8 research outputs found

    Island Schools : Sustainable Transport Teacher Pack

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    This teacher pack is designed to support Island School teachers who are embarking on the second year of the Island School Educational Programme together with their pupils. How the programme works as a whole is explained in more detail below. The teacher pack provides lesson or ‘session’ plans, which can be used as flexibly as you’d like. Feel free to make use of the materials in the ‘additional materials’ section of the pack or integrate your own materials. Take as long or short as you like to follow the programme in coordination with your partner school. And most importantly: have fun and follow the pupils’ curiosity

    Island Schools : Sustainable Tourism Teacher Pack

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    This teacher pack is designed to support Island School teachers who are embarking on the first year of the Island School Educational Programme together with their pupils. How the programme works as a whole is explained in more detail below. The teacher pack provides lesson or ‘session’ plans, which can be used as flexibly as you’d like. Feel free to make use of the materials in the ‘additional materials’ section of the pack or integrate your own materials. Take as long or short as you like to follow the programme in coordination with your partner school. And most importantly: have fun and follow the pupils’ curiosity

    Island Schools: Policy Briefings for Island Schools : Based on the stakeholder meeting results of all project partners

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    The Island Schools project provides policy recommendations on the future of sustainable education on Europe's islands. A key part of this comes from pupils of Island Schools themselves, using a technique called 'backcasting' to come up with solutions for the sustainable future of their islands and the important role of schools and young people in realising it

    „Ég hef ákveðin völd, en þau eru ekki viðurkennd." Viðhorf og reynsla kvenna í pólitísku starfi á sveitarstjórnarstiginu

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    Í þessu lokaverkefni eru kynntar niðurstöður rannsóknar á viðhorfum og reynslu kvenna sem starfa eða hafa starfað sem kjörnir fulltrúar í sveitarstjórnum eða sem fulltrúar flokka í nefndum og ráðum á sveitarstjórnarstiginu. Mun meiri hreyfanleiki hefur verið á konum en körlum inn og út úr sveitarstjórnum og mikilvægt að skoða mögulegar ástæður þess. Við rannsóknina var eigindlegri aðferðafræði beitt og gagna aflað með viðtölum við 14 konur úr ólíkum flokkum sem starfa eða hafa starfað á sveitarstjórnarstiginu. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að öðlast þekkingu á stjórnmálakerfinu, reglum og vinnubrögðum innan stjórnmálaflokka og starfsumhverfi sveitarstjórnarstigsins. Viðhorf kvenna til ofangreindra þátta voru rædd og áhrif þeirra á vinnumenningu, tækifæri og stöðu kvenna innan skipulagsheildanna í von um að geta varpað ljósi á ástæður þess að konur endast skemur í starfinu en karlar. Megin niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar eru að vinnumenning á sveitarstjórnar-stiginu er mótuð samkvæmt hefðbundnum hugmyndum um leikreglur stjórnmálanna, sem eru betur sniðnar að körlum en konum. Þessar hugmyndir hafa áhrif á viðhorf og stöðu kvenna innan pólitískra skipulagsheilda þar sem konur upplifa oft ákveðnar hindranir eins og þöggun, útilokun frá valdastöðum og ákveðið virðingaleysi við málaflokka sem konur vinna fremur að en karlar. Ljóst er að konur hafa áhuga á stjórnmálastarfi en þær telja sig oft hafa komist að vegna utanaðkomandi þrýstings á flokkana um aukinn sýnileika kvenna en ekki vegna persónulegra eiginleika eða mannkosta. Konurnar vilja sjá ákveðnar breytingar hvað varðar vinnulag í pólitískum skipulagsheildum þar sem meiri áhersla þarf að vera á samvinnu, gegnsæi, sveigjanleika og lýðræðisleg vinnubrögð. Slíkar breytingar myndu laða fleiri konur að stjórnmálastarfi og lengja starfstíma þeirra.This thesis presents the findings of a study on the experience and views of women who have worked and are working as elected officials in municipal councils or nonelected officials in municipal committees. Women have for many years averaged a shorter tenure, as elected officials, than men. Therefore it is important to search for possible explanations for their increased turnover. The thesis is conducted according to qualitative methodology and is based on interviews with fourteen women who work or have worked for different political parties in municipalities. The aim of the thesis was to identify the structure, rules and procedures in political parties and municipalities as a workplace. The women´s ideas about these work-related factors were discussed and the ways they affect work culture and women´s opportunities and status. The findings are then used to cast a light on reasons for the shorter tenure of women as elected officials in municipalities. The main findings show that the work culture in municipalities reflects cultural ideas about the rules of the game in political settings which seem more suitable for men than women. These ideas affect the views and experience of women in political institutions where they experience hindrances like reticence, exclusion from power and decreased value of the issues they represent. It is obvious that women are interested in political work but they claim that the political parties are interested in them as political candidates because of outside pressure to present women, not because of their personal abilities or qualities. The women would like to see changes in the work and procedures of political institutions where more emphasis is on collective work, transparency, flexibility and democracy. Such changes would increase women’s participation in politics at the municipal level as well as lengthening their tenure

    Island Schools : Ocean Plastics Teacher Pack

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    This teacher pack is designed to support Island School teachers who are embarking on the first year of the Island School Educational Programme together with their pupils. How the programme works as a whole is explained in more detail below. The teacher pack provides lesson or ‘session’ plans, which can be used as flexibly as you’d like. Feel free to make use of the materials in the ‘additional materials’ section of the pack or integrate your own materials. Take as long or short as you like to follow the programme in coordination with your partner school. And most importantly: have fun and follow the pupils’ curiosity