45 research outputs found

    Polymer Materials and Its Properties

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    Financial Analysis of the Hirschmann Czech s.r.o. Company

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    Import 02/11/2016Cílem bakalářské práce je zhodnocení finanční situace společnosti Hirschmann Czech s. r. o. pomocí vybraných metod v letech 2010 – 2014. Bakalářská práce je rozdělena do pěti kapitol. Druhá kapitola je zaměřena na popis metod, pomocí kterých je finanční analýza provedena. Dále jsou uvedeny základní zdroje, uživatelé a metody finanční analýzy. Následující kapitola představuje společnost, která byla finanční analýze podrobena. Jsou popsány základní údaje podniku, vývoj, struktura dodavatelů a odběratelů a dopady na životní prostředí. Čtvrtá kapitola se zaobírá aplikací metod finanční analýzy na vybraný podnik. Zahrnuje horizontální a vertikální analýzu, poměrovou analýzu, srovnání s odvětvím, pyramidový rozklad, analýzu odchylek a citlivostní analýzu.The aim of the bachelor thesis is the assessment of the financial situation of the company Hirschmann Czech s. r. o. by selected methods. The bachelor thesis is divided into five chapters. The second chapter focuses on the description of the methods, which are used for the financial analysis. Next, the basic sources, users and the methods of financial analysis. The third chapter introduces the company which is analysed. There are the basic data of the company, development, structure of suppliers and customers and environmental impacts described here. The fourth chapter deals with the application of financial analysis methods to the selected company. It includes vertical and horizontal analysis, ratio analysis, comparison with the industry, pyramidal decomposition, influence quantification and sensitivity analysis.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř

    Company Valuation under Risk and Flexibility

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    Cílem diplomové práce je ocenění společnosti Indet Safety Systems a.s. za rizika a flexibility. Diplomová práce je rozdělena do pěti kapitol. Druhá kapitola je zaměřena na popis metodologie reálných opcí, pomocí kterých je společnost oceněna. Je zde popsána základní terminologie finančních i reálných opcí, jejich typy i faktory, které je ovlivňují, modely používající se pro oceňování a konkrétní postup při oceňování podniku. Následující kapitola představuje společnost, která byla ocenění podrobena. Jsou popsány základní údaje o společnosti, vývoj, pohled na životní prostředí a stručná finanční analýza. Čtvrtá kapitola se zabývá aplikací metodologie reálných opcí na zvolený podnik. Zahrnuje stanovení vstupních parametrů, výpočet podkladového aktiva, realizační ceny a vnitřní hodnoty opce, finanční a provozní flexibilitu a na závěr jsou zhodnoceny dosažené výsledky.The aim of the diploma thesis is the valuation of the company Indet Safety Systems a.s. under risk and flexibility. The diploma thesis is divided into the five chapters. The second chapter describes the real option methodology by which the company is valued. There is described basic terminology financial and real options, their types and the factors that affect them, the models used for valuation and the specific process of valuing the company. The following chapter introduces the company, which was subjected to valuation. There are the basic data about the company, development, environmental impacts and brief financial analysis. The fourth chapter deals with the application the real option methodology to the selected company. It includes the determination of input parameters, calculation of the underlying asset, realization price and internal value of the option, financial and operational flexibility and at the end the results obtained are evaluated.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř

    Structural model for the multisubunit Type IC restriction–modification DNA methyltransferase M.EcoR124I in complex with DNA

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    Recent publication of crystal structures for the putative DNA-binding subunits (HsdS) of the functionally uncharacterized Type I restriction–modification (R-M) enzymes MjaXIP and MgeORF438 have provided a convenient structural template for analysis of the more extensively characterized members of this interesting family of multisubunit molecular motors. Here, we present a structural model of the Type IC M.EcoR124I DNA methyltransferase (MTase), comprising the HsdS subunit, two HsdM subunits, the cofactor AdoMet and the substrate DNA molecule. The structure was obtained by docking models of individual subunits generated by fold-recognition and comparative modelling, followed by optimization of inter-subunit contacts by energy minimization. The model of M.EcoR124I has allowed identification of a number of functionally important residues that appear to be involved in DNA-binding. In addition, we have mapped onto the model the location of several new mutations of the hsdS gene of M.EcoR124I that were produced by misincorporation mutagenesis within the central conserved region of hsdS, we have mapped all previously identified DNA-binding mutants of TRD2 and produced a detailed analysis of the location of surface-modifiable lysines. The model structure, together with location of the mutant residues, provides a better background on which to study protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions in Type I R-M systems

    Structural model for the multisubunit Type IC restriction–modification DNA methyltransferase M.EcoR124I in complex with DNA

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    Recent publication of crystal structures for the putative DNA-binding subunits (HsdS) of the functionally uncharacterized Type I restriction–modification (R-M) enzymes MjaXIP and MgeORF438 have provided a convenient structural template for analysis of the more extensively characterized members of this interesting family of multisubunit molecular motors. Here, we present a structural model of the Type IC M.EcoR124I DNA methyltransferase (MTase), comprising the HsdS subunit, two HsdM subunits, the cofactor AdoMet and the substrate DNA molecule. The structure was obtained by docking models of individual subunits generated by fold-recognition and comparative modelling, followed by optimization of inter-subunit contacts by energy minimization. The model of M.EcoR124I has allowed identification of a number of functionally important residues that appear to be involved in DNA-binding. In addition, we have mapped onto the model the location of several new mutations of the hsdS gene of M.EcoR124I that were produced by misincorporation mutagenesis within the central conserved region of hsdS, we have mapped all previously identified DNA-binding mutants of TRD2 and produced a detailed analysis of the location of surface-modifiable lysines. The model structure, together with location of the mutant residues, provides a better background on which to study protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions in Type I R-M systems

    Short-term beat-to-beat QT variability appears influenced more strongly by recording quality than by beat-to-beat RR variability.

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    Increases in beat-to-beat variability of electrocardiographic QT interval duration have repeatedly been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events and complications. The measurements of QT variability are frequently normalized for the underlying RR interval variability. Such normalization supports the concept of the so-called immediate RR effect which relates each QT interval to the preceding RR interval. The validity of this concept was investigated in the present study together with the analysis of the influence of electrocardiographic morphological stability on QT variability measurements. The analyses involved QT and RR measurements in 6,114,562 individual beats of 642,708 separate 10-s ECG samples recorded in 523 healthy volunteers (259 females). Only beats with high morphology correlation (r > 0.99) with representative waveforms of the 10-s ECG samples were analyzed, assuring that only good quality recordings were included. In addition to these high correlations, SDs of the ECG signal difference between representative waveforms and individual beats expressed morphological instability and ECG noise. In the intra-subject analyses of both individual beats and of 10-s averages, QT interval variability was substantially more strongly related to the ECG noise than to the underlying RR variability. In approximately one-third of the analyzed ECG beats, the prolongation or shortening of the preceding RR interval was followed by the opposite change of the QT interval. In linear regression analyses, underlying RR variability within each 10-s ECG sample explained only 5.7 and 11.1% of QT interval variability in females and males, respectively. On the contrary, the underlying ECG noise contents of the 10-s samples explained 56.5 and 60.1% of the QT interval variability in females and males, respectively. The study concludes that the concept of stable and uniform immediate RR interval effect on the duration of subsequent QT interval duration is highly questionable. Even if only stable beat-to-beat measurements of QT interval are used, the QT interval variability is still substantially influenced by morphological variability and noise pollution of the source ECG recordings. Even when good quality recordings are used, noise contents of the electrocardiograms should be objectively examined in future studies of QT interval variability

    A RecB-family nuclease motif in the Type I restriction endonuclease EcoR124I

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    The Type I restriction-modification enzyme EcoR124I is an ATP-dependent endonuclease that uses dsDNA translocation to locate and cleave distant non-specific DNA sites. Bioinformatic analysis of the HsdR subunits of EcoR124I and related Type I enzymes showed that in addition to the principal PD-(E/D)xK Motifs, I, II and III, a QxxxY motif is also present that is characteristic of RecB-family nucleases. The QxxxY motif resides immediately C-terminal to Motif III within a region of predicted α-helix. Using mutagenesis, we examined the role of the Q and Y residues in DNA binding, translocation and cleavage. Roles for the QxxxY motif in coordinating the catalytic residues or in stabilizing the nuclease domain on the DNA are discussed

    Translocation-coupled DNA cleavage by the Type ISP restriction-modification enzymes

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    Endonucleolytic double-strand DNA break production requires separate strand cleavage events. Although catalytic mechanisms for simple dimeric endonucleases are available, there are many complex nuclease machines which are poorly understood in comparison. Here we studied the single polypeptide Type ISP restriction-modification (RM) enzymes, which cleave random DNA between distant target sites when two enzymes collide following convergent ATP-driven translocation. We report the 2.7 Angstroms resolution X-ray crystal structure of a Type ISP enzyme-DNA complex, revealing that both the helicase-like ATPase and nuclease are unexpectedly located upstream of the direction of translocation, inconsistent with simple nuclease domain-dimerization. Using single-molecule and biochemical techniques, we demonstrate that each ATPase remodels its DNA-protein complex and translocates along DNA without looping it, leading to a collision complex where the nuclease domains are distal. Sequencing of single cleavage events suggests a previously undescribed endonuclease model, where multiple, stochastic strand nicking events combine to produce DNA scission

    Efficiency of impedance spectroscopy in sensor techniques

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