10 research outputs found

    Investigation on antibacterial synergism of Origanum vulgare and Thymus vulgaris essential oils

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    Essential oils are well known as strong antimicrobial agents of plant origin. In spite of this, the antimicrobial synergism of essential oils isolated from different plant species is poorly investigated. The following study examines the synergism of the essential oils of Origanum vulgare L. and Thymus vulgaris L against pathogenic bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhimurium. First, the antibacterial effect of the oils was tested, and the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of both oils were determined using the microdilution method. To test whether the oils act synergistically, every possible combination of essential oil concentrations was used in a dynamic checkerboard method. The results indicated that the oils indeed acted synergistically with fractional inhibitory concentration indexes of 0.45 and 0.50. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173032

    Antimicrobial activity of aqueous extract of Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.: Fr.) Murill

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    Wood-rotting basidiomycete, Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.: Fr.) Murill., also known as chicken of the woods, is known for its nutritional value. In this study, aqueous extract obtained from L. sulphureus was investigated for its antimicrobial properties using microdilution in vitro assay. Plant, animal and human pathogens, as well as food spoilage agents, were tested. Aqueous extract obtained from L. sulphureus showed strong activity against the tested microorganisms in a dose dependent manner. Considering that there is a constant emerging of pathogen resistance to the known synthetic agents, there is an undeniable need for new therapeutical drugs and preservatives in food industry. Thus, these results that indicate activity of natural products may be of practical use.Gljiva mrke truleži, Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.: Fr) Murill., poznata i kao Å”umsko pile, već je poznata po svojoj nutritivnoj vrednosti. U ovoj studiji ispitivana je antimikrobna sposobnost vodenog ekstrakta L. sulphureus, mikrodilucionom in vitro metodom. Biljni, životinjski i humani patogeni, kao i prouzrokovači kvarenja hrane su testirani. Vodeni ekstrakt dobijen od L. sulphureus pokazao je snažnu aktivnost na testirane mikroorganizme uz doznu zavisnost. S obzirom da postoji konstantni porast rezistentnosti patogena na poznate sintetičke agense, potreba za novim terapeutskim lekovima i konzervansima u prehrambenoj industriji je neophodnost. Stoga, rezultati koji ukazuju na aktivnost prirodnih produkata mogu biti od velikog praktičnog značaja.Projekat ministarstva br. 14304

    Investigation on antibacterial synergism of Origanum vulgare and Thymus vulgaris essential oils

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    Essential oils are well known as strong antimicrobial agents of plant origin. In spite of this, the antimicrobial synergism of essential oils isolated from different plant species is poorly investigated. The following study examines the synergism of the essential oils of Origanum vulgare L. and Thymus vulgaris L against pathogenic bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhimurium. First, the antibacterial effect of the oils was tested, and the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of both oils were determined using the microdilution method. To test whether the oils act synergistically, every possible combination of essential oil concentrations was used in a dynamic checkerboard method. The results indicated that the oils indeed acted synergistically with fractional inhibitory concentration indexes of 0.45 and 0.50.Projekat ministarstva br. 17303

    Antimicrobial activity of aqueous extract of Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.: Fr.) Murill

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    Wood-rotting basidiomycete, Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.: Fr.) Murill., also known as chicken of the woods, is known for its nutritional value. In this study, aqueous extract obtained from L. sulphureus was investigated for its antimicrobial properties using microdilution in vitro assay. Plant, animal and human pathogens, as well as food spoilage agents, were tested. Aqueous extract obtained from L. sulphureus showed strong activity against the tested microorganisms in a dose dependent manner. Considering that there is a constant emerging of pathogen resistance to the known synthetic agents, there is an undeniable need for new therapeutical drugs and preservatives in food industry. Thus, these results that indicate activity of natural products may be of practical use.Gljiva mrke truleži, Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.: Fr) Murill., poznata i kao Å”umsko pile, već je poznata po svojoj nutritivnoj vrednosti. U ovoj studiji ispitivana je antimikrobna sposobnost vodenog ekstrakta L. sulphureus, mikrodilucionom in vitro metodom. Biljni, životinjski i humani patogeni, kao i prouzrokovači kvarenja hrane su testirani. Vodeni ekstrakt dobijen od L. sulphureus pokazao je snažnu aktivnost na testirane mikroorganizme uz doznu zavisnost. S obzirom da postoji konstantni porast rezistentnosti patogena na poznate sintetičke agense, potreba za novim terapeutskim lekovima i konzervansima u prehrambenoj industriji je neophodnost. Stoga, rezultati koji ukazuju na aktivnost prirodnih produkata mogu biti od velikog praktičnog značaja.Projekat ministarstva br. 14304

    Investigation on antibacterial synergism of Origanum vulgare and Thymus vulgaris essential oils

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    Essential oils are well known as strong antimicrobial agents of plant origin. In spite of this, the antimicrobial synergism of essential oils isolated from different plant species is poorly investigated. The following study examines the synergism of the essential oils of Origanum vulgare L. and Thymus vulgaris L against pathogenic bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhimurium. First, the antibacterial effect of the oils was tested, and the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of both oils were determined using the microdilution method. To test whether the oils act synergistically, every possible combination of essential oil concentrations was used in a dynamic checkerboard method. The results indicated that the oils indeed acted synergistically with fractional inhibitory concentration indexes of 0.45 and 0.50.Projekat ministarstva br. 17303

    Chemical composition, antioxidative and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Ocimum sanctum L.

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    Ocimum sanctum L. (Lamiaceae) sin. Ocimum tenuiflorum L. or Tulsi basil is a plant originating from the tropical and subtropical areas of India. It is used in both the traditional and official medicine in India. Tulsi is a type of basil that is insufficiently explored and studied in Europe. The goal of this paper is to determine the chemical composition, antioxidative, and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil Ocimum sanctum L. grown in Serbia. The quantity of essential oil in 100 g of herb (v/w) is 0.68%, with 41 components identified in the tested essential oil. The most represented chemical group were sesquiturpene hydrocarbonates with 80.47%. Other groups were much less represented. Sesquiturpene hydrocarbonate Ī²-cariophyllene is a predominant component in the essential oil with 63.80%. The quantity of tested essential oil needed to achieve 50% of inhibition of DPPH radicals is 0.35 Āµg/ml, and it has high potential to neutralize free radicals. The essential oil exhibited antibacterial activity to all tested strains of bacteria, both Gram-positive and Gram-negative. It affected all strains in an inhibitory way in the interval 0.34-41.50 Āµl/ml, and in a bactericide way within the range 22.50-124.5 Āµl/ml. The most sensitive strains of bacteria were Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli, while Listeria monocytogenes and Enterococus faecalis showed greatest resistance. The essential oil exhibited antifungal activity on all tested fungi. It affected all tested fungi in an inhibitory way in the interval 4.42-8.83 Āµl/ml, and in a microbicide way within the range 10.00-50.00 Āµl/ml. The most sensitive fungi are: Aspergillus ochraceus, Penicillium ochrochloron and Penicilium funiculosum, while the most resistant one is Aspergillus niger. The tested basil essential oil Ocimum sanctum demonstrated significant antioxidative and antimicrobial effect and may be used as a raw material in food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja hemijskog sastava, antioksidativne i antimikrobne aktivnosti etarskog ulja Ocimum sanctum L. gajenog u Srbiji. Količina etarskog ulja u suvoj herbi prosečno iznosi 0,68%. U njemu je identifikovana 41 komponenta. Najzastupljenija hemijska grupa su seskviterpenski ugljovodonici sa 80,47%. Seskviterpenski ugljovodonik Ī²-kariofilen je sa 63,80% dominantna komponenta u etarskom ulju. Količina etarskog ulja koja je potrebna da se ostvari 50% inhibicije DPPH radikala iznosi 0,35 |Āµg/ml te ono poseduje visoku sposobnost neutralizacije slobodnih radikala. Etarsko ulje je ispoljilo antibakterijsku aktivnost na sve testirane Gram-pozitivne i Gram-negativne bakterijske sojeve. Ono je delovalo na sve sojeve inhibitorno u intervalu 0,34-41,50 |Āµl/ml i baktericidno u opsegu 22,50-124,50 |Āµl/ml. Etarsko ulje je ispoljilo i antifungalnu aktivnost na sve testirane gljive i delovalo je inhibitorno u intervalu 4,42-8,83 |Āµl/ml i mikrobicidno u opsegu 10,00-50,00 |Āµl/ml.Projekat ministarstva br. III 46001, br. OI 173015 i br. OI 17303

    Chemical composition, antioxidative and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Ocimum sanctum L.

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    Ocimum sanctum L. (Lamiaceae) sin. Ocimum tenuiflorum L. or Tulsi basil is a plant originating from the tropical and subtropical areas of India. It is used in both the traditional and official medicine in India. Tulsi is a type of basil that is insufficiently explored and studied in Europe. The goal of this paper is to determine the chemical composition, antioxidative, and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil Ocimum sanctum L. grown in Serbia. The quantity of essential oil in 100 g of herb (v/w) is 0.68%, with 41 components identified in the tested essential oil. The most represented chemical group were sesquiturpene hydrocarbonates with 80.47%. Other groups were much less represented. Sesquiturpene hydrocarbonate Ī²-cariophyllene is a predominant component in the essential oil with 63.80%. The quantity of tested essential oil needed to achieve 50% of inhibition of DPPH radicals is 0.35 Āµg/ml, and it has high potential to neutralize free radicals. The essential oil exhibited antibacterial activity to all tested strains of bacteria, both Gram-positive and Gram-negative. It affected all strains in an inhibitory way in the interval 0.34-41.50 Āµl/ml, and in a bactericide way within the range 22.50-124.5 Āµl/ml. The most sensitive strains of bacteria were Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli, while Listeria monocytogenes and Enterococus faecalis showed greatest resistance. The essential oil exhibited antifungal activity on all tested fungi. It affected all tested fungi in an inhibitory way in the interval 4.42-8.83 Āµl/ml, and in a microbicide way within the range 10.00-50.00 Āµl/ml. The most sensitive fungi are: Aspergillus ochraceus, Penicillium ochrochloron and Penicilium funiculosum, while the most resistant one is Aspergillus niger. The tested basil essential oil Ocimum sanctum demonstrated significant antioxidative and antimicrobial effect and may be used as a raw material in food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja hemijskog sastava, antioksidativne i antimikrobne aktivnosti etarskog ulja Ocimum sanctum L. gajenog u Srbiji. Količina etarskog ulja u suvoj herbi prosečno iznosi 0,68%. U njemu je identifikovana 41 komponenta. Najzastupljenija hemijska grupa su seskviterpenski ugljovodonici sa 80,47%. Seskviterpenski ugljovodonik Ī²-kariofilen je sa 63,80% dominantna komponenta u etarskom ulju. Količina etarskog ulja koja je potrebna da se ostvari 50% inhibicije DPPH radikala iznosi 0,35 |Āµg/ml te ono poseduje visoku sposobnost neutralizacije slobodnih radikala. Etarsko ulje je ispoljilo antibakterijsku aktivnost na sve testirane Gram-pozitivne i Gram-negativne bakterijske sojeve. Ono je delovalo na sve sojeve inhibitorno u intervalu 0,34-41,50 |Āµl/ml i baktericidno u opsegu 22,50-124,50 |Āµl/ml. Etarsko ulje je ispoljilo i antifungalnu aktivnost na sve testirane gljive i delovalo je inhibitorno u intervalu 4,42-8,83 |Āµl/ml i mikrobicidno u opsegu 10,00-50,00 |Āµl/ml.Projekat ministarstva br. III 46001, br. OI 173015 i br. OI 17303

    Antimicrobial activity of aqueous extract of Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.: Fr.) Murill

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    Wood-rotting basidiomycete, Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.: Fr.) Murill., also known as chicken of the woods, is known for its nutritional value. In this study, aqueous extract obtained from L. sulphureus was investigated for its antimicrobial properties using microdilution in vitro assay. Plant, animal and human pathogens, as well as food spoilage agents, were tested. Aqueous extract obtained from L. sulphureus showed strong activity against the tested microorganisms in a dose dependent manner. Considering that there is a constant emerging of pathogen resistance to the known synthetic agents, there is an undeniable need for new therapeutical drugs and preservatives in food industry. Thus, these results that indicate activity of natural products may be of practical use

    Chemical composition, antioxidative and antimicrobial activity of essential oil Ocimum sanctum L.

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    Ocimum sanctum L. (Lamiaceae) sin. Ocimum tenuiflorum L. or Tulsi basil is a plant originating from tropical and subtropical areas of India. It is used in both the traditional and official medicine in India. Tulsi is a type of basil that is insufficiently explored and studied in Europe. The goal of this paper is to determine the chemical composition, antioxidative, and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil Ocimum sanctum L. grown in Serbia. The quantity of essential oil in 100 g of herb (v/w) is 0.68%, with 41 components identified in the tested essential oil. The most represented chemical group are sesquiturpene hydrocarbonates with 80.47%. Other groups were much less represented. Sesquiturpene hydrocarbonate Ī²-cariophyllene is a predominant component in the essential oil with 63.80%. The quantity of tested essential oil needed to achieve 50% of inhibition of DPPH radicals is 0.35 Ī¼g/ml, and it has high potential to neutralize free radicals. The essential oil exhibited antibacterial activity to all tested strains of bacteria, both Gram-positive and Gram-negative. It affected all strains in an inhibitory way in the interval 0.34-41.50 Ī¼l/ml, and in a bactericide way within the range 22.50-124.5 Ī¼l/ml. The most sensitive strains of bacteria are Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli, while Listeria monocytogenes and Enterococus faecalis showed greatest resistance. The essential oil exhibited antifugal activity on all tested fungi. It affected all tested fungi in an inhibitory way in the interval 4.42-8.83 Ī¼l/ml, and in a microbicide way within the range 10.00-50.00 Ī¼l/ml. The most sensitive fungi are: Aspergillus ochraceus, Penicillium ochrochloron and Penicilium funiculosum, while the most resistent one is Aspergillus niger. The tested basil essential oil Ocimum sanctum demonstrated significant antioxidative and antimicrobial effect and may be used as a raw material in food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries