2,892 research outputs found

    Doxycycline degradation by the oxidative Fenton process

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    Doxycycline is a broad-spectrum tetracycline occurring in domestic, industrial and rural effluents, whose main drawback is the increasing emergence of resistant bacteria. This antibiotic could be degraded by the so-called Fenton process, consisting in the oxidation of organic pollutants by oxygen peroxide (H2O2) in the presence of Fe2+. Experiments were performed according to an experimental Rotational Central Composite Design to investigate the influence of temperature (0 \u2013 40.0\ub0C), H2O2 concentration (100 \u2013 900 mg/L) and Fe2+ concentration (5 \u2013 120 mg/L) on residual doxycycline and total organic carbon concentrations. Whereas the final residual doxycycline concentration ranged from 0 to 55.8 mg/L, the oxidation process proved unable to reduce the total organic carbon by more than 30%. The best operating conditions were concentrations of H2O2 and Fe2+ of 611 and 25 mg/L, respectively, and temperature of 35.0\ub0C, but the analysis of variance revealed that only the first variable exerted a statistically-significant effect on the residual doxycycline concentration. These results suggest possible application of this process in the treatment of doxycycline-containing effluents and may be used as starting basis to treat tetracycline-contaminated effluents

    A genetic study of a Brazilian cohort of patients with X-linked hypophosphatemia reveals no correlation between genotype and phenotype

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    AimX-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is the most common inherited form of rickets, and it is caused by pathogenic inactivating variants of the phosphate-regulating endopeptidase homolog X-linked (PHEX) gene. The main purpose of this study is to identify the presence of a genotype–phenotype correlation in a cohort of XLH patients.MethodsThis is a retrospective study including patients diagnosed with hypophosphatemic rickets, confirmed by clinical, radiological, and laboratory findings. Medical records were reviewed for phenotypic analyses. Genomic DNA was extracted from the peripheral blood lymphocytes, and PHEX sequencing was performed by exomic NGS sequencing. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test and the two-tailed Fisher's exact test were employed for the statistical analyses of this study.ResultsA total of 41 patients were included in this study, and 63.41% (26/41) of the patients were female. The mutation analyses identified 29.27% missense variants and 29.72% nonsense variants, most of them were considered deleterious (66.41%). Six novel deleterious variants in the PHEX gene were detected in seven patients. The median concentrations of pretreatment serum calcium, phosphorus, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) were not significantly different among patients with different genotypes. An orthopedic surgery due to bone deformity was required in 57.69%.ConclusionsOur analysis did not identify any specific genotype as a predictor. No significant genotype–phenotype correlation was found, suggesting that the recognition of subjacent pathogenic mutation in the PHEX gene may have limited prognostic value. Despite this finding, genetic testing may be useful for identifying affected individuals early and providing appropriate treatment

    Exercise training in group 2 pulmonary hypertension: which intensity and what modality

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    Pulmonary hypertension (PH) due to left-sided heart disease (LSHD) is a common and disconcerting occurrence. For example, both heart failure (HF) with preserved and reduced ejection fraction (HFpEF and HFrEF) often lead to PH as a consequence of a chronic elevation in left atrial filling pressure. A wealth of literature demonstrates the value of exercise training (ET) in patients with LSHD, which is particularly robust in patients with HFrEF and growing in patients with HFpEF. While the effects of ET have not been specifically explored in the LSHD–PH phenotype (i.e., composite pathophysiologic characteristics of patients in this advanced disease state), the overall body of evidence supports clinical application in this subgroup. Moderate intensity aerobic ET significantly improves peak oxygen consumption, quality of life and prognosis in patients with HF. Resistance ET significantly improves muscle strength and endurance in patients with HF, which further enhance functional capacity. When warranted, inspiratory muscle training and neuromuscular electrical stimulation are becoming recognized as important components of a comprehensive rehabilitation program. This review will provide a detailed account of ET programing considerations in patients with LSHD with a particular focus on those concomitantly diagnosed with PH

    A importância do milho para manejo de daninhas resistentes a herbicidas.

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    bitstream/item/223684/1/Importancia-milho-manejo.pdfPublicado também nos sites: BOPAR, O Presente Rural, Portal Fator Brasil, JataiNews, Gazeta Digital, Jornal Dia a Dia, Agrolink, Agronotícias, Bonito Net, Safra Agribusiness

    Paleoenvironmental implications of authigenic magnesian clay formation sequences in the Barra Velha formation (Santos Basin, Brazil)

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    The characterization of Mg-clays in rock samples (well P1) from the Barra Velha Formation (Early Cretaceous) allowed the establishment of mineral assemblages on the basis of their kerolite and Mg-smectite (stevensite and saponite) content. Kerolite-rich assemblages (A and B) rarely con-tain saponite. Assemblage B is composed of kerolite-stevensite mixed layers, while assemblage A consists of more than 95% kerolite. Mg-smectite-rich assemblages (C and CB) are made up of both Mg-smectites. The predominance of stevensite in the lower interval of the stratigraphic succession suggests evaporative conditions, higher salinity and pH, which would favor its authigenesis by neoformation. In the upper portion, the occurrence of thick kerolite-rich intervals suggests regular water inputs, contributing with a decreasing in salinity and pH, favoring the neoformation of kero-lite and later kerolite-stevensite mixed layering. The saponite would be the result of the transfor-mation from Al-smectite into Mg-smectite in a Mg2+ rich medium. The results indicate that lake hydrochemical processes would have allowed the establishment of a basic depositional sequence, from base to top, as follows: (i) initial lake expansion stage marked by the occurrence of saponite, (ii) later kerolite neoformation, (iii) formation of kerolite-stevensite mixed layer with increasing sa-linity, and (iv) neoformation of stevensite, marking a final stage of maximum salinity (evaporation) and alkalinity of the lak

    Dez dicas para produção de milho.

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    O milho é uma das culturas estratégicas na alimentação humana desde os primórdios da agricultura. Estima-se que a domesticação desta espécie tenha iniciado há mais de 10.000 anos. Desde sua domesticação até os dias de hoje, com as mais modernas técnicas de biotecnologia, esta gramínea é semeada em escala familiar ou comercial e cultivada em vários ambientes, desde altitudes acima de 3.800 metros até no nível do mar. Graças a esse potencial de adaptabilidade, ao longo dos anos, o milho tornou-se umas das espécies de maior importância mundial. No Brasil, a ampla adaptabilidade e a estabilidade das cultivares disponíveis para cultivo permitiram a plasticidade de cultivo em duas épocas. Graças ao avanço do plantio direto, o milho tornou-se cultura importante em sistemas de rotação com a soja, por exemplo. Em sistemas de integração com a atividade pecuária, a possibilidade de cultivo consorciado com espécies forrageiras tropicais permite o uso intensivo da área agrícola sem degradação do ambiente produtivo. Este documento tem por finalidade demonstrar algumas estratégias para incrementar a produtividade de milho. Embora de conhecimento já difundido há anos, hoje o milho é cultivado em diferentes regiões, com características ambientais bastante distintas. Como forma de elucidar possíveis dúvidas, os autores identificaram 10 importantes dicas para os produtores quedesejarem incrementar suas produtividades.bitstream/item/169117/1/doc-216.pd