57 research outputs found


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    Bugün uygulana gelmiş sistemler içinde kötünün en iyisi olarak kabul edilendemokrasi, en kolay sistem değildir. Hukuk üstünlüğünün olduğu, eğitim düzeyi yüksek,ekonomik refah içinde yaşayan, milli kültürü sağlam toplumlara korkmadan, mutlu vehuzurlu bir idare sağlayan demokrasi, sayılan özelliklerin tam olmadığı ülkelerde bazısıkıntılara yol açabilmektedir. 20. yüzyılın başlarında demokrasi konusunda fazla deneyimiolmayan Türkiye, cumhuriyet rejimini kabul ettikten sonra çok partili hayatın denemeleriniyapmış ancak başarılı olamamıştır. 1945 yılına gelindiğinde Türkiye'de siyasi ortam içve dış koşullarla demokratik hayat için olumlu hatta zorunlu hale gelmiş ve çok partilihayata geçilmiştir. Ancak pek çok genç demokraside olduğu gibi Türkiye'de de "daha iyibir demokrasi"nin nasıl olacağı konusunda farklı görüşler, uygulamalar ortaya konmaktave bazı sorunlar yaşanabilmektedir. Demokratik sisteme geçişte oldukça önemli bir zamandilimini oluşturan 1945-50'li yıllara siyasetçi ve gazeteci kimliği ile bizzat şahitlik etmiş olanNecmettin Sadak, dönemin olaylarını gazetesi Akşam'da kaleme almıştır. Bir başyazarın bakışaçısına yönelmek, o yılları daha iyi anlamamıza ve yorumlamamıza katkıda bulunacağı gibi,günümüzdeki bazı sorunların geçmişle olan bağlantısını kurmamıza da yardımcı olacaktır. Democracy which is regarded as the best of the worst system to be appied is not theeasiest one. Democracy has the rule of law and it provides the society with a high educationlevel, and they thus live in economic prosperity without fear, yet with happily and in peace.However, it can lead to some problems in the countires in which all these prospects are notseen. Turkey, which has not got much experience concerning democracy in the beginning ofthe 20. Century, tried to venture into multiparty regime upon accepting republic system, yet itwas not successful. By 1945, political environmet in Turkey was suitable or even necessary for democratic life concerning internal and external conditions and multiparty regime theroforewas realized. However, as in many young democracies, Turkey has also some problemsregarding how a "better democracy" will be achieved and which applications might beencountered. Necmettin Sadak who lived personally with his politician and journalistidentity during 1945-50s which are very important time period in transition to democracy,wrote about the events of the perod in a newspaper called Akşam. To turn a lead into anauthor perspective will both provide us with a better understanding and interpetation, and itwould also help us draw a link between today's some problems and past ones

    Lycopene partially reverses symptoms of diabetes in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes

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    This study was supported in part by the Eskisehir Osmangazi University, the Scientific Research and Application Centre (FBAM). The authors are grateful to TICAM (Medical and Surgical Experimental Research Center, Eskisehir Osmangazi University)In the present study, we describe the effects of lycopene on the symptoms of streptozotocin (STZ)–induced diabetes in rats. Lycopene at the dose of 2.5 mg/kg body weight (bw) per day was orally administered to STZ-induced diabetic rats for a period of 7 days after onset of diabetes. At the same time, food–water intake and body weight change were recorded daily. Upon sacrifice, biochemical parameters, such as the serum glucose, insulin, total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), were measured in all experimental groups. Administration of lycopene at the dose of 2.5 mg/kg bw per day significantly reduced serum glucose, TC, TG, ALT, and AST levels, and increased serum insulin levels, but there were no improvements in food–water intake and body weight change parameters in lycopene-treated diabetic rats. The results suggest that orally administrated lycopene exhibits a potent hypoglycemic effect in STZ-induced diabetic rats and that lycopene may be useful for the management of diabetes mellitus

    The hepatoprotective effects of Hypericum perforatum L. on hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats

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    Little is known about the effective role of Hypericum perforatum on hepatic ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury in rats. Hence, albino rats were subjected to 45 min of hepatic ischemia followed by 60 min of reperfusion period. Hypericum perforatum extract (HPE) at the dose of 50 mg/kg body weight (HPE50) was intraperitonally injected as a single dose, 15 min prior to ischemia. Rats were sacrificed at the end of reperfusion period and then, biochemical investigations were made in serum and liver tissue. Liver tissue homogenates were used for the measurement of malondialdehyde (MDA), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) levels. At the same time alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were assayed in serum samples and compared statistically. While the ALT, AST, LDH activities and MDA levels were significantly increased, CAT and GPx activities significantly decreased in only I/R-induced control rats compared to normal control rats (p < 0.05). Treatment with HPE50 significantly decreased the ALT, AST, LDH activities and MDA levels, and markedly increased activities of CAT and GPx in tissue homogenates compared to I/R-induced rats without treatment-control group (p < 0.05). In oxidative stress generated by hepatic ischemia-reperfusion, H. perforatum L. as an antioxidant agent contributes an alteration in the delicate balance between the scavenging capacity of antioxidant defence systems and free radicals in favour of the antioxidant defence systems in the body

    Gallic acid reduces experimental colitis in rats by downregulation of cathepsin and oxidative stress

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    Objective: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) with common, repetitive inflammation of the colon and rectum, which is highly defined by loss of blood on colon mucosa, ulceration and acute inflammation. The present study aimed to investigate the potential protective effects of gallic acid (GA) through a 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis rat model, using biochemical and histopathological parameters. Materials and Methods: The study consisted of four groups, each including seven rats, namely control group, colitis group, colitis-GA 50 mg/kg group and colitis-GA 100 mg/kg group. Colon tissue samples were analyzed for malondialdehyde (MDA), myeloperoxidase (MPO), cathepsin B and cathepsin L values. Results: Tissue MDA, MPO, cathepsin L and cathepsin B values increased significantly in colitis group (p=0.028, p=0.038, p=0.024, p=0.019, respectively). However, MDA, MPO, cathepsin L and cathepsin B values showed a significant decrease in animals with GA (at a dose of 100 mg/kg) administration in TNBS-induced colitis in rats (p=0.021, p=0.026, p=0.019, p=0.031, respectively). Colitis group was defined by the severe detriment of surface epithelium, submucosal edema and inflammatory cell infiltration. Treatment with GA significantly decreased inflammatory cell infiltration. Conclusion: GA can be used as an effective agent in the treatment of colitis due to its inhibitory properties in multiple pathways and its potent antioxidant effect

    Strength of selection pressure is an important parameter contributing to the complexity of antibiotic resistance evolution

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    Revealing the genetic changes responsible for antibiotic resistance can be critical for developing novel antibiotic therapies. However, systematic studies correlating genotype to phenotype in the context of antibiotic resistance have been missing. In order to fill in this gap, we evolved 88 isogenic Escherichia coli populations against 22 antibiotics for 3 weeks. For every drug, two populations were evolved under strong selection and two populations were evolved under mild selection. By quantifying evolved populations' resistances against all 22 drugs, we constructed two separate cross-resistance networks for strongly and mildly selected populations. Subsequently, we sequenced representative colonies isolated from evolved populations for revealing the genetic basis for novel phenotypes. Bacterial populations that evolved resistance against antibiotics under strong selection acquired high levels of cross-resistance against several antibiotics, whereas other bacterial populations evolved under milder selection acquired relatively weaker cross-resistance. In addition, we found that strongly selected strains against aminoglycosides became more susceptible to five other drug classes compared with their wild-type ancestor as a result of a point mutation on TrkH, an ion transporter protein. Our findings suggest that selection strength is an important parameter contributing to the complexity of antibiotic resistance problem and use of high doses of antibiotics to clear infections has the potential to promote increase of cross-resistance in clinics

    Utilización del documento de consentimiento informado en la práctica odontológica pública del partido de La Plata (Argentina) - 2003

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    La odontología como ciencia biológica difiere del pensamiento jurídico en numerosos puntos. La biología es a menudo variante. Por lo tanto el razonamiento biológico lleva implícito una parte de reserva, de incertidumbre y de duda. Por el contrario el pensamiento jurídico tiene que responder a los textos que lo instituyen como los códigos y las leyes, que son de elaboración humana, por lo tanto discernibles y asimilables. Desde la época que el hombre realizaba investigaciones empíricas, hasta nuestros días, han concurrido ciencias y disciplinas de investigación que han generado el crecimiento de diferentes especialidades, aportando elementos que definen y caracterizan su campo de acción. La Odontología Legal, como cualquier rama de la ciencia, es un producto de la evolución del hombre. Por lo tanto varía con el tiempo, es distinta según los estados o los países. El Derecho moderno establece una colaboración entre la ciencia y la ley. En estos casos el grado de responsabilidad del odontólogo es alto, porque tiene la función de auxiliar con sus conocimientos, donde sus dichos pueden influir con fuerza sobre el fallo del magistrado. Es preciso, actualmente que el perito odontólogo, adquiera un cúmulo de conocimientos sobre el espíritu jurídico y los procedimientos a seguir en los distintos fueros.Facultad de Odontología (FOLP

    Necmettin Sadık Sadak gazeteci ve siyasi kimliği (1890-1953) = Necmettin Sadık Sadak journalistic and political identity (1890- 1953)

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    Çalışmamızın konusu basın tarihimizde önemli bir yere sahip olan Necmettin Sadak Sadak.tır. Fransa.da sosyoloji eğitimi aldıktan sonra Progres gazetesinde Türkiye.de içtimaiyat konularıyla yazı hayatına adım atan Sadak, Vakit, İkdam gibi gazetelerde de yazmış, ancak asıl gazetecilik faaliyetlerini kurucusu ve baş yazarı olduğu Akşam Gazetesi.nde sürdürmüştür. Çalışmamız Türkiye Cumhuriyeti.nin kuruluşundan itibaren 1923-1953 yılları arası Sadak.ın tanıklık ettiği gelişmeler ve bu gelişmelere yorumları üzerinde odaklanmaktadır. Modern düşünceye sahip bir babanın oğlu olan Sadak, Galatasaray Lisesinde aldığı Batı tarzı eğitimin ardından Fransa.da Lyon Üniversitesinde yüksek öğrenimini tamamlamıştır. Bunun sonucu olarak özellikle Fransız kaynaklı Batı uygarlığında etkilenmiş ve bu da Sadak.ın fikir yapısının oluşmasında katkıda bulunmuştur. Türk iç ve dış politikası hakkındaki objektif yazılarıyla halkın aydınlatılmasında yazıları oldukça etkili olmuş, ilke ve inkılaplar, sistem ve ideolojiler hakkındaki görüşleriyle rejimin ve devlet yapısının sağlamlaşmasında Kemalist kadro içinde önemli rol oynamıştır. Necmettin Sadak, sosyal demokrasiyi savunmuş, milletin oluşumunda dile büyük önem vermiş, kırtasiyeci olmayan ve halkçılıkla bütünleşen devletçi anlayıştan yana olmuş, laiklik ilkesine her zaman bağlı kalmıştır. ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Necmettin Sadık Sadak, TBMM, Dış İşleri Bakanlığı, Kemalist İdeoloji, Sosyoloji.\ud Subject of our study is Necmettin Sadak who has a significant place in our history of journalism. Having studied sociology in France, he began his writing career at the newspaper .Progress. with subjects over sociology in Turkey, and wrote for several newspapers including Sadak, Vakit and İkdam; however he maintained his notable journalism at Akşam Newspaper, whose founder and head writer was Sadak himself. Our study focuses on the developments between 1923, starting from the establishment of Turkish Republic and 1953 which was witnessed by Sadak and on his comments on these developments. Born to a father having a modern way of thinking, Sadak completed his university education at Lyon University in France, following the western style education he received at Galatarasay High School. As a result of this, he was particularly influenced by French origin Western civilization, and this contributed to formation of Sadak.s structure of thinking. His objective writings over Turkish domestic and foreign policies were highly influential on enlightenment of the public, and he played an important role among the Kemalist staff on consolidation of the regime and state structure through his opinions on principals, reforms, system and ideologies. Necmettin Sadak defended social democracy, laid great emphasis on language for the formation of a nation, sided with a statist approach that integrates with the society rather than staying irrelevant to it, and always defended secularism. KEY WORDS: Necmettin Sadık Sadak, Turkish National Assembly, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kemalist Ideology, Sociology

    Opracowanie nowego systemu klasyfikacji tkanin z tabelą kontroli wad w przemyśle odzieżowym

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    Fabric defects are usually manually identified by quality control staff in the apparel industry. Control charts are an appropriate tool to achieve this goal. In this study, knitted fabric often used in an apparel factory were used in both the detection and classification process. The systematic classification of fabric defects such as critical, major, and minor types was achieved. Then, by calculating the "D" scores of fabric types, the types of errors out of the lower and upper control limits were determined. According to the results of the experiment, it was shown that the fabric grading process can be performed with demerit control charts.Wady tkaniny są zwykle identyfikowane ręcznie przez pracowników kontroli jakości w branży odzieżowej. Wykresy kontrolne są odpowiednim narzędziem do osiągnięcia tego celu. Zbadano materiały często używane w fabrykach odzieży. Osiągnięto systematyczną klasyfikację defektów tkaniny: krytyczne, główne i pomniejsze. Następnie, dokonując oceny „D” typów tkanin, określono typy błędów poza dolną i górną granicą kontrolną. Na podstawie wyników eksperymentu wykazano, że proces klasyfikacji tkanin można przeprowadzić przy użyciu kart kontrolnych