3,175 research outputs found

    Application of the CBM Silicon Tracking System CAD model for integration studies

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    N. K. Chupin in Researches and Publications

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    Анализируются исследования и публикации, посвященные биографии Н. К. Чупина и его краеведческой деятельности. Прилагается библиографический список трудов о Н. К. Чупине, опубликованных с 1882 по январь 2014 г.There is an analysis of researches and publications devoted to the biography and local lore studies of N.K. Chupin. The appendix hereto contains a reference list of works about N.K. Chupin published from 1882 to January 2014

    Western European and Russian worlds in G. A. Stroganov's book collection

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    The article presents results of an analysis of Earl G.A. Stroganov's family book collection stored in the Scientific Library at the National Research Tomsk State University. For the first time, this book collection is examined as a whole single unit. It is argued that the personality of its owner influenced the formation of the book collection and its content. The novelty of the research is to uncover the relationships of the Western European and Russian cultures in Stroganov's book collection

    Coherent X-radiation along the velocity of a relativistic electron in a bounded periodic multilayer medium

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    In the present work a theory of the coherent X-radiation generated by the relativistic electron crossing an artificial periodic layered structure in Laue scattering geometry is built The expressions are derived for spectral-angular distribution of the radiation in direction of the particle velocity. The comparative analysis of the spectral-angular density of the radiation is carried out for an artificial periodic structure and a single crystal in similar conditions. It is shown, that the spectral peak of the parametric X-radiation in the artificial periodic layered structure in the forward direction (FPXR) will be considerably wider than the one in a single crystal target which can make its experimental detection and investigation appreciably easieryesBelgorod State Universit

    Diffracted transition radiation of a relativistic electron in the artificial periodic multilayer medium

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    A theory of coherent X-ray radiation of a relativistic electron crossing the artificial periodic medium in the Laue scattering geometry is constructed. The expressions describing the spectral and angular characteristics of radiation in the direction of Bragg scattering are obtained and investigated. By analogy with the radiation emission in a crystalline medium this radiation is considered as the result of coherent summation of the contributions of two radiation mechanisms: parametric (PXR) and diffracted transition (DTR). It is shown that the yield of DTR from layered target can be more than one order higher than the yield in single crystal radiator, under similar conditions. The manifestations of the Borrmann effect for DTR in the artificial multilayer environment are demonstrated for a Laue scattering geometryyesBelgorod State Universit

    Shibusawa Eiichi\u27s View of Japan\u27s Foreign Affairs: Focusing on His Influences on the Meiji Government

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    From the mid-nineteenth century, Asia, including China and Japan, has been involved in the trend of modernization that was triggered by the activities of European and American powers in this area. In a time of drastic changes, Shibusawa Eiichi (1840-1931) assumed several roles successively: he served as retainer during the bakumatsu period, as official in the Meiji government, and afterwards as businessman, philanthropist, and non-official diplomat. During his service in the Meiji government from 1869 to 1873 and as an entrepreneur from 1873 to 1909, Shibusawa played a key role in devising economic and diplomatic policies for the Meiji government. He is even considered a major designer of modem Japanese economic systems and society. This paper examines Shibusawa Eiichi\u27s view of Japan\u27s foreign affairs and focuses on the way he influenced the Meiji government

    Problem of Professional Self-Determination Formation and Person’s Professional Typology Construction

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    This paper is based on the results of research related to a problem of professional self-determination formation and person’s professional typology construction, and devoted to how the knowledge of students’ individual-psychological and social-psychological features will allow during training in higher education institution not only adequately use natural tendencies and abilities, but also to help in formation of activity’s individual style allowing to compensate a lack of some components development by development of others ones. As a result this will allow solve effectively the same professional problems by people with various combination of operational components in person’s structure. Therefore in this case it is appropriately to focus attention on the typological approach to person’s features similarity studying under the profession influence, and, taking this approach as a basis, a more flexible studying of this problem is offered, assuming the possibility for existence of several types in the same professional community. Therefore, there is an opportunity for dynamic development of person’s qualities in the presence of strongly expressed motivation to professional activity.This direction of researches is especially topical in connection with political and social-economical transformations in society, and introduction of professional standards, demanding essential changes in training of specialists. Nowadays there is rather serious gap between employers’ requirements in the labor market, and knowledge and skills which are gained by graduates during the training. The professional standards regulating requirements to work’s quality and content and being an obligatory element for an assessment of graduate’s training quality and his readiness for the future professional activity only describe necessary parameters, without answering a question how these parameters may be created at the youth choosing the certain profession, taking into account person’s specific features. If the person’s professional choice is defined by random factors and there is no activity’s individual style formation during the training, such mistakes will be cost much in the future to both the person and the higher education institution

    The Image of Municipalities

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    Purpose of the study: The aim of this study is to investigate the image of municipalities and also to determine the things that give the city a positive image of the territory. Methodology: The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the ideas and paradigms that were developed in the works of leading domestic sociologists, cult urologists, economists, and marketers. The applied individual methods include comparative analysis, typology, classification method, questionnaire, method of analysis of social factors and events Results: The Program of socio-economic development must be amended in the form of a subprogram for the formation of a positive image of the municipality of Chekhov, since today there are no projects or programs aimed at creating a positive image of the municipality to one degree or another, its popularization and perception among the local population and among tourists. Moreover, information support of the main assets of the municipality of Chekhov (information about the advantages of the territory, photographs and advertising leaflets) in social networks, the media, on the Internet, that is, marketing of historical and cultural heritage with a priority on the work of A.P. Chekhov Applications of this study: The formation of a favorable image is of fundamental importance primarily for residents of the municipality. It affects the creation and support of social optimism among the population, trust in the authorities and confidence in the future. Novelty of the study: The image of the municipality is formed from the priority elements of its structure and a set of certain factors of development and promotion of the territory. So, the novelty of this study is to asses this image in modern life

    Категории и свойства текста в пространстве мемуаров

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    В статті описується актуальна проблем сучасної лінгвістики тексту та дискурсу - а саме проблема аналізу різних класифікацій текстових категорій та властивостей в художніх творах та виведення універсальних категорій та властивостей для мемуарів. Опис та вивчення текстових категорій базується на таксономічних (класифікаційних) та квалітитативних дослідженнях. Автор розбирає специфіку функціонування таких категорій та властивостей в просторі мемуарів Вінстона Черчилля «My early life», які описують перші 30 років життя письменника (дитинство, військова кар’єра та політичне життя), що слугують базовим матеріалом для дослідження. В роботі розглядаються категорії та властивості мемуарного тексту, які допомагають детально розкрити та описати семантичні та структурні ознаки твору на глибинному та поверхневому рівнях. В статті було досліджено ряд облігаторних (типових для будь-якого типу тексту) та додаткових (типових для окремих творів) категорій тексту та описано їх функціонування в мемуарах В.Черчилля. Автором було систематизовано різні наукові класифікації категорій та властивостей тексту та виведено окрему підкатегорію, яка може бути специфічною для творів автобіографічних жанрів, а особливо для мемуарів. Важливу роль надано прояву авторського «Я» у формуванні художньої картини світогляду в мемуарах, яку представляє письменник зі своєї точки зору, на контрасті із загальною картиною світу та зі сприйняттям тексту адресатом.This article describes problem of current importance for the modern linguistics of text and discourse – the problem of analysis of different classifications of text categories and properties in artistic texts and specifying of universal categories and properties for memoirs. Description and study of the text categories are carried on through taxonomical (classifications) and qualitative approaches. Author analyzes specifics of functioning of such categories and properties in the space of Winston Churchill’s memoirs “My early life”, which serves as a basic material for the research. This work looks through different categories and properties of memoirs, which help to discover semantic and structural qualities of the text on deep and surface levels. Article indicates the range of obligatory (general) and additional (typical only for texts of specific styles and genres) categories of text and describes their functioning in memoirs. Author systematizes different classifications of the text categories and properties and reveals separate subproperty, which is typical only to autobiographical genres of the text, especially for the memoirs. An important role is given to the place of authorial “I” in formation of an artistic picture in memoirs, which is represented by the writer, in comparison to the picture of the world and to the perception of it by a recipient.В статье описывается актуальная проблема современной лингвистики текста и дискурса – а именно, проблема анализа разных классификаций текстовых категорий и свойств в художественных текстах и выведение универсальных категорий и свойств текста для мемуаров. Описание и изучение текстовых категорий базируется на таксономических (квалификационных) и квалитативных исследованиях. Автор разбирает специфику функционирования таких категорий и свойств в пространстве мемуаров Уинстона Черчилля «My early life», которые описывают первые 30 лет жизни автора (детство, военная карьера и политическая жизнь), которые служат базовым материалом для исследования. В работе рассматриваются категории и свойства мемуарного текста, которые помогают детально раскрыть и описать семантические и структурные признаки произведения на глубинном и поверхностном уровнях. В статье был исследован ряд облигаторных (типичных для любого текста) и дополнительных (типичных для отдельных текстов) категорий текстуальности и описано их функционирование в мемуарах В. Черчилля. Автором были систематизированы разные научные классификации категорий и свойств текста и выведена отдельная подкатегория, которая может проявляться в произведениях автобиографического характера, а особенно в мемуарах. Важную роль играет проявление авторского «Я» в формировании художественной картины мировоззрения в мемуарах, которую представляет мемуарист со своей точки зрения, на контрасте с общей картиной мира и на контрасте с восприятием текста адресатом

    Coherent X-ray radiation generated by a relativistic electron in an artificial periodic structure

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    A theory of coherent X-ray radiation from a relativistic electron crossing an artificial periodic layered structure in the Laue scattering geometry is constructed. The expressions describing the spectral-angular radiation parameters are obtainedyesBelgorod State Universit