseus, Salalah, Mar de Arabia, Primer registro.A single specimen (285 mm SL) of Gymnocranius griseus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) was collected from Salalah, Arabian Sea coast of Oman. It is the first record of this species from the Omani waters. It shows specific characters: deep body (2.17 times SL); evenly convex dorsal and ventral profile of head; ventral part of body profile straight; lower edge of eye slightly above a line from tip of snout to middle of caudal fin fork; eye relatively large, its diameter about equal to or slightly larger than preorbital and interorbital widths; mouth relatively small, posterior part of jaws reaching to about level of anterior nostrils; three pair and one pair of slender canines at front of upper and lower jaw, respectively, other teeth villiform, becoming conical on lateral sections. The specimen was identified as G. griseus as these characters fit the diagnostic description of Carpenter & Allen (1989). Key words: Gymnocranius griseus, Salalah, Arabian Sea, First record.Primer registre de Gymnocranius griseus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) (família Lethrinidae) del sud d’Oman, oest de l’oceà Índic Es va recol·lectar un únic espècimen (285 mm longitud estàndard) de Gymnocranius griseus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) a la ciutat de Salalah (Oman), a la costa del mar d’Aràbia. És el primer registre d’aquesta espècie a les aigües d’Oman. Presenta característiques específiques: cos alt (2,17 vegades la longitud estàndard); els perfils dorsal i ventral del cap són uniformement convexos; el perfil de la part ventral del cos és recte; la vora inferior de l’ull se situa lleugerament per sota de la línia que uneix la part anterior de la boca amb el centre de l’aleta caudal lobulada; l’ull és relativament ample, de diàmetre pràcticament igual o lleugerament superior a les distàncies preorbitària i interorbitària; la boca és relativament petita i la part posterior dels maxil·lars arriba pràcticament al nivell dels orificis nasals anteriors; presenta tres parells de fines canines a la part anterior del maxil·lar superior i un parell a la part anterior de l’inferior, com també altres dents vil·liformes que adquireixen forma cònica a les parts laterals. L’espècimen va ser identificat com un G. griseus atès que les seves característiques corresponen a la descripció diagnòstica de Carpenter & Allen (1989). Palabras clave: Gymnocranius griseus, Salalah, Mar de Arabia, Primer registro