16 research outputs found

    Conflict between adolescents and parents

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    Problematika konfliktnosti med mladostnikom in starši je kljub porastu števila raziskav v tujini v Sloveniji še vedno relativno neraziskano področje. Aktualnost konfliktov v družini odraža tudi naraščajoče število agresivnih izražanj družinskih sporov v slovenski družbi, ki s tem dnevno postavlja znanost pred nove strokovne izzive. V članku najprej opredelimo konfliktnost v družini in pojem ločimo od drugih sorodnih pojmov. Prispevek prinaša tudi pomembna teoretična in empirično podprta izhodišča za razumevanje razlogov konfliktnosti v družini, natančneje konfliktnosti med mladostnikom in starši. Kritično predstavljamo razvojno psihološki vidik konfliktov med mladostnikom in starši, kjer soočamo in ocenjujemo štiri danes aktualne možne perspektive razvojno-psihološke razlage konfliktnosti: psihoanalitični vidik, socio-biološki, kognitivno razvojni in socio-relacijski vidik. Nazadnje pa v prispevku osvetlimo konfliktnost med mladostniki in starši kot element spremembe celotnega družinskega sistema skozi prizmo soočanja družine s stresom v skladu s Burr-Kleinovim modelom in omenjen model ovrednotimo na osnovi hipotetično predstavljenega primera delovanja družine.Despite the growing number of studies on family conflict abroad this issue still remains relatively unexplored in Slovenia. The importance of this issue is also evident from the increasing incidence of aggressive behaviour in family disputes in the Slovenian society. This represents new challenges science is faced with daily. Firstly, this paper tries to define the concept of family dispute and to separate it from other related concepts. Secondly, we provide a valuable theoretical and empirical understanding of reasons that determine conflict in the family, and more specifically the conflict between adolescents and their parents. The article critically points out the psychological and developmental aspect of the conflict between adolescents and their parents, where four possible developmental psychological perspectives and interpretations of conflicts in family are confronted and evaluated: the psychoanalytic perspective, the socio-biological, the cognitive developmental and the sociorelational aspects. Finally, the article tries to illuminate conflict in family as an element of change of the entire family system through the prism of family coping with stress adopting the Burr-Klein model (1994) and to evaluate the model on the basis of a hypothetically presented case of family functioning

    Mutual relatedness of children in homogeneous and in combined age groups

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    Glavni namen raziskave je ugotoviti, ali obstajajo razlike v pogostosti pojavljanja posameznih sociometričnih položajev in struktur otrok glede na starostno kombinirane in starostno homogene skupine. Raziskovanje je potekalo v časovnem obdobju dveh mesecev in je temeljilo na neslučajnostnem, namenskem vzorcu petih starostno homogenih in petih starostno kombiniranih skupin. Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo kvantitativne tehnike sociometrične preizkušnje, intervjujev vzgojiteljic za pridobitev opisov osebnostnih lastnosti ter anketnega vprašalnika za starše. V empiričnem delu smo na osnovi sociometrične preizkušnje želeli ugotoviti, ali obstajajo razlike v medsebojni povezanosti med starostno homogenimi in starostno kombiniranimi skupinami. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se v starostno homogenih skupinah pojavlja več priljubljenih in več zavrnjenih otrok. Te skupine imajo tudi večji indeks kohezivnosti ter ugodnejšo strukturo skupine v primerjavi s starostno kombiniranimi skupinami. Starejši otroci v starostno kombiniranih skupinah izbirajo med otroki podobne starosti, medtem ko so mlajši otroci izbirali starejše. Posledično to privede do ugotovitve, da so mlajši otroci v večini prezrti, medtem ko se med priljubljene otroke uvrstijo le starejši. Ob analizi sociogramov skupin smo ugotovili, da so mlajši otroci v starostno kombiniranih skupinah v večini osamljeni.The essential purpose of the survey was to find out if between combined and in homogeneous age groups there are differences in frequency of occurrence of individual sociometrical positions and structure of children. The research was based on non-accidental, purposive sample of five homogeneous and five combined age groups. Based on sociometric test, in the empirical part, we wished to find out if there are differences in mutual connections between homogeneous and combined age groups. The research was done over a period of two months and was based on non-accidental, purposive sample of five homogeneous and five combined age groups. We obtained the data with the help of the quantitative technique of sociometric test. The results of the research show that there are more popular and more rejected children in homogeneous age groups. These groups also have a higher index of cohesiveness and a more favourable structure of the group in comparison to combined age groups. Older children in combined age groups choose among children of similar age and younger children choose from among older children. Consequentially, the results lead to the finding that younger children are mostly overlookedonly the older children can be among the popular ones. With the analysis of the sociograms of groups we found out that in combined age groups younger children are mostly lonely

    Professional competences of preschool teachers for working with gifted young children in Slovenia

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    Recognizing giftedness in young preschool children presents an important challenge to all educators. Because giftedness needs nurturing, the aim of the research was to emphasize the importance of gifted children\u27s right to adequate educational opportunities, which will stimulate the optimal development of their potentials. In order to achieve the latter, appropriately qualified preschool teachers are needed, in both diagnostic (the identification of the preschool gifted children) and educational field. The main purpose of the study (N=180) was to analyse professional qualifications and attitudes of preschool teachers in the area of identifying and working with gifted children from age 2 to age 6. The non-experimental causal method was used. The results of the research in Slovenia show the following problems: preschool teachers are inadequately informed about the issues concerning working with gifted childrenthey tend to have low self-competence in identifying personal characteristics of gifted children and in the appropriate use of teaching strategies when working with themthey stress the necessity for further education and professional training in the field of gifted children education

    Od konkretne izkušnje do reflektiranih spoznanj

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    Pedagoško praktično usposabljanje pomeni enega izmed ključnih elementov v procesu usposabljanja bodočih strokovnih delavcev v vzgoji in izobraževanju, saj prinaša izkušnje aktivnega dela s predšolskimi otroki in izkušnje sodelovanja s strokovnimi delavci v praksi. Namen predmeta Praktičnega usposabljanja 1 je spoznavanje in opazovanje različnih področij otrokovega delovanja ter refleksija študentovega lastnega dela in razumevanja delovanja otrok. Študentu namreč predvsem konkretna pedagoška izkušnja omogoča, da v svoje začetno pedagoško delo smiselno in kritično vključuje teoretična znanja ter tako postopoma izgrajuje svoje kompetence bodočega vzgojitelja predšolskih otrok

    Building teacher competence: the role of university teachers and mentor teachers

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    In the chapter Building teacher competence: the role of university teachers and mentor teachers, Tina Štemberger and Sonja Čotar Konrad address the question of building teacher competence within the system of initial teacher education in Slovenia. It first focuses on the concept of teacher competence and on the system of initial teacher education in Slovenia, with a particular focus on teacher educators’ role. Teacher educators — university-based teachers and mentor teachers—are regarded as role models to prospective teachers and an important factor in the process of developing teacher competence. Therefore, strong cooperation and partnership between these two groups should be established, including the design of pre- and in-service programmes for (future) teachers.Collection name: LIBRARY "PEDAGOGICAL THEORY AND PRACTICE" 5

    Parent - adolescent conflict style and conflict outcome: Age and gender differences

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    The present paper focuses on age and gender differences in parent - adolescent conflict styles (compromise and aggressive) and conflict outcomes (frustration, escalation and intimacy). Data were gathered by the Slovenian version of the ‘When we disagree’ scale, which was completed by 514 adolescents (54% female; 14 - 19 years old, split into two age groups). Results revealed significant differences between the adolescents’ perceptions of their own conflict style, and their mother/father conflict styles. Mothers were more often perceived to have either more aggressive or more compromising conflict styles in comparison to adolescents’ own stiles or fathers’ styles. Analyzing adolescents’ age differences, middle aged adolescents reported higher level of mother’s aggressiveness, higher levels of frustration and escalation in conflicts with mothers, as well as higher frustration in conflicts with fathers in comparison to their younger peers. Gender differences in style and outcome of conflicts revealed a more complex pattern: girls exhibited more compromising conflict style with mother and more aggressive conflict style with fathers than boys; there were no gender differences in parent - adolescent conflict outcomes. The established differences could inform policies, and help tailoring conflict resolution programs for this specific age group

    "How and why should I study?": metacognitive learning strategies and motivational beliefs as important predictors of academic performance of student teachers

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    The study examined the relationship between metacognitive learning strategies and motivational beliefs, predicting academic performance of student teachers. The main aim of the study was to examine the predictive value of motivational beliefs and metacognitive learning strategies for students\u27 academic performance. In the study 307 student teachers of the Faculty of Education completed the revised version of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (Pintrich & de Groot, 1990). Regression analyses revealed that a higher sense of self-efficacy predicted better academic performance and a higher test anxiety predicted poorer academic performance. The implications of motivational orientation for cognitive engagement and self-regulation at the faculty are discussed

    Conflict between adolescents and parents: Developmental and systemic perspectives of conflict in family

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    Despite the growing number of studies on family conflict abroad this issue still remains relatively unexplored in Slovenia. The importance of this issue is also evident from the increasing incidence of aggressive behaviour in family disputes in the Slovenian society. This represents new challenges science is faced with daily. Firstly, this paper tries to define the concept of family dispute and to separate it from other related concepts. Secondly, we provide a valuable theoretical and empirical understanding of reasons that determine conflict in the family, and more specifically the conflict between adolescents and their parents. The article critically points out the psychological and developmental aspect of the conflict between adolescents and their parents, where four possible developmental psychological perspectives and interpretations of conflicts in family are confronted and evaluated: the psychoanalytic perspective, the socio-biological, the cognitive developmental and the sociorelational aspects. Finally, the article tries to illuminate conflict in family as an element of change of the entire family system through the prism of family coping with stress adopting the Burr-Klein model (1994) and to evaluate the model on the basis of a hypothetically presented case of family functioning

    Pedagoška psihologija

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    Reflection: the way towards professional identity and an important resource about the selfperception of preschool programme students and their mentors in public kindergarten

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    Izhajajoč iz spoznanj Korthagna (2004), da za uspešno poklicno delovanje niso dovolj izključno pridobljene kompetence, pač pa tudi reflektiranje svojega poklicnega poslanstva in identitete, samoizpraševanje o lastnem doživljanju poklica, prepričanjih in vrednotah ter razlogih za opravljanje poklica, nas je zanimal vsebinski vidik vodene refleksije kot aktivne konstrukcije in rekonstrukcije poklicne identitete pri študentih predšolske vzgoje in njihovih mentorjih % vzgojiteljicah v vrtcih. V skladu z realističnim pristopom (Korthagen 2001) smo na podlagi kvalitativne študije ugotavljali razlike med zaznavami mentorjev in študentov glede njihove poklicne identitete, občutka kompetentnosti ter vsebine identificiranih potreb glede profesionalnega znanja. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 50 študentov prvega letnika programa predšolska vzgoja Univerze na Primorskem, Pedagoške fakultete in 50 mentorjev študentom na praksi v javnih vrtcih po Sloveniji. Ugotavljamo, da študentje v primerjavi z mentorji pogosteje izražajo potrebe, ki so v povezavi s konkretnimi procesnimi znanji. Odgovori mentorjev so po drugi strani bolj splošni, vsebinsko manj opredeljeni, poklicna kompetentnost pa je pogosto utemeljena z dosedanjimi delovnimi izkušnjami. Študija pomembno prepoznava tudi potrebe po znanju s posameznih vsebinskih področij in posledično ponuja možnost za revidiranje dodiplomskih študijskih programov in pripravo programov dodatnega strokovnega usposabljanja.This article reports on a qualitative study that explored the professional identity of a preschool teacher and preschool-teacher student, their professional beliefs and identified needs for their professional knowledge. According to Korthagen\u27s realistic approach (20012004) self-concept and teacher\u27s reflection can have a decisive influence in the way they function in everyday working situations. Study identified differences in students\u27 and mentors-educators\u27 perceptions of professional identity, a sense of competence and needs for professional education. The research involved 50 students of preschool teacher program, University of Primorska, Faculty of Education and 50 mentor-educators preschool teachers in public kindergartens in Slovenia. Results inducted that preschool-teacher students often reflect the needs that are directly related to the specific substantive procedural knowledge. But on the other hand, we found that mentors often reflect their knowledge as sufficient, report need for professional knowledge that is substantially less defined and their professional competence is often justified with their previous work experiences. The study also identifies reported needs for professional knowledge in particular subject areas, and consequently offers the opportunity to revise undergraduate programs and develop programs for additional professional training