2,949 research outputs found

    A meta-analysis of the magnetic line broadening in the solar atmosphere

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    A multi-line Bayesian analysis of the Zeeman broadening in the solar atmosphere is presented. A hierarchical probabilistic model, based on the simple but realistic Milne-Eddington approximation to the solution of the radiative transfer equation, is used to explain the data in the optical and near infrared. Our method makes use of the full line profiles of a more than 500 spectral lines from 4000 A˚\AA to 1.8 μ\mum. Although the problem suffers from a strong degeneracy between the magnetic broadening and any other remaining broadening mechanism, the hierarchical model allows to isolate the magnetic contribution with reliability. We obtain the cumulative distribution function for the field strength and use it to put reliable upper limits to the unresolved magnetic field strength in the solar atmosphere. The field is below 160-180 G with 90% probability.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. Fixed reference

    Image Reconstruction with Analytical Point Spread Functions

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    The image degradation produced by atmospheric turbulence and optical aberrations is usually alleviated using post-facto image reconstruction techniques, even when observing with adaptive optics systems. These techniques rely on the development of the wavefront using Zernike functions and the non-linear optimization of a certain metric. The resulting optimization procedure is computationally heavy. Our aim is to alleviate this computationally burden. To this aim, we generalize the recently developed extended Zernike-Nijboer theory to carry out the analytical integration of the Fresnel integral and present a natural basis set for the development of the point spread function in case the wavefront is described using Zernike functions. We present a linear expansion of the point spread function in terms of analytic functions which, additionally, takes defocusing into account in a natural way. This expansion is used to develop a very fast phase-diversity reconstruction technique which is demonstrated through some applications. This suggest that the linear expansion of the point spread function can be applied to accelerate other reconstruction techniques in use presently and based on blind deconvolution.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Determination of the cross-field density structuring in coronal waveguides using the damping of transverse waves

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    Time and spatial damping of transverse magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) kink oscillations is a source of information on the cross-field variation of the plasma density in coronal waveguides. We show that a probabilistic approach to the problem of determining the density structuring from the observed damping of transverse oscillations enables us to obtain information on the two parameters that characterise the cross-field density profile. The inference is performed by computing the marginal posterior distributions for density contrast and transverse inhomo- geneity length-scale using Bayesian analysis and damping ratios for transverse oscillations under the assumption that damping is produced by resonant absorption. The obtained distributions show that, for damping times of a few oscillatory periods, low density contrasts and short inho- mogeneity length scales are more plausible in explaining observations. This means that valuable information on the cross-field density profile can be obtained even if the inversion problem, with two unknowns and one observable, is a mathematically ill-posed problem.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepte

    Compressive Sensing for Spectroscopy and Polarimetry

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    We demonstrate through numerical simulations with real data the feasibility of using compressive sensing techniques for the acquisition of spectro-polarimetric data. This allows us to combine the measurement and the compression process into one consistent framework. Signals are recovered thanks to a sparse reconstruction scheme from projections of the signal of interest onto appropriately chosen vectors, typically noise-like vectors. The compressibility properties of spectral lines are analyzed in detail. The results shown in this paper demonstrate that, thanks to the compressibility properties of spectral lines, it is feasible to reconstruct the signals using only a small fraction of the information that is measured nowadays. We investigate in depth the quality of the reconstruction as a function of the amount of data measured and the influence of noise. This change of paradigm also allows us to define new instrumental strategies and to propose modifications to existing instruments in order to take advantage of compressive sensing techniques.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Bayesian least squares deconvolution

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    Aims. To develop a fully Bayesian least squares deconvolution (LSD) that can be applied to the reliable detection of magnetic signals in noise-limited stellar spectropolarimetric observations using multiline techniques. Methods. We consider LSD under the Bayesian framework and we introduce a flexible Gaussian Process (GP) prior for the LSD profile. This prior allows the result to automatically adapt to the presence of signal. We exploit several linear algebra identities to accelerate the calculations. The final algorithm can deal with thousands of spectral lines in a few seconds. Results. We demonstrate the reliability of the method with synthetic experiments and we apply it to real spectropolarimetric observations of magnetic stars. We are able to recover the magnetic signals using a small number of spectral lines, together with the uncertainty at each velocity bin. This allows the user to consider if the detected signal is reliable. The code to compute the Bayesian LSD profile is freely available.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Stokes Inversion based on Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Spectropolarimetric inversions are routinely used in the field of Solar Physics for the extraction of physical information from observations. The application to two-dimensional fields of view often requires the use of supercomputers with parallelized inversion codes. Even in this case, the computing time spent on the process is still very large. Our aim is to develop a new inversion code based on the application of convolutional neural networks that can quickly provide a three-dimensional cube of thermodynamical and magnetic properties from the interpretation of two-dimensional maps of Stokes profiles. We train two different architectures of fully convolutional neural networks. To this end, we use the synthetic Stokes profiles obtained from two snapshots of three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic numerical simulations of different structures of the solar atmosphere. We provide an extensive analysis of the new inversion technique, showing that it infers the thermodynamical and magnetic properties with a precision comparable to that of standard inversion techniques. However, it provides several key improvements: our method is around one million times faster, it returns a three-dimensional view of the physical properties of the region of interest in geometrical height, it provides quantities that cannot be obtained otherwise (pressure and Wilson depression) and the inferred properties are decontaminated from the blurring effect of instrumental point spread functions for free. The code is provided for free on a specific repository, with options for training and evaluation.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
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