66 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Sifat Benih Kawista (Feronia Limonia (L.) Swingle) Untuk Tujuan Penyimpanan

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    Penanganan benih yang tepat dapat mempertahankan mutu benih selama penyimpanan atau dapat menekan laju kemunduran benih seminimal mungkin. Dalam terminologi penanganan benih terdapat tiga kelompok benih yaitu benih ortodoks, rekalsitran dan intermediate. Sampai saat ini belum diketahui apakah benih kawista masuk dalam kelompok ortodoks, rekalsitran atau intermediate sehingga dalam rangka untuk mempertahankan viabilitasnya selama dalam penyimpanan perlu dilakukan identifikasi sifat benih kawista. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi sifat benih kawista untuk tujuan penyimpanan. Benih kawista yang digunakan berasal dari Desa Dasun, Kecamatan Lasem, Kabupaten Rembang. Pengujian sifat benih dengan menggunakan metode yang dikemukakan Hong & Ellis (1996). Selain itu juga dilakukan pengamatan terhadap bobot kering dan kadar air benih selama perkembangan benih mulai dari antesis sampai benih masak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan benih kawista termasuk dalam kriteria benih ortodoks, karena tetap menunjukkan viabilitas yang tinggi yang ditunjukkan oleh persentase perkecambahan yang tetap tinggi dan tidak berbeda nyata pada beberapa tingkat kadar air. Persentase perkecambahan berkisar antara 96,0-98,5% pada semua kadar air, yaitu kadar air 40,6% (kadar air setelah ekstraksi); 10,5% dan 5,5% (baik sebelum maupun setelah disimpan tiga bulan pada suhu -20 0C) dengan bobot kering kecambah yang tidak berbeda nyata

    Identifikasi Sifat Benih Kawista (Feronia Limonia (L.) Swingle) Untuk Tujuan Penyimpanan

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    Penanganan benih yang tepat dapat mempertahankan mutu benih selama penyimpanan atau dapat menekan laju kemunduran benih seminimal mungkin. Dalam terminologi penanganan benih terdapat tiga kelompok benih yaitu benih ortodoks, rekalsitran dan intermediate. Sampai saat ini belum diketahui apakah benih kawista masuk dalam kelompok ortodoks, rekalsitran atau intermediate sehingga dalam rangka untuk mempertahankan viabilitasnya selama dalam penyimpanan perlu dilakukan identifikasi sifat benih kawista. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi sifat benih kawista untuk tujuan penyimpanan. Benih kawista yang digunakan berasal dari Desa Dasun, Kecamatan Lasem, Kabupaten Rembang. Pengujian sifat benih dengan menggunakan metode yang dikemukakan Hong & Ellis (1996). Selain itu juga dilakukan pengamatan terhadap bobot kering dan kadar air benih selama perkembangan benih mulai dari antesis sampai benih masak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan benih kawista termasuk dalam kriteria benih ortodoks, karena tetap menunjukkan viabilitas yang tinggi yang ditunjukkan oleh persentase perkecambahan yang tetap tinggi dan tidak berbeda nyata pada beberapa tingkat kadar air. Persentase perkecambahan berkisar antara 96,0-98,5% pada semua kadar air, yaitu kadar air 40,6% (kadar air setelah ekstraksi); 10,5% dan 5,5% (baik sebelum maupun setelah disimpan tiga bulan pada suhu -20 0C) dengan bobot kering kecambah yang tidak berbeda nyata

    Chikungunya: Transmisi Dan Permasalahannya

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    . One of the vector-borne diseases that outbreaks in the community is chikungunya fever, which the carrier is the mosquito vectors derived from the genus Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. The disease is not dangerous than malaria or dengue fever that can lead to dea th, chikungunya virus is self limiting disease. Losses resulting from this disease is the decline in labor productivity due to loss of opportunity because the symptoms it causes. This review describes the epidemiology of chikungunya virus and problem in public healt

    Implementasi Pembentukan Karakter Budi Pekerti Di SMP Negeri 1 Tanggul Jember

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    : This study aimed at describing the implementation of the character of manners development in SMPN 1 Tanggul Jember. This research was a qualitative descriptive study. Data were collected by the techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. Method triangulation was employed to crosscheck the information from the interview with the documentation and observation. The results of the discussion of the implementation of the character of manners showed there were 4 points resulting from habit formation (culture), namely: (1) the school culture that included insight into the quality of the students in academic and non-academic activities; (2) school spiritual culture which included Friday morning religioud study, midday prayers in congregation, spiritual study in accordance with the religion of each learner; (3) discipline culture both for educators (teachers) and students; and (4) culture of manners, respecting the elders and loving the younger

    Penambahan Berat, Panjang, Dan Lebar Dari Ukuran Benih Yang Berbeda Pada Budidaya Kepiting Soka Di Desa Mojo Kabupaten Pemalang

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    Soka crabs is also called soft-shelled crabs. Soft shell in crab was not because of different type of crab, but it is due to the crab just molted. Events of molting is marked with the release of the old shells and formed newly shells. This molting process produces an increase in body size (Growth). The experiment was conducted in September-October 2011. The research was conducted at Soka crab aquaculture in Mojo village, Ulujami Sub-District, Pemalang District. The method used in this study was field research, by using design random complete with 4 treatment 10 times deut.. Test animals used were the mud crab (Scylla serrata), a total of 40 crabs with initial weight size of 70-110 grams. Test animals were grouped into 4 groups of of weight, which were A (of weight 70-80 grams), B (80.1 to 90 grams), C (90.1 to 100 g) and D (100.1 to 110 grams). Each group of size consisted of 10 crabs. Test containers used were plastic box with a density of 1 individual / box. The results showed that the difference in weight grouping gave results that were not significantly different (p> 0.05) for weight, length and width after molting. Differences in weight grouping also gave different FCR values that were not significantly different (p> 0,05). This was probably due to the grouping of weight used was still relatively narrow. Mangrove crab survival rate level for all groups of size showed an average value of 100% and water quality was quite good and decent for soft-shelled crabs aquaculture

    Risiko Penularan Demam Berdarah Dengue Berdasarkan Maya Indeks dan Indeks Entomologi di Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten

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    South Tangerang City become the highest contributor of dengue in 2014 in the province of Banten. The increasing of dengue cases in this city indicates that transmission still ongoing and the vector controlsless optimal. The aim of this study is to assess the transmission risk of dengue in endemic regions based Maya index and Entomology index. This cross sectional study was conducted in three health centers which highest dengue case at last three years that is Benda Baru, Bakti Jaya and Pondok Jagung in June2015. The survey larvae in containers has conducted in 100 houses in each area of the health center,so that the total sample taken is 300 houses. Containers were observed categorized into containers of controlled / Controllable Containers (CC) and containers used / Disposable Container (DC). Datawere analyzed descriptively to determine the proportion of the number and types of containers. Mayaindex obtained from categorization ratio of Breeding Risk Indicator (BRI) and Hygiene Risk Indicator(HRI). Container Index (CI), House Index (HI), Bruteau Index (BI), House Pupa Index (HPI), Pupa Index (PI) were calculated to assess the density of larvae. The results showed 833 containers with 785 containers belonging to CC and 48 included in the DC. The largest of positive Controllable Container inSouth Tangerang City is a bucket (22.7%), bath up (15.5%) and water reservoirs in dispenser (12.4%),while Disposable Container most positive larvae are buckets former (10.3%) and used goods (7.2%).Value Container Index (CI) was 11.7%, House Index (HI) 27.3%, Angka Bebas Jentik (ABJ) 72.7%,and Bruteau Index (BI) 32.3%. The number of pupae depicted with PI 29.3% and HPI 2.7% which is relatively low. Based on Maya index and Entomology index South Tangerang city has a moderate risk level in the transmission of dengue

    Penerapan Cognitive-behavioural Therapy Untuk Menurunkan Gejala-gejala Generalized Anxiety Disorder Pada Remaja

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efek penerapan cognitivebehaviouraltherapy (CBT) untuk menurunkan gejala-gejala generalized anxiety disorder(GAD) pada remaja. Subjek penelitian ini adalah remaja berusia 16 tahun yangmempunyai satu atau lebih gejala-gejala GAD. Penelitian ini menggunakan single subject design dengan ABA-Follow Up design. Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah skala self-report yang disusun berdasarkan gejala-gejala padakriteria diagnostik GAD. Analisis data gejala-gejala GAD ini dilihat dari grafik hasil baseline, treatment, baseline, dan follow up. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis diterima, bahwa penerapan CBT dapat menurunkan gejala-gejala GAD pada remaja.Save to Mendele

    Kandungan Kolesterol Kepiting Bakau (Scylla Serrata) Jantan Dan Betina Pada Lokasi Yang Berbeda

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    Mud crab (Scylla serrata) have potency commercial market in this country and the other country. That thing because mud crab (Scylla serrata) flesh has a delicious taste and high nutrition. People haven't knowed about cholesterol content in both male or female mud crab (Scylla serrata), whereas the knowledge about cholesterol content is important to consider nutrition intake to keep in good health. This research aim to determine cholesterol content in Scylla serrata by observing male and female crab in Pemalang and Demak. This research used descriptive method and sampling used purposive random sampling method. Determination of sampling position used purposive sampling method. This research has done in October 30th – November 25th 2011. This research used 30 male and 30 female with mean body weigh 60 - 100 g. Analysis of cholesterol content used method by Lieberman–Burchad. Result from this research indicates that S. serrata from Pemalang has cholesterol content more large than S. serrata from Demak, while the male crab from both place has higher cholesterol content than female crab (66,67 mg/100g and 61,67 mg/100g in male crab, and 64,67 mg/100g and 58,33 mg/100g in female crab)
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