5 research outputs found

    Study on Functional Characterization of a Rice Lectin-like Receptor Kinase Gene (OsLecRK1)

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    OsLecRK1基因是对水稻细菌性条斑病侵染应答的差异蛋白质组学研究中发现的一个水稻中编码RLK蛋白的基因。该基因的cDNA全长为2361bp,其中2046bp的开放阅读框编码681个氨基酸。OsLecRK类似于植物类受体蛋白激酶(receptor-likekinase,RLK),此类蛋白通常由胞外信号序列、跨膜结构域和激酶结构域组成。在植物体对外界胁迫、激素、病原物的应答过程中,RLK起着关键作用。植物凝集素类受体蛋白激酶(lectin-likereceptorkinases,LecRKs)是在拟南芥中首次发现并得以命名。LecRK与RLK有着类似的结构,都包括N端靶序列、胞外结构域、跨膜结...OsLecRK1 is a hypothetical resistant-related gene that has been detected from rice genome based on the study of differentially expressed proteins from rice leaves in response to bacterial leaf streak (BLS). The cDNA length is 2361 bp, of which 2046 bp form the open reading frame encoding 681 amino acids. Lectin-like receptor kinases (LecRKs) and plant receptor-like kinases (RLKs) are specific func...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物化学与生物技术系_细胞生物学学号:20042605

    Preliminary Study on Regulation of XIOsPR10 Gene Expression in Rice

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    为探索水稻Pr10蛋白在水稻抗细菌性条斑病中的作用,构建了XIOSPr10基因的植物过量表达载体P1301-XIOSPr10及rnAI表达载体PdS1301-XIOSPr10,通过农杆菌介导分别转化水稻愈伤组织,获得了相应的再生植株。经guS检测和PCr分析,证实XIOSPr10基因以及rnAI片段分别整合到水稻再生植株基因组中;半定量rT-PCr分析显示,过量表达植株中XIOSPr10基因的表达量高于对照,而rnAI转基因植株中XIO-SPr10基因的表达被抑制。In order to study the function of rice XIOsPR10 gene which is related to the plant disease resistant reaction,we constructed plant over expression and RNAi expression vector and integrated into the genome of rice via Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105,respectively.The transgenic cultivars were identified by PCR and GUS gene expression detection.The analysis result showed that the transcription level of XIOsPR10 of over-expression transgenic rice was higher than that of control.In construct,XIOsPR10 gene expression was blocked in RNAi transgenic rice.科技部863专题(2007AA10Z132);国家重大科技专项(2008ZX08001-001;2009ZX08009-045B);教育部重点项目(01102

    Clone of OsCHX1 Gene and Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation of the Gene into Rice

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    利用RT-PCR扩增水稻的Na+、K+/H+反向转运蛋白(OsCHX1)基因全序列,将其与35S启动子连接后,插入到p1301中,构建植物过量表达载体p1301-35S-OsCHX1-NOS.将该质粒转化农杆菌EHA105,并对水稻愈伤组织进行转化,获得了再生植株.对再生植株进行GUS和PCR鉴定,发现超过85%的再生植株为阳性植株.此研究结果为进一步探讨OsCHX1基因功能提供了实验材料.The full length of OsCHX1 gene was amplified by RT-PCR and pBPF-35S-OsCHX1 was constructed after ligating gene of OsCHX1 with pBPF.The Hind III digested fragment from pBPF-35S-OsCHX1 was inserted into p1301 and p1301-35S-OsCHX1-NOS was constructed.OsCHX1 gene was introduced into rice(Oryza Sativa Japonica cultivar Npponbare) by Agorbacterium mediated method.More than 100 seedlings regenerated from transformants were obtained.After detection by GUS stain and PCR it was found that OsCHX1 gene was transfered into rice genomes.福建省青年人才创新项目(2005J004)资

    Prokaryotic Expression and RNase Activity Analysis of Rice XIOsPR10

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    Pr10(病程相关蛋白10)类蛋白与植物的抵御外来病害及系统获得性抗性(SAr)有着紧密联系,而且许多Pr10类蛋白都具有rnASE活性,并通过这种活性抵抗外源病害。根据获得的XIOSPr10基因,将其构建到PET28A中,通过原核表达及磁珠纯化获得目的蛋白,通过rnA消化实验证实XIOSPr10重组蛋白具有rnASE活性,进一步揭示了XIOSPr10蛋白的功能。It has been regarded that PR10s played an important role in systemic acquired resistance(SAR).Furthermore,many PR10 proteins have been reported to exhibit RNase activity and predicted to be responsible for its antibiotic activity.So the Prokaryotic Expression Vector pET28a-XIOsPR10 was constructed and transferred to BL21(DE3).The recombinant protein XIOsPR10 was obtained by Prokaryotic expression and purification of magnetic microbeads,and showed the RNase activity.国家“863”计划(2007AA10Z132);国家科技重大专项(2008ZX08001-001、2009ZX08009-045B);教育部科技研究重点项目(01102)资助项