483 research outputs found

    Lack of effect of the human GM-CSF analog E21R on the survival of primary human acute myeloid leukemia cells

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    The granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) analog E21R binds to the GM-CSF receptor complex with low affinity and acts as a competitive antagonist. In addition, it has been reported to be a potent direct activator of apoptosis in primary human acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells. We have confirmed the ability of E21R to neutralize the biologic effects of GM-CSF and investigated its activity on primary AML blasts. We find that it failed to induce cell death in blast cells from 23 separate AML cases treated in vitro at concentrations of E21R up to 30 µg/mL. Significant cell death resulted in all cases after incubation with cytosine arabinoside. The lack of effect of E21R on AML blasts was unlikely to be due to an absence of functional GM-CSF receptors because 13 cases demonstrated an increase in cell number with the addition of exogenous GM-CSF. These results do not support the use of E21R for the treatment of AML

    Tax farming redux: experimental evidence on performance pay for tax collectors

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    Performance pay for tax collectors has the potential to raise revenues, but might come at a cost if it increases the bargaining power of tax collectors vis-à-vis taxpayers. We report the first large-scale field experiment on these issues, where we experimentally allocated 482 property tax units in Punjab, Pakistan, into one of three performance pay schemes or a control. After two years, incentivized units had 9.4 log points higher revenue than controls, which translates to a 46% higher growth rate. The scheme that rewarded purely on revenue did best, increasing revenue by 12.9 log points (64% higher growth rate), with little penalty for customer satisfaction and assessment accuracy compared to the two other schemes that explicitly also rewarded these dimensions. The revenue gains accrue from a small number of properties becoming taxed at their true value, which is substantially more than they had been taxed at previously. The majority of properties in incentivized areas in fact pay no more taxes, but instead report higher bribes. The results are consistent with a collusive setting in which performance pay increases collectors’ bargaining power over taxpayers, who have to either pay higher bribes to avoid being reassessed or pay substantially higher taxes if collusion breaks down

    Aligning daily activities with personality: towards a recommender system for improving wellbeing

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    Recommender Systems have not been explored to a great extentfor improving health and subjective wellbeing. Recent advances inmobile technologies and user modelling present the opportunityfor delivering such systems, however the key issue is understand-ing the drivers of subjective wellbeing at an individual level. Inthis paper we propose a novel approach for deriving personalizedactivity recommendations to improve subjective wellbeing by maxi-mizing the congruence between activities and personality traits. Toevaluate the model, we leveraged a rich dataset collected in a smart-phone study, which contains three weeks of daily activity probes,the Big-Five personality questionnaire and subjective wellbeingsurveys. We show that the model correctly infers a range of activ-ities that are ’good’ or ’bad’ (i.e. that are positively or negativelyrelated to subjective wellbeing) for a given user and that the derivedrecommendations greatly match outcomes in the real-world

    Optimality and distortionary lobbying: regulating tobacco consumption

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    We examine policies directed at regulating tobacco consumption through three types of instruments: (i) an excise tax hindering consumption by increasing the price of cigarettes, (ii) prevention programs helping consumers to make choices that are more time consistent when trading-off the current pleasure from smoking and its future health harms, and (iii) smoking bans directly restricting consumption. First, on normative grounds, we focus on the optimal design of public policies maximizing the economy’s surplus. Second, in a positive perspective, we investigate how the lobbying activities of the tobacco industry, of smokers, and of anti-tobacco organizations may distort government intervention

    Mir142 loss unlocks IDH2R140-dependent leukemogenesis through antagonistic regulation of HOX genes

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    AML is a genetically heterogeneous disease and understanding how different co-occurring mutations cooperate to drive leukemogenesis will be crucial for improving diagnostic and therapeutic options for patients. MIR142 mutations have been recurrently detected in IDH-mutated AML samples. Here, we have used a mouse model to investigate the interaction between these two mutations and demonstrate a striking synergy between Mir142 loss-of-function and IDH2R140Q, with only recipients of double mutant cells succumbing to leukemia. Transcriptomic analysis of the non-leukemic single and leukemic double mutant progenitors, isolated from these mice, suggested a novel mechanism of cooperation whereby Mir142 loss-of-function counteracts aberrant silencing of Hoxa cluster genes by IDH2R140Q. Our analysis suggests that IDH2R140Q is an incoherent oncogene, with both positive and negative impacts on leukemogenesis, which requires the action of cooperating mutations to alleviate repression of Hoxa genes in order to advance to leukemia. This model, therefore, provides a compelling rationale for understanding how different mutations cooperate to drive leukemogenesis and the context-dependent effects of oncogenic mutations

    Effect of Information and Telephone-Guided Access to Community Support for People with Chronic Kidney Disease: Randomised Controlled Trial

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    Background: Implementation of self-management support in traditional primary care settings has proved difficult, encouraging the development of alternative models which actively link to community resources. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common condition usually diagnosed in the presence of other co-morbidities. This trial aimed to determine the effectiveness of an intervention to provide information and telephone-guided access to community support versus usual care for patients with stage 3 CKD. Methods and Findings: In a pragmatic, two-arm, patient level randomised controlled trial 436 patients with a diagnosis of stage 3 CKD were recruited from 24 general practices in Greater Manchester. Patients were randomised to intervention (215) or usual care (221). Primary outcome measures were health related quality of life (EQ-5D health questionnaire), blood pressure control, and positive and active engagement in life (heiQ) at 6 months. At 6 months, mean health related quality of life was significantly higher for the intervention group (adjusted mean difference = 0.05; 95% CI = 0.01, 0.08) and blood pressure was controlled for a significantly greater proportion of patients in the intervention group (adjusted odds ratio = 1.85; 95% CI = 1.25, 2.72). Patients did not differ significantly in positive and active engagement in life. The intervention group reported a reduction in costs compared with control. Conclusions: An intervention to provide tailored information and telephone-guided access to community resources was associated with modest but significant improvements in health related quality of life and better maintenance of blood pressure control for patients with stage 3 CKD compared with usual care. However, further research is required to identify the mechanisms of action of the intervention

    CFC-11 measurements in China, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and South Korea (1998–2018): Urban, landfill fire and garbage burning sources

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    Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11) is an ozone-depleting substance whose production and consumption are regulated under the Montreal Protocol. Global atmospheric CFC-11 levels declined less quickly than expected during 2012–2018, largely because of ongoing emissions from eastern Asia. Satellite measurements suggest additional CFC-11 hotspots in the Arabian Peninsula and north India/Nepal. Here we present CFC-11 levels measured in dozens of Asian cities during 1998–2018, including China and Pakistan before the 2010 phaseout of CFC-11, and China, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and South Korea after the phaseout. Surface measurements of CFCs in Nepal, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are very rare, and these surveys provide important observational constraints from understudied regions. During pre-phaseout campaigns, higher CFC-11 levels were measured in Beijing than Karachi, despite much higher overall volatile organic compound (VOC) levels in Karachi. During post-phaseout campaigns, average CFC-11 levels were higher in inland Shandong Province and Seoul (1.11–1.23× background) than in western Saudi Arabia, Lahore and Kathmandu (1.02–1.11× background), despite higher levels of other VOCs in the latter regions. While China is known to emit excess CFC-11, elevated CFC-11 levels in Seoul, especially during stagnant meteorological conditions, suggest local emissions in 2015–2016. Rough emission estimates suggest that South Korea is likely a relatively minor global source of excess CFC-11. Hotspot CFC-11 levels were measured from a landfill fire in Mecca (average of 1.8× background) and from garbage burning in Nepal (1.5× background). Because garbage burning and open burning in dumps are common practices, further investigation of CFC-11 emissions at dumps and landfills worldwide is encouraged to determine their global impact