3 research outputs found

    Ipsilateral Lymphatic and Venous Malformations Affecting the Midface Area

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    A 22-year-old woman presented with progressive swelling of the nasal conjunctiva in the left eye. Anterior segment examination revealed a diffuse cystic appearance to the inferonasal bulbar conjunctiva and plica semilunaris. Anterior segment swept-source optical coherence tomography (OCT) revealed clear hyporeflective spaces demarcated by hyperreflective septae in the affected conjunctiva, consistent with the diagnosis of lymphatic malformation (LM). Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a well circumscribed intraconal mass located inferonasally in the left orbit. Systemic examination revealed a lesion similar to LM on the left hard palate. The left conjunctival mass was excised subtotally. Subsequently, a transconjunctival anterior orbitotomy was performed and the left orbital mass was completely removed intact. Histopathologically, the conjunctival mass was diagnosed as LM and the orbital mass as venous malformation (VM). This case represents a rare coexistence of histopathologically proven conjunctival LM and orbital VM as well as a presumed LM of the hard palate, all 3 lesions occurring in the ipsilateral midface area

    Orbital Cavernous Hemangioma Presenting with a Dome-Shaped Maculopathy-Like Appearance on Swept-Source Optical Tomography Imaging

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    A 43-year-old patient presented with painless proptosis, limited upgaze, and vision loss in the right eye. Funduscopic examination revealed right optic disc edema and subtle macular compression. Swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) revealed a smooth contoured elevation of the posterior pole without any distortion of retinal structures, an appearance closely simulating dome-shaped maculopathy. Swept-source optical coherence tomography angiography (SS-OCTA) revealed normal retinal and choroidal vasculature. Orbital magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a well-circumscribed intraconal mass compressing the globe and optic nerve in the right orbit. An anterior orbitotomy was performed, whereby the tumor was totally excised and diagnosed histopathologically as cavernous hemangioma. This case represents an orbital cavernous hemangioma touching the eyeball and producing compression of the posterior pole presenting with a dome-shaped maculopathy-like appearance on SS-OCT. SS-OCT and SS-OCTA are important noninvasive tools for evaluating the retinal and choroidal effects in orbital tumors

    Türk halkında Ganglion hücre kompleksinin ve retina sinir lifi kalınlığının değerlendirilmesi

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    *Adam, Mehmet ( Aksaray, Yazar )To determine the effects of age and sex on retinal ganglion cell complex thickness and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in the eyes of healthy individuals. Patients and Methods: We evaluated 393 healthy subjects aged 10-84 years in a cross-sectional study between November 2012 and May 2013. Linear regression analysis and Pearson’s correlation were performed to analyze the difference in the age-related changes. We evaluated the relationship between the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and ganglion cell compl ex thickness using Pearson’ s correlation. Results: The whole population mean retinal nerve fiber layer thickness was 108.94±9.77 μm, and decreased by 0.101 μm/year. The most significant decrease was in the supero-temporal sector. There was no difference in the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness between sexes, except for the superior quadrant. The mean ganglion cell complex thickness was 97.45±6.42 μm, and decreased by 0.043 μm/year. There was no relationship between sex and ganglion cell complex thickness. The mean retinal nerve fiber layer and ganglion cell complex thicknesses exhibited a significant c orrelation. Conclusion: The ganglion cell complex thickness and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness decreased significantly with age but ganglion cell complex thickness was less af fected.Sağlıklı bireylerde yaş ve cinsiyetin ganglion hücre kompleksi ve retina sinir lifi kalınlığı üzerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Hastalar ve Yöntem: Bu kesitsel çalışmada Kasım 2012 - Mayıs 2013 tarihleri arasında yaşları 10-84 arasında değişen 393 sağlıklı katılımcıyı değerlendirdik. Yaşa bağlı değişikler lineer regresyon analizi ve Pearson korelasyon analizi ile incelendi. Retina sinir lifi kalınlığı ve ganglion hücre kompleksi arasındaki ilişki pearson korelasyon testi ile değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Tüm populasyonun ortalama retina sinir lifi kalınlığı 108.94±9.77 μm idi ve yıllık 0.101 μm azalmaktaydı. En önemli azalma üst temporal bölümde görüldü. Üst kadran hariç retina sinir lifi kalınlığında cinsiyete göre fark bulunamadı. Ortalama ganglion hücre kompleksi kalınlığı 97.45±6.42 μm olarak bulundu ve her yıl 0.043 μm azalmaktaydı. Cinsiyetle ganglion hücre kalınlığı arasında bir ilişki bulunmazken retina sinir lifi ile ganglion hücre kompleksi aras ında anlamlı korelasyon tespit edilmiştir . Sonuç: Retina sinir lifi kalınlığı ve ganglion hücre kompleksi kalınlığı yaşla birlikte önemli ölçüde azalmaktadır ancak ganglion hücre kalınlığı daha az etkilenmektedir