27 research outputs found

    FDI and China's Technology Progress

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    改革开放以来中国所取得的巨大引资成就使得人们广为关注外资流入对中国经济、社会发展所产生的深远影响,其中焦点问题之一即在于外商直接投资是否促进了中国的技术进步,因为后者己经成为广大发展中国家吸引外资的关键原因。尽管多年来中国一直遵循了“以市场换技术”的引资策略,然而很多学者的实证研究结果却对此提出了质疑。本研究从东道国技术进步途径这一新的角度全面分析了FDI对中国技术进步的实际影响。首先,本文从理论上分析了FDI通过东道国技术进步途径影响东道国技术进步的作用机制;在此基础上,本文全面分析了FDI对中国技术进步的影响,第四、五章对FDI的直接技术效应和间接效应进行了计量测度,并对影响直接效应和间接...This dissertation mainly focuses on how FDI affects China’s technological progress through the ways the domestic enterprises improve their technologies. At first, a theoretical model is established, which demonstrates how FDI affects the host country’s technological progress. Then the current study empirically analyses China’s technological progress as a result of the effects from FDI. The analy...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_产业经济学学号:B20041600


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    Stabilization of anti-aromatic and strained five-membered rings with a transition metal

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    1981年诺贝尔化学奖获得者、美国康奈尔大学RoaldHoffmann教授评价该项工作说:'The paper is an excellent one--it's quite a mazing that the parent Os system,molecule 1,chooses to give the osmapentalyne'。德国化学家Uwe Rosenthal教授等在同期《自然—化学》杂志的《News and Views》栏目以《Breaking the rules》为题撰文评述了这一研究成果。全文地址:http://www.nature.com/nchem/journal/vaop/ncurrent/pdf/nchem.1702.pdfAnti-aromatic compounds, as well as small cyclic alkynes or carbynes, are particularly challenging synthetic goals. The combination of their destabilizing features hinders attempts to prepare molecules such as pentalyne, an 8π-electron anti-aromatic bicycle with extremely high ring strain. Here we describe the facile synthesis of osmapentalyne derivatives that are thermally viable, despite containing the smallest angles observed so far at a carbyne carbon. The compounds are characterized using X-ray crystallography, and their computed energies and magnetic properties reveal aromatic character. Hence, the incorporation of the osmium centre not only reduces the ring strain of the parent pentalyne, but also converts its Hückel anti-aromaticity into Craig-type Möbius aromaticity in the metallapentalynes. The concept of aromaticity is thus extended to five-membered rings containing a metal–carbon triple bond. Moreover, these metal–aromatic compounds exhibit unusual optical effects such as near-infrared photoluminescence with particularly large Stokes shifts, long lifetimes and aggregation enhancement

    The Internal Rationale for China′s Present Farmland System Change

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    环境、制度变迁主体和“路径依赖”是制度变迁的内在逻辑。现阶段中国农地制度环境产生了稳定和改革调整现阶段中国农地制度的矛盾需求,政府作为农地制度变迁的主要推动者在维持还是废除现有的农地征用制度上处境尴尬,家庭承包责任制在取得初期的辉煌后,虽然在现阶段遇到了一些问题,但其自身在不断地朝着改善绩效的方向调整,所有这些因素的综合作用决定了现阶段中国农地制度的变迁方向。农地私有化和国有化都是不符合现阶段中国农地制度变迁内在逻辑的改革主张,现阶段中国农地制度的改革方向只能是稳定和完善家庭承包责任制。当前稳定和完善家庭承包责任制的首要任务是要进行农地外部制度的重构,其次要在保持现有农地制度基本构架稳定的前提下,进行农地内部制度的局部调整和创新。The internal rationale for system change lies in the environment, the subjects and the path dependence. At present a conflict occurs between the stability of China's farmland system and the utilization of the farmland for other specific purposes. As a result, the government is in a dilemma of whether the farmland utilization measures should be maintained or abandoned. It should be acknowledged that the household responsibility system of farmland has been blessed with outstanding achievement, yet there are surely transitional problems in order for more achievement to be obtained. The privatization or nationalization of farmland is not the wise choice for a smooth transition. Instead, the further stabilization and improvement of the household responsibility system of farmland should be stressed, while the external system impacting on farmland must be restructured and the local internal adjustment and innovation of rural farmland system be made

    The Framework of Contemporary Bayesian Econometrics Analysis and Its Outlook

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    随着贝叶斯理论的发展和计算机模拟等数值计算技术的提高,贝叶斯计量经济学开始迅速发展起来。本文通过对经典学派与贝叶斯学派进行比较,简要回顾了贝叶斯计量经济学的发展历程,并从八个方面对贝叶斯计量经济学研究过程中的分析框架进行说明,最后进行了展望。Along with the development of Bayesian theory and the advancement of computer simulation, Bayesian econometrics develops rapidly.This paper compares the classical and Bayesian school of thought, and briefly reviews Bayesian econometrics develpoment courses. In the end, it analyzes its framework from eight aspects and its outlook


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    采用RT-PCR方法,从鲢、鲤、鲫3种鱼类肝脏总RNA中克隆出了谷胱甘肽转移酶Pi型(GST Pi)cDNA序列,推导了其编码的氨基酸序列。3种鱼类GST Pi的ORF全长627bp,编码208个氨基酸。翻译起始密码均为ATG,终止密码子均为TGA。鱼类与哺乳动物、两栖类爪蟾以及节肢动物丝虫之间GST Pi氨基酸序列相似度平均值分别为50%、33%、15%左右。5种鱼类之间的氨基酸序列相似度较大,其中鲤科鱼类之间平均为85%左右。我们以GST Pi为分子标记,用最大简约数法(MP)构建了13个物种的系统