505 research outputs found

    Metagenomic analysis of dental calculus in ancient Egyptian baboons

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    Dental calculus, or mineralized plaque, represents a record of ancient biomolecules and food residues. Recently, ancient metagenomics made it possible to unlock the wealth of microbial and dietary information of dental calculus to reconstruct oral microbiomes and lifestyle of humans from the past. Although most studies have so far focused on ancient humans, dental calculus is known to form in a wide range of animals, potentially informing on how human-animal interactions changed the animals' oral ecology. Here, we characterise the oral microbiome of six ancient Egyptian baboons held in captivity during the late Pharaonic era (9th-6th centuries BC) and of two historical baboons from a zoo via shotgun metagenomics. We demonstrate that these captive baboons possessed a distinctive oral microbiome when compared to ancient and modern humans, Neanderthals and a wild chimpanzee. These results may reflect the omnivorous dietary behaviour of baboons, even though health, food provisioning and other factors associated with human management, may have changed the baboons' oral microbiome. We anticipate our study to be a starting point for more extensive studies on ancient animal oral microbiomes to examine the extent to which domestication and human management in the past affected the diet, health and lifestyle of target animals

    Development of a VUV-VIS-spectropolarimeter for target characterisation

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    Correcting satellite precipitation data and assimilating satellite-derived soil moisture data to generate ensemble hydrological forecasts within the HBV rainfall-runoff model

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    An implementation of bias correction and data assimilation using the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) as a procedure, dynamically coupled with the conceptual rainfall-runoff Hydrologiska ByrÄns Vattenbalansavdelning (HBV) model, was assessed for the hydrological modeling of seasonal hydrographs. The enhanced HBV model generated ensemble hydrographs and an average stream-flow simulation. The proposed approach was developed to examine the possibility of using data (e.g., precipitation and soil moisture) from the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) Satellite Application Facility for Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (H-SAF), and to explore its usefulness in improving model updating and forecasting. Data from the Sola mountain catchment in southern Poland between 1 January 2008 and 31 July 2014 were used to calibrate the HBV model, while data from 1 August 2014 to 30 April 2015 were used for validation. A bias correction algorithm for a distribution-derived transformation method was developed by exploring generalized exponential (GE) theoretical distributions, along with gamma (GA) and Weibull (WE) distributions for the different data used in this study. When using the ensemble Kalman filter, the stochastically-generated ensemble of the model states generally induced bias in the estimation of non-linear hydrologic processes, thus influencing the accuracy of the Kalman analysis. In order to reduce the bias produced by the assimilation procedure, a post-processing bias correction (BC) procedure was coupled with the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), resulting in an ensemble Kalman filter with bias correction (EnKF-BC). The EnKF-BC, dynamically coupled with the HBV model for the assimilation of the satellite soil moisture observations, improved the accuracy of the simulated hydrographs significantly in the summer season, whereas, a positive effect from bias corrected (BC) satellite precipitation, as forcing data, was observed in the winter. Ensemble forecasts generated from the assimilation procedure are shown to be less uncertain. In future studies, the EnKF-BC algorithm proposed in the current study could be applied to a diverse array of practical forecasting problems (e.g., an operational assimilation of snowpack and snow water equivalent in forecasting models

    Oral Microbiome Diversity in Chimpanzees from Gombe National Park

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    Historic calcified dental plaque (dental calculus) can provide a unique perspective into the health status of past human populations but currently no studies have focused on the oral microbial ecosystem of other primates, including our closest relatives, within the hominids. Here we use ancient DNA extraction methods, shotgun library preparation, and next generation Illumina sequencing to examine oral microbiota from 19 dental calculus samples recovered from wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) who died in Gombe National Park, Tanzania. The resulting sequences were trimmed for quality, analyzed using MALT, MEGAN, and alignment scripts, and integrated with previously published dental calculus microbiome data. We report significant differences in oral microbiome phyla between chimpanzees and anatomically modern humans (AMH), with chimpanzees possessing a greater abundance of Bacteroidetes and Fusobacteria, and AMH showing higher Firmicutes and Proteobacteria. Our results suggest that by using an enterotype clustering method, results cluster largely based on host species. These clusters are driven by Porphyromonas and Fusobacterium genera in chimpanzees and Haemophilus and Streptococcus in AMH. Additionally, we compare a nearly complete Porphyromonas gingivalis genome to previously published genomes recovered from human gingiva to gain perspective on evolutionary relationships across host species. Finally, using shotgun sequence data we assessed indicators of diet from DNA in calculus and suggest exercising caution when making assertions related to host lifestyle. These results showcase core differences between host species and stress the importance of continued sequencing of nonhuman primate microbiomes in order to fully understand the complexity of their oral ecologies

    Girls’ and women’s education within Unesco and the World Bank, 1945–2000

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    By 2000, girls’ and women’s education was a priority for international development organisations. While studies have examined the impact of recent campaigns and programmes, there has been less exploration of ideas about girls’ and women’s education within development thought in the immediate post?colonial period, and the political mechanisms through which this came to be a global concern. Through a study of policy documents, this paper investigates how the education of girls and women came to be prioritised within the two principle UN agencies involved with education since 1945, the World Bank and Unesco. A shift in priorities is evident, from ensuring formal rights and improving the status of women, to expanding the productive capacities of women, fertility control and poverty reduction. While the ascendance of human capital theory provided a space for a new perception of the role of women’s education in development, in other policy arenas women’s education was central to exploring more substantive, rights?based notions of gender equality. Ultimately, the goal of improving girls’ and women’s education fitted into diverse development agendas, paving the way for it to become a global development priority

    Metagenomic Analysis of Dental Calculus in Ancient Egyptian Baboons

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    Dental calculus, or mineralized plaque, represents a record of ancient biomolecules and food residues. Recently, ancient metagenomics made it possible to unlock the wealth of microbial and dietary information of dental calculus to reconstruct oral microbiomes and lifestyle of humans from the past. Although most studies have so far focused on ancient humans, dental calculus is known to form in a wide range of animals, potentially informing on how human-animal interactions changed the animals’ oral ecology. Here, we characterise the oral microbiome of six ancient Egyptian baboons held in captivity during the late Pharaonic era (9th–6th centuries BC) and of two historical baboons from a zoo via shotgun metagenomics. We demonstrate that these captive baboons possessed a distinctive oral microbiome when compared to ancient and modern humans, Neanderthals and a wild chimpanzee. These results may reflect the omnivorous dietary behaviour of baboons, even though health, food provisioning and other factors associated with human management, may have changed the baboons’ oral microbiome. We anticipate our study to be a starting point for more extensive studies on ancient animal oral microbiomes to examine the extent to which domestication and human management in the past affected the diet, health and lifestyle of target animals

    Imaging of Chemical Kinetics at the Water-Water Interface in a Free-Flowing Liquid Flat-Jet

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    We present chemical kinetics measurements of the luminol oxidation chemiluminescence (CL) reaction at the interface between two aqueous solutions, using liquid jet technology. Free-flowing liquid microjets are a relatively recent development that have found their way into a growing number of applications in spectroscopy and dynamics. A variant thereof, called flat-jet, is obtained when two cylindrical jets of a liquid are crossed, leading to a chain of planar leaf-shaped structures of the flowing liquid. We here show that in the first leaf of this chain, the fluids do not exhibit turbulent mixing, providing a clean interface between the liquids from the impinging jets. We also show, using the example of the luminol CL reaction, how this setup can be used to obtain kinetics information from friction-less flow and by circumventing the requirement for rapid mixing by intentionally suppressing all turbulent mixing and instead relying on diffusion

    Comparison of two ancient DNA extraction protocols for skeletal remains from tropical environments

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    Objectives The tropics harbor a large part of the world\u27s biodiversity and have a long history of human habitation. However, paleogenomics research in these climates has been constrained so far by poor ancient DNA yields. Here we compare the performance of two DNA extraction methods on ancient samples of teeth and petrous portions excavated from tropical and semi‐tropical sites in Tanzania, Mexico, and Puerto Rico (N = 12). Materials and Methods All samples were extracted twice, built into double‐stranded sequencing libraries, and shotgun sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq 2500. The first extraction protocol, Method D, was previously designed for recovery of ultrashort DNA fragments from skeletal remains. The second, Method H, modifies the first by adding an initial EDTA wash and an extended digestion and decalcification step. Results No significant difference was found in overall ancient DNA yields or post‐mortem damage patterns recovered from samples extracted with either method, irrespective of tissue type. However, Method H samples had higher endogenous content and more mapped reads after quality‐filtering, but also higher clonality. In contrast, samples extracted with Method D had shorter average DNA fragments. Discussion Both methods successfully recovered endogenous ancient DNA. But, since surviving DNA in ancient or historic remains from tropical contexts is extremely fragmented, our results suggest that Method D is the optimal choice for working with samples from warm and humid environments. Additional optimization of extraction conditions and further testing of Method H with different types of samples may allow for improvement of this protocol in the future

    The Obliteration of Truth by Management: Badiou, St. Paul and the Question of Economic Managerialism in Education

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    This paper considers the questions that Badiou’s theory of the subject poses to cultures of economic managerialism within education. His argument that radical change is possible, for people and the situations they inhabit, provides a stark challenge to the stifling nature of much current educational climate. In 'Saint Paul: The Foundation of Universalism', Badiou describes the current universalism of capitalism, monetary homogeneity and the rule of the count. Badiou argues that the politics of identity are all too easily subsumed by the prerogatives of the marketplace and unable to present, therefore, a critique of the status quo. These processes are, he argues, without the potential for truth. What are the implications of Badiou’s claim that education is the arranging of ‘the forms of knowledge in such a way that truth may come to pierce a hole in them’ (Badiou, 2005, p. 9)? In this paper, I argue that Badiou’s theory opens up space for a kind of thinking about education that resists its colonisation by cultures of management and marketisation and leads educationalists to consider the emancipatory potential of education in a new light
